I'll write an actual review at some point. This game is awesome.


Played BF2142 with project remaster as 2142, gamespy and ea's master servers are no longer available

2 matches of Battlefield 2142 on Belgrade. It's a good game although I have minor annoyances:
- That electric grenade that stops vehicles from moving and shooting too (I think) is way too op if the enemies coordinate, which seems to be what the bots were doing to me
- The TTK with LMG's is really bad, or the horizontal spread is really weird, so I gave up on that class.

Mostly played with Assault on EU and my weapon of choice was the scar 11 as I felt the other weapons weren't as useful

The bot intelligence is uh, alright? It's serviceable but I felt like my team sucked unlike PAC's bots (might be Project Remaster's improvements at play)
Every vehicle was smooth to control except the Type 32 Nekomata, very awkward movement.

Would play again


Blood is one of the games of all time.
The unique arsenal and it's uses for certain situations is one of the best of all time. The arsenal consists of a flare gun, dynamite, double shotgun, tommy gun, napalm, tesla gun, voodoo doll and a skull in a stick named life leech.
The enemies have a great variety with every single one with their methods of disposal. Zombies are the most common variety, cultists require you to DB Shotgun and crouch, butchers die with fire, the annoyance enemies can be dealt with dynamite, hellhounds are dealt with tesla, gargoyles can be dealt with napalm and dynamite, butchers are weak to fire, stone gargoyles are weak to voodoo dolls most of the time, the spider is just shoot. Etc.

Every voice line has personality, caleb quotes various songs, musics, cheats are cultural references. The ambience is one of the best, they are similar to real life locations but with a bit of horror. Each environment is destructible, full of secrets and more.

The music is not a masterpiece, but you don't need it that much. What is there is AMAZING. Unholy Voices and Mall of the Dead are my favorite.

Blood might be one of the games of all time. (Too bad Blood 2 sucks ass).

Orcs and Trolls is the thing you are going to see for most of the game, in level 14 and 15 there's the bats, who cares kill them it's easy. Mages? A joke too, spam balls till they die. Scrolls don't matter, play the god damn game and you won't miss anything except for the secret exit maybe, idk.

You better have been saving your bolts and nukes for these last sections, mostly level 20, which I did not 100% because I'm not gonna kill 50+ demons by spamming.

There's no variety on spells which is kinda sad.

Nemesis, the big bad boy that looks like fake hitler from wolfenstein 3d, can be ignored. Just shoot the back of the room he's in, your friend is there and you can happily end the game.

Genuine pain while playing this game.
I think I was playing on the easiest difficulty, and it was one of the worse experiences I've had in the wolf3d engine.
Bosses are easy but the pathfinding is ass, like geniune ass. The colors are too vibrant, it doesn't look like a submarine, and a submarine doesn't have fucking rocks inside it so it makes even less sense. The recolors for everything is bad, except for enemies. I like the new colors, like SS being in a black suit and the officers's just new sprite. Also the bosses look ok. The sound design sucks ass. Seriously, if you went through the Wolf3d rabbit hole like me, DO NOT EVER PLAY THIS GAME. I will not, and never will play mission 3. Ever

Bad game, I'd rate 0/5 if it was possible

Thank you Noelle and Ophelia for showing me this. Game of all time.