It's incredibly unique and one-of-a-kind even to this day there aren't any other games like it. The story is a basic martial arts movie premise, but it's still pretty compelling due to the characters and cheesy/awkward dialogue.

'Have you seen a black car?' 'Do you know of any places where sailors hang out?'

The life sim stuff is really boring to me personally, but I still respect it a lot and can see why some people love it.

The game has forklift racing though and that alone makes it worth playing

An incredible Touhou fan-game and the only Touhou styled bullet hell available on PS4 so I'll take what I can get.

A big step up from Yakuza Kiwami 1 in both the gameplay and story departments. It's not quite the masterpiece that 0 is, but it isn't too far from it either. The story is great, the new characters are all well written especially the main antagonist who is one of the best in the series. The new combat system is a lot of fun and the side stories are much more memorable than Kiwami. Plus the Majima Construction mini-game is GOAT.

A great roguelike that has amazing and addicting combat with a vast array of weapons and abilities to make builds from slightly marred by its bland level design.

Regardless it's still easy to sink hours and hours into this game just because of how enjoyable the combat is.

Still one of the better Soulsvania games available in my opinion. The world and story reminds me more of Bloodborne than Dark Souls and Bloodborne is my fave game of all time so I might be a bit biased.

LWA is one of my favorite animes of all time. This is a pretty mindless beat em up, but if you like LWA as much as me you'll still probably love the game just for the character interactions (Getting to spend more time with characters you love is always a plus), the atmosphere and getting to walk around and explore Luna Nova. Also I have to commend the devs because it really nails the sound design and art of LWA.

I only played this about 3 years ago and put 22 hours into it and barely remember anything about it. Granted I do not have the best memory in the world, but that should kinda tell you something. There are vastly better roguelikes and metroidvanias available. I will give it props for being one of the first hybrids of those genres though.

It's bad, but still better than DmC.

The gameplay is horrible, easy, not fun and very exploitable. The bosses are also garbage, but...

At least it still feels like a DMC game because the art and aesthetics have that Victorian gothic feel, the music is good, the characters and voice acting are super over-the-top and cheesy.

Also this game was the first DMC to implement dodge/rolling, wall-running, backflips and a bunch of other cool stylish moves.

An amazing game that has aged surprisingly well even to this day. It's not quite as over-the-top as the sequels and the combat isn't as fast-paced and complex as it would become, but the atmosphere is incredible, the OST is fantastic, the gameplay is still a lot of fun, the bosses are well designed and memorable and the characters are endearing. A classic that instantly cemented Dante as one of the best and coolest video game characters of all time.

Objectively the game isn't one of the worst I've ever played and is more worth a 2/5, but subjectively I hate the fact this game even exists.

The gameplay is just a simplified and boneless version of DMC 4, they absolutely butchered all the characters and their personalities, turning Dante into an edgelord instead of an over-the-top 80s action hero and making Vergil into a fedora wearing 'We live in a society' type. The dialogue is horrendous, the level design is mediocre at best and so are the bosses. There's just no reason to ever play this game, aside from a horrible fan-fic tier story, it just has nothing to offer that DMC 3/4/5 or other character action games can give you instead. I guess if you want to see how awful the game is for yourself and experience the memes, that's about the only reason to ever bother playing it.

The greatest unfinished game ever made. One step forward from DMC 3 and two bigger steps back.

The action scenes and dialogue are just as awesome and over-the-top as DMC 3, the combat is polished to a pristine shine, the addition of style swapping in mid battle makes it even more stylish and the arsenal of weapons is just as good.

Nero is a great addition to DMCs already great cast of characters, but the story is very lacking compared to DMC 3 and feels very rushed.

The music is just as blood-pumping intense as ever.

The level design is great...The first time you play them, but going through the same levels in reverse order with Dante is when you can tell the game was rushed and unfinished.

The combat and everything else in the game is so great that the rehashing of levels and bosses didn't bother me that much and even though it isn't quite the masterpiece DMC 3 is, it's still amazing and worth playing if you're a fan of the series.

It's far from the best metroidvania, but it's still fun and if you're addicted to the genre like I am then you'll probably think it's solid and worth a playthrough.

If you're a fan of Castlevania 3 you'd definitely be a fool to not give this game a shot.

The equivalent of a cheesy 80s action movie in game format, to this day this game still has some of the greatest action scenes in a game and some of the best and most memorable dialogue and one-liners.

That said, under all that over-the-top style it does have a very profound underlying message of learning how to deal with grief and it's also a great coming of age story.

The gameplay is immaculate too with an awesome arsenal of weapons to choose from and chain together crazy combos with. Amazing industrial rock OST too.

The only reason I won't call this the best character action game is because we live in a world where Devil May Cry 5 exists.

DMC 3 still deserves every bit of praise it gets though and is definitely an iconic masterpiece.

"I can already tell, looks like this is going to be one hell of a party!"

It's a very ambitious concept and if the combat was more enjoyable the game could've been a true classic because the story, characters, world and atmosphere are all really good. Unfortunately the janky combat makes it hard to get through for most, but I still found it compelling enough to reach the end and thought it was worth it.