Zelda at Home (Zelda competitors on non-Nintendo consoles)

You don't need Link to the Past... We already have Zelda at home.

These are games that tried to do their own Zelda thing on competing consoles. Also including unlicensed games. This IS NOT simply a list of zelda-likes. Rather, these are games that aimed to provide an 'answer' for Zelda on their own consoles. The line between zelda-like and zelda-competitor is an arbitrary and subjective distinction, of course.

If a game eventually got rereleased on switch or something, I'll still count it if it wasn't released on Nintendo consoles at the time of its original release.


3 months ago

do the cdi zeldas not count, theyre the answer to zelda on the cdi in the most literal way possible

3 months ago

@GutterTrash I did think about it. I think I'm more interested in 'competing products' than like literal Zelda games. Otherwise, we could argue about the Nelsonic Zelda watch game as well or the myriad Zelda game books published by non-Nintendo publishers, etc.

But I agree it's at least debatable.

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