Been trying to play through all the main line FF games, and this was next on the slate. It is bang average tbh. The story is about as textbook as it could possibly get, and it's not even the best FF with a (rot 13 spoiler) "gur onq thl vf npghnyyl gur znva punenpgref oebgure!!!!!!" It's fairly standard early FF fare in the combat, and even the optional stuff is mostly boring. Getting the Bahamut summon shouldn't be boring.

Anyway, the last dungeon is a tiring slog, enemies have millions of HP but aren't interesting, fun, or particularly dangerous.

I put this below FF1 on my list because FF1 is such a blank slate that you can put your own story on it, apply a bit of imagination. Also I just prefer it, so eat my farts maybe?

It's telling, too, that IV is one of the least represented in FF orchestra shows or remixes. Just a dull affair all round.

I didn't play it recently, but I was just sitting here thinking about how it's a perfect video game.

What a lovely wee puzzle platformer this is. Can bash the whole thing out in under an hour and it's got some fun little ideas. Really tickled the speedrunner part of my brain too.

Play it here on phones and browsers:

Another test of communication skills for me and my wife, another incredible success. 4 star game, 5 star wife tbh...

Hey they added like a shit tonne of new stuff to this 2018 game and its all really good????

I really liked this! Cool world, fun CRPG gameplay.

Stopped playing when I went on holiday and have no interest in going back

is that a good review? Yes, no, dunno mate

Fun little puzzle game that peters out new ideas too infrequently to cause me to go back over and over

I'd still rather play Super Mega Baseball 3 than this, but sometimes people want to play this and I am obliged.

Good fun, absolutely brutal occasionally, even on the base difficulty.

Name a series with more dizzying highs and baffling lows than Pac-Man. Some of the most incredible, pivotal games in the history of the medium, and also Pac In Time

Some really, genuinely fun stuff, incredibly creative for the time, but an absolute pain in the tits to play these days. Sometimes the controls feel great, sometimes it feels like you're trying to direct an actual bear to jump on a crab with a bird going absolutely mental strapped to its back.

I've got COVID. Oh no! Och, I'm fine. I feel like shite but I'll live.

Anyway my brain has been soup and focusing has been hard. Being able to jump in and play a few levels at a time of this absolutely stunning little puzzle platformer has been a blessing. A real hidden gem on the Gameboy. Hidden in that none of you pricks have logged it on here, come on wind your neck in, play Donkey Kong on the Gameboy.

Who's afraid of the big bad wolf?
Afraid of playing his game ever again, that is.