A sequel to the original Persona 5's Story, and honestly it's really fun! I thought it would be worse since it was a Warriors type game, but the combat loop is fun and with the Persona flair added in to the combat, it makes it a lot more engaging. Would recommend if you played Persona 5, it's a great sequel story and pretty fun game overall.

Basically Kingdom Hearts 1 with some quality of life improvements like a better camera angle in battle and more quick binds to use items. Rated the original 4, so this gets a .5 upgrade. Would recommend playing if you have Kingdom Hearts 1.5 + 2.5 ReMIX!

Just straight up one of the best RPGs of all-time. Persona 5 Royal adds an additional 15ish hours of story content by meeting some simple requirements. If you're at all into RPGs, would highly recommend playing this game, especially nowadays since it goes on sale for $30ish.

Had fun open world stuff, the combat was clean and satisfying. Story was pretty okay, even though I'm not a huge Spiderman nerd. Super fun game that if you find for cheap, definitely worth a try.

It definitely is the first of the series, the camera is a little bit janky in the fights (You can get hit from behind with you having no clue you're getting attacked) and I didn't really care for the story THAT much, but the combat elements of this game are incredibly fun and it's a cool 20 hour RPG.
Holds up really well surprisingly! Definitely has an early 2000s feel though in some aspects though.

If you enjoyed Octopath 1, this game is just that game but better. An upgraded battle system, QoL updates, and increased interaction between the 8 characters. Could be a bit monotonous if played right after the original, but if you've been waiting 4 and a half years like me, this game is an amazing sequel to an amazing game.

I had my concerns about this game coming into it, but I was pleasantly surprised when I actually enjoyed the "open zone" gameplay, and it was easily one of the more enjoyable things about the game.
The Cyberspace Levels imo were not amazing, but not terrible, they were also pretty fun to play through, with no levels sticking out as "amazing" or "terrible".
The bosses are 100% the highlights of the game for me, if you can avoid listening to the boss themes before playing the game, absolutely do that. They hit different when you experience them for the first time playing the bosses.
The "True Final Boss" is disappointing, and the difficulties don't really do a lot besides not playing the boss, and this game does have its fair share of "Why is this in the game" moments. The 2nd half of the game in some ways feels rushed, but it definitely is a much needed rebound after the heavy disappointment that was Sonic Forces.
Hopefully the free DLC over the course of the 2023 will make this game feel much more complete, I'm genuinely excited for it!

Game is fun with friends but this game absolutely sucks otherwise, the boards are not fun and the game just has too much random bullcrap to make it fun. Thankfully this game got sequels that are much better and way more fun.

A very solid Mario Party game. They haven't perfected the game by this point and some of the boards are just not fun to play on at times, but still a great experience with friends!

Overall a really solid Pokemon game, the story is pretty good as well for a Pokemon Game (It's not anything mindblowing but still pretty good comparably to the other games)
Can't wait to play Black/White 2!

This game is absolutely worth the wait, and the price. Even if you haven't played XC1 or XC2, grab this game if it interests you. Trust me you won't be disappointed!
Story is great, the combat is the best in the series (out of XC1, 2, 3) and yeah, it's just a lot of fun. Can't wait for the DLC!

I've only played this game for around 80 hours at this point (So I'll update this at some point if there is a need for it once I get more hours in) but this game truly is a perfect game to chill with. You can play with friends if you want to, or by yourself. Although it seems simple at the start, there is so much to do on a day-to-day basis, and goals to work towards, and friendships that you can foster, is something that keeps the player entertained regardless of how far you're in. And unlike things like Animal Crossing, you can play this for 15 minutes a day or an hour, and still experience the game to the fullest, and that's something that's beautiful about this game. I would recommend this to anyone who is interested in it, even if you haven't tried the genre out yet! (Like me!)

The story in this game is awesome. The combat in my opinion is worse than XC2's, but the story more than makes up for it, I enjoyed this game so much, and I can't wait for Xenoblade 3!

This game aged more poorly than SMB3 in my opinion, with more gimmicks and dumb secret exits that without a guide would've been difficult to figure out where it is. Still okay, and had fun moments with it.

Overall a bearable game. A lot of the levels are just straight up troll levels, but there are some good gems in this game, had a decent amount of fun.