Wellp, our beloved Haruka gets Knocked up with some douchebag who couldn't own up to it AND Kiryu decides that it's time to "go buy some milk from the store"

Not good. definitely not a good story. nor ending. nor characters. nor plot. just...no.
As a yakuza fan this disappointed me but I was too proud to admit how I felt so I casually ignored the fact that the culmination of Kiryu Kazuma is....this.

That said, the game was definitely fun. combat was amazing and fresh yet familiar to the Yakuza player and the substories as good as they always were. Karaoke songs had a lovely addition such as "Today is a Diamond" and that alone could EASILY bump my opinion of this game as a whole upward.

Game still ends up making me a little sad, frustrated yet...accepting. it is what it is and I'll take it for what it is. but it won't change how I feel about it since it definitely had the weakest characters by far and much more...but let's not butcher too much, I ain't THAT harsh. 7/10

Fun while i was playing it ngl. I loved the challenge and the fun you can still have even when playing solo and all. one issue i have is how u just have to spray a dude with 500 bullets as they keep regenning with shields infinitely. EVEN with a great shot from a far. it's HIDE then HEAL then spray then HIDE then HEAL....yup.
It gets old but if you play aggressively it can be fun and intense as well.

Absolutely loved it. from the story to the short Ghibli cutscenes like rewards for my efforts. i loved this.

great story, characters, soundtrack and yes, even gameplay. it might be super simple but I strongly prefer it to it's sequel, Ni No Kuni 2.

That said, i have platinum'd this game and i enjoyed every moment of it. gameplay might've been a little too simplistic but i'm alright with that. 9/10

what a dumbass game but a really great story.
some of the dumbest, funniest shit happens in what was meant to be a SeRiOuS game with a deep and well written story. game was a joke but the story was nice. ok no more game and story. Noice.

a great way to set up for Life is Strange 2, a game which i adored.

Nothing much to say other than it being a pleasure to be honest. it was great to see how it tied in to Life is Strange 2 aswell. THAT made this worth it. 8/10

This game mesmerized me in a way that i didn't expect whatsoever.

I expected a great story FPS game but this bizarre, entrancing game was more than i could ever grasp.
a pleasant surprise nonethless. of course, i felt the effect of the Rushing of certain Chapters but that's excusable (for me) when there's too much to offer outside of it. One of the favorite games for a reason. 10/10


Ain't never gon' see nothin' like this. THAT much i'm sure of.

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From what i can remember, i didn't like the Ending. the Story kept a mysterious vibe to it which i dug but i kinda lost my interest around half-way. didn't keep me goin.

Characters were bland in my opinion, except for Dr.Darling of course. can't get enough of the guy.
Gameplay was good for a 3rd person shooter (not my favorite)

But the best parts of this game is Soundtrack and level design by FAR. very impressive and cool. the Shifting walls level was amazing. paired with such a great soundtrack to rock to? unbeatable.

With that said, This is a good game. but i know that it just ain't for me but i would DEFINITELY encourage others to play it. it's more of a "see if you like it" and it just ain't for me. atleast i know. 7/10

Hilarious, surprisingly fun gameplay? yeah, didn't regret playing this at all. worth every moment.

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As a sequel to Mass Effect 1? this disappoints me. but i've chosen to toughen it out and treat this game Solo to the first game due to it being quite an unloyal Sequel.

the things that happened in this game is basically Mass Effect 2 shooting Mass Effect 1 and taking it's belongings (Lore, worldbuilding, characters...etc)

Reapers went from "Rudimentary creatures of blood and flesh..." to "Sheparddddd"

Right, like a being that puts itself above all would acknowledge a lowly creature like a human. cool.

So what does this mean? this turned into an action pow pow....a GREAT action pow pow.

Despite deriving from Mass Effect 1, I respect the game on it's own. on what it accomplished WITH Mass Effect 1's Inheritance to it. can't help but admit that this one was a GOOD one. more Mass Effect just different Mass Effect. doesn't mean it's BAD Mass Effect as it's proven here with Part 2.

Final Boss was complete garbage in terms of writing though. a Human Reaper? let's not, huh? Reapers replicating these foolish creatures? let's seriously not huh? but it seriously happened so whatever. not my thing, it is what it is.

Glossed over the fact that Mass Effect 1 was murdered despite its setup for a sequel. aswell as the decisions in this game like making the reapers more of a predictable and less mysterious being orrr the final boss :)

like i said, This would be a dip from Mass Effect 1 BECAUSE it is a sequel. Retconned tons of shit. but....despite all that? it's a Mass Effect game so of course I'd be biased to an extent.

180+ Hours flew by and I can SITLL come back for more. but for now? I'll call it quits and say that I really enjoyed the game and had some great fun with it all in all. i LOVE me some Roguelike deckbuilders and this was does it exceptionally.

"Tommy angelo?"

I honestly love this game so much. a huge fan of mob movies and series so this one was comfortable to play.
Loved the characters and that sweet, sweet soundtrack. Paulie was great aswell. A favorite, if i'm being honest.

All in all an amazing experience with this game and I'm glad it was.

Just like A Realm Reborn, Stormblood tends to be neglected and sadly, considered the least favorite of the bunch.

Stormblood was a great experience for me. Areas like Ruby Sea and Azim steppe are one of my favorites in Video games. Stormblood's attention to detail when it comes to lore is exceptional, and the characters such as Yugiri, Hien, and of course, Gosetsu, were all pleasant and a welcome addition.

I felt that the Warrior of Light was somewhat uninvolved in this story since it isn't his to tell. seemingly only serving as a incredibly powerful (invincible) ally and key tool to succeed in the Revolution. didn't sit right with me but that's my take.

Soundtrack's as a good as it always has been. and while it may not feel as grand as Heavensward, it's change of pace to me was what I needed coming from Heavensward. the Experience was overall wholesome, the characters relatable, and the lore is rich and serves to expand the world of FFXIV in a very, very good way.

Definitely plan to play again since i kept the endings for a different playthrough. focusing on how it'll turn out on my first.

Now for the FIRST playthrough i aint got much to say. but the Story itself was interesting and the addition of the 3rd Rin is very welcome and just adds to the Catherine we know of already. and the way they've been inserted into the story is sublime.

That said, gameplay wise, the Difficulty jump with Normal and up is extreme for me. maybe i need to get used to the Puzzling but it definitely bummed me out that i had to lower difficulties to actually get by with the game cause I'm very competitive. in a fun way of course, so the difficulty didn't suit me at all.

Catherine was a great experience nonetheless. some stuff i didn't like were Majors for me so i can't just cover em up. all in all...8/10

Perfection. Artorias and and Abyss ADDS to an ALREADY PERFECT GAME. what the hell more could you ask for? This game combines Gameplay and Story beautifully. both at their peak, none of em better than the other. a game I will always come back to no matter what.

Dark Souls 3 has gameplay topped. Dark souls 2 has Story topped. But 1? 1 Excels in both. Amazingly. 11/10