Movement is pretty clunky, and honestly the patterns and enemies are just boring. Have tried several times to get deep into it but it's so easy to quit out of when you run out of lives.

Made my eldest son cry and made my wife tell me to fuck off about 4 times in one game.

I consider myself a Big Pokémon Boy, love those wee guys, man. I played about 12-15 hours of this and it just didn't click with me fully. I like the new formula, but the best review I can give is that I just traded it in for Pokémon Mystery Dungeon DX.

I didn't play this recently but it's one of my favourite games of all time, Top 5 easily.

Vampire Survivors but a Shmup. Hey, I like BOTH of those things!

Absolutely incredible cartoon, unbelievably bad video game.

This seems like a fun little game but I dunno, it feels so sparse. Combat encounters are so simple and they take just a few beats longer than they need to so I just start getting very bored with the 12th battle in a row where I just hit auto and it goes for a while. Feels especially noticeable cause I played FF1 for the first time last year and didn't have that issue with it.

Might go back at some point and try and finish it up, but not feeling massively fussed to do so.

A mate who's a Celtic fan insisted I traded for a player called Brendan Rogers, and he's been leading the team ever since.

An unbelievable time sink, can't stop playing.

Lets go Mets baby, love da Mets.

Hate this. Stupid remix of the perfect formula. Scrabble for cunts.

(Gameboy version)


Very good "hitting Sus looking chairs with a wrench" simulator.

I have no doubt there's an incredible game here, I can feel the bones of it in the couple of hours I've played of it.

But doing so on a controller is horrific. Truly an unpleasant experience. Controls like absolute dogshit.



I made a team called the Scotland Sluggers, populated it with players with pun names (Wren Frew and Lyn Lithgow, absolute stars of the diamond) and I support them with all my heart.

I like to imagine that somewhere, deep inside Square, someone was making a fully fledged JRPG. A big wig walked over and saw it on the screen and thought "You know, if we just scoop the characters, story, setting, music, art, and voice acting out, we'd have a really popular Visual Novel on our hands!"

So they did. They got one of those serrated spoons you get for scooping out pumpkin guts and SPLOOOSH... out it came.

But what to do with the shell? Pumpkin seeds are delicious, and it's insides can be made into pies, but what of the big, hard, kinda ugly left overs?

Dungeon Encounters is like carving a little face on a gourd, sticking a candle inside and going "There you go, fill in some squares"

It's good, basically.

What if The Witness was more word-based and less pretentious? It's this. It's this game. God it's good.