Dunno why I bought this, shit absolutely stinks. Sludgy, slow, ugly, and that's before you even start playing!

What if Vampire Survivors had minging mobile F2P gimmicks in it? What if I punched myself in the head repeatedly? What if, what if?

Recently, I had a thought that is purely speculative. It feels to me that anyone who will tell you they love a specific SNES game will also follow that up with "And it STILL HOLDS UP!" Like, think about it, if anyone you know talks about Mario World, they'll likely add "And I 100%'d it during lockdown and you know what? Still holds up!"

Anyway, I don't feel like I've ever heard anyone say that about Donkey Kong Country! I've never played DKC, so I thought I'd play it to see if, well, it holds up.

It does not.

I played through this on my Miyoo Mini, which obviously allows for save states. I'm not one of these cunts that says "Ah, but if you used savestates/rewinds you didn't really beat the game" because I've known satisfaction in my life from things that aren't video games. However, because I was specifically trying to see if it felt fun to play in 2023, I tried to play it "legit". No save states or rewinds. Fuck me what a slog. Just a horrid experience.

Lichess is the best chess platform on your phone. It has all the features of Chess.com that you have to pay for (puzzles, stockfish analysis, lessons, custom tournaments) but for free! Genuinely for free, no bullshit. All of which has improved my game a little bit (I'm still trash but I enjoy trying to learn)

Queen OP pls nerf

Fuckin hate this game, lol (laughing at LOL (League Of Legends))

Oh dear oh dear. I've heard great things about Power Pros over the years, and have always wanted a version in English. This ain't it though folks. It appears Konami sticking "e" in front of a sport is a harbinger of A Bad Time

After burning out on Super Auto Pets (still the GOAT Auto Battler btw) I figured I'd use my years of LoL addiction to my advantage and try TFT.

It's fiddly as fuck on phones, and to play it on PC you have to install actual, full-fat, honest-to-god League Of Legends and play it within that. Fuck off. Don't do that to me, how dare you.

Dunno if it was cause I played this off the back of Persona 5 Royal changing my life, but this ended up doing nothing for me. God the combat is SO boring, and fights take SO long. Just standing there watching timers. The different classes feel like they make very very little difference to what was going on. After playing Bravely Default 2 a few years ago, with it's fun and inventive job system, XC3 just felt like "You can be a tank with a Green jacket, or a white one?", and that's SHITE.

Was holding on for the story but honestly, it just didn't have enough to keep me going. A shame really.

This seems absolutely cracking, no doubt. I had to do a section as V and didn't like it at all, and then I started another JRPG. I'll probably get back to it at some point, but the idea of doing any more fights as V is a massive turn off.

There were some things in my video game canon that felt absolute. That were either set in stone by the truth of their existence, or by my stubbornness to consider an alternative.

"Final Fantasy IX is my favourite JRPG" was one of those absolute truths. I've played loads of JRPGS since I first played FFIX as a 10 year old. I've always compared them against the measuring stick of Terra and Gaia. But now? Now I have played Persona 5, and nothing will be the same for me again.

I think this is a near perfect video game. Just throwing that out there now. I think it's an all timer. It's my favourite JRPG, that's for sure. Is it my favourite game of all time? It is far too soon after finishing it to say, but it's certainly up there.

I could go into how compelling the world, characters, story, music, and systems are. But honestly, all I can say is that this game took over my mind in a way games rarely do these days. It filled the spaces of all my idle thoughts, it pressed on me and pressed on me until it left it's imprint, firm and forever. It took my heart, fully.

Slightly boring boss weapons, good stage design, good boss fights, fuck Proto Man I hate him

The kind of game that leaves me slackjawed staring at a screen for hours, completely unaware of anything going on around me. Making wee conveyor belt monstrosities. I imagine I'll end up with about 7,000,000 hours in this eventually.