54 Reviews liked by Cren

Child of Light is a fantastic RPG that feels like you're playing through a fairytale. You join Aurora, a young princess who must save the land of Lemuria from the Queen of Night, all the while trying to return home. Along the way, you will meet extraordinary characters, from a golem trying to find the missing piece of himeslef to a gnome like creature trying to learn to be brave. These characters can, if offered the right opportunity, join Aurora on her quest, each of which playing an important role in the party.

Combat is your standard turn based combat. A character's speed will determine how fast they can take their turn. However where Child of Light differs from other turn based RPGs, is that even if a character is performing an attack or a spell, there is a chance an opponent can interrupt them, causing them to be pushed back in the queue. This adds a level of strategy to the game, as you must keep an eye on what your enemy is doing, as well as working out whether you can gamble and pull off a strong but slow attack or a weaker but quicker move.

Overall, Child of Light is an amazing game. It does not outstay its welcome, giving you a story that lasts about twelve hours, with a handful of side quests and collectibles to also complete. This is arguably one of Ubisoft's most beautiful, heartfelt games that I recommend all RPG fans try.

The Wolf Among Us is arguably the best Telltale game that has been released. The detective noir story that centered on a group of fairy tale characters had plenty of plot twists, enough to keep me playing. Each episode was perfectly paced and had a good balance of dialogue and action sections.

Telltale's signature art style fits perfectly with the gritty world of The Wolf Among Us. My only gripe would be that I noticed a couple of performance dips in some animation heavy scenes. This wasn't enough to spoil my experience but it was enough to be noticeable.

If you have yet to play The Wolf Among Us, I highly recommend you do so.

It is honestly one of those games you have to experience for yourself. I will warn you that this game explores mental illness and death but it does it in a thoughtful and considered way. You can tell that the developers spent a great deal of time researching these topics, treating the subject matter with the respect it deserves.

I personally enjoyed my time with Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice but I understand why for some this game is not for them. Not only does focus on serious subject matter but the gameplay is rather limited. There is a small amount of puzzle solving and combat but for the most part, you are just joining Senua on her through the underowrld. However at the end of the day, it is the story that Hellblade wants to tell that is the focus of the game.

Overall, I think that Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice acheieves what it sets out to do- tell the story of a celtic warrior who struggles to come to terms with her psychosis. If you are looking for a unique gaming experience that explores a subject rarely looked at within entertainment media, then I highly recommend you play Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice.

A interestingJ RPG set in the Digimon universe. I loved the monster catching/raising mechanics. At times, the story did seem to slow down but overall I enjoyed the experience.

Totally serviceable follow-up to the originals. About half of this game is a loving send up to the series and the games that came before it, and the other half is "haha dark souls of platformers" that relies on exploiting the quirks of the sometimes janky physics while navigating imprecise or often unclear hitboxes. So, it's fun, except when it's not. Plus, there are so many collectibles that are just busywork-tier mobile game nonsense that I have less than zero desire to revisit this for any sort of completion goals. I even stopped attempting to get all of the boxes in each level by the last world.

Unrelated: I want to know what maniac on the dev team thought 450 boxes in a single level was a good idea. I just wanna talk, bro, just a quick little chat... Just got a couple questions, like where the two I missed were hidden.......

why is this game so punishing. how does he live in a house that on a daily basis is capable of killing him. why has nobody called social services. he is not safe in his own home.

This game has everything I want in a JRPG: a large magical world to explore, larger than life characters to journey with and an interesting story to discover.In Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch, you follow Oliver, a young boy, who embarks on a journey to save his mother and a magical world. I'll be honest, the beginning of the game gives Disney a run for its money for an emotional beginning. Over the course of the game, you will watch Oliver as he grows into the role of the hero that the worlds need him to be.

But Oliver won't be saving the worlds alone. He is joined by Esther, a young girl who is also the daughter of a powerful Sage and Swaine, a rogue who has a heart underneath his rough exterior. And I can't forget my favourite character, Mr. Drippy, who acts as Oliver's mentor, guide and sidekick! The one thing I like about the characters is that none of them get on my nerves. Each character has their moment to shine but don't take away imprtant moments from other characters.

Its not just Ni No Kuni's characters that are colourful, but also the world as well. In fact, the game's visual style is bright and colourful, which helps to give the game a storybook feel.

Finally, the gameplay, whilst doesn't revolutionise the genre, it does the job perfectly. The battle system is very easy to learn but allows players to be more tactical, should they wish to.

Overall, Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch is one of the best JRPGs I've played and I can see why many people consider it a classic. If you are a fan of the JRPG genre, I stronbly suggest you give Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch a go.

Excellent storytelling with interesting and unique gameplay.

This was a really enjoyable journey. The characters is awesome and very cheerful, just talking with them feels good. Every region has its own unique theme, thanks to the art direction in this game whenever you get to a new place, it feels so fresh and cozy. I really liked the mechanich's of each region it was fun to play and consistent new gameplay mechanich's was fun to use. General story is really cool, the game is short and story keeps you interested until the end. Just playing music feels good in this game, i would recommend this game to a music lover and i think every music lover should experience it once in their lifetime.

i genuinely cannot think of a single thing this game is missing. like, you think about a few of the most important things about a game, there's gameplay, pacing, aesthetic, story, characters and soundtrack, right?

gameplay. check. you can save a blind lady by manically breakdancing.

pacing. check. that one's up to you, and the game has more than enough to keep you distracted with all its minigames if you need a break from the story. shout out to the cabaret czar minigame because i would play literally an entire game of just that.

aesthetic. check. yakuza 0's neon-tinged portrayal of a bubble era japanese "entertaiment" district evokes nostalgia even in those who know nothing about either japan or good economies.

story. check. the twists keep things interesting, and it brings you to care about even the people who aren't kiryu and majima. kuze's arc is worth noting. yakuza 0's story is very much like a tapestry coming together.

characters. check. again i'm pointing to kuze as a good example, but also to majima, whose origins were NOT what people expected, in the best way possible, and seeing him let the mad dog of shimano out is satisfying like nothing else.

soundtrack. check. there are multiple memes associated with this game's soundtrack. MULTIPLE. you wanna get amped? pledge of demon. feeling silly? 24-hour cinderella. wanna celebrate? friday night.

i will never stop thinking about this game. i still rewatch clips from it. i listen to the soundtrack regularly. i still think about parts of it and cry sometimes. the whole thing is just so vibrant and it's one of my all time favourite games.

Such an amazing game! I never actually played the original RDR, but I still enjoyed this game nevertheless. Incredible story, awesome music and fun quests kept me hooked until the very end! I highly recommend picking up this beauty of a game.

Such a fun game! Never played a Spider-Man game before so I didn’t exactly know what I was in for. But gosh this game was so fun! I also bought all the DLC and enjoyed it all!

An absolutely incredible story! TLoU offers very good and intense gameplay with a great cast of characters. I’ve replayed the game more than once and really had fun with it every time!