Really good. Bought it on a whim years ago and loved it, unfortunately none of the other Shantae games come close.

Base Persona 5 is definitely a video game

Flawed in almost every way but still some of the best atmosphere in anything I've ever read, watched, or played. Takumi is great too.

FUCK I need to replay this sometime this decade. Such an underrated gem

The best GBA Fire Emblem. Sorry, I don't make the rules.

Would honestly be a contender for best game in the series if it wasn't like that

This game is for cucks but it's pretty good I can't even lie

Underappreciated. Obviously terrible case 3 but besides that, this game has a lot to love.

A really nice rebound from Dual Destinies! Has one of the best cases (6-2) in the entire series and a really nice ending, good character stuff all around. More of this please.

A love letter to the entire Ace Attorney series. Turns series conventions and tropes on their heads in magnificent ways. Great stuff, but also needlessly slow at times

My earliest exposure to kino


I feel like in a few years, given proper care and updates from the devs, this game will be a real masterpiece. As of now it's just really fun for a few hours before something else catches your eye more and you move on.

One of the most important games of all time. Takes every possible advantage it can of the video game medium. Painfully detailed and infinitely replayable. Absolutely beautiful mix of criticism and love for humankind. If this sounds pretentious, it's because it probably is. I love this game

Shocker, I know: Umineko, Chiru/Answer Arcs in particular, is my favorite piece of fiction.
I do not think I can say anything about it that someone below me hasn't said already. It's so important to me and I love absolutely everything about it. That's all, folks!