Very solid expansion to the original, but quite honestly I do find it hard to suggest to people who have already played the original, purely for the price alone. Still had a great time with it though! Took about 4 hours to finish.

Sonic's transition to 3D was not as bad as people make you think it was. DX has a good number of issues but the core of the game is still fun.

(2022 Third playthrough - Blue Lions)

I enjoyed this route a lot! The first half is pretty tedious with this being my third playthrough of the game, but that second half was pretty damn great.

Gonna wait a while before I play Golden Deer. (last route left!)

This was my first Zelda and used to play it yearly, but it not being on Switch meant I haven't fully replayed it since around 2018. Still a masterpiece to me and remains in my Top 3 Zeldas. Fingers crossed this comes to Switch one day

Great game, but not a fan of the Knuckles stages tbh.

Man I was not at all expecting this game to be as good as it was, but upon beating it, it might be one of my favorite JRPGs ever made. I genuinely cannot praise this game enough, please play it if you are into these type of games.

It was super fun, and a lot better than I expected. I really like the Warriors games are becoming less formulaic and taking more from the current source material. One of the better Warriors games for sure.

It was fun! But I was so curious about the ending cuz so many people told me it was insanely sad. In reality it was pretty much the equivalent of most Kirby endings to me. Also was insanely short for the price.

Quite honestly a perfect game to me. This game does literally everything right and is one of the best experiences I’ve had playing a game in years. Easily my game of the year.

(Review is specifically for the Story Mode, not including multiplayer)

It was fun! It had a lot of cool idea but for most part it was really similar to past game's story modes. I think the boss fights are the biggest highlight of the entire mode for sure. Octo Expansion is still the best, but this is close.

It's far from Atlus's best title, but it is still very solid! I really liked the characters and the flow of the combat. I also really liked the shorter length of the game. However it isn't worth $60 imo. Worth it on a sale tho!

Last time I played this game was back in 2016 on Wii U and I remember thinking it was just okay, but man after replaying it my opinion is very different. I REALLY loved this game. I honestly want to play another run already.

One of Sony's best exclusive titles. I forgot a good chunk of the story so replaying it was almost like getting to play the game mostly blind again which was nice. I am very excited for Ragnarok next month!

I bought this game a very long time ago but strangely never played it from start to finish. Decided to change that and man I understand why people think this is one of the best 3D Sonic games.

Awesome indie :) I honestly liked this game a lot. I really enjoyed the speedrun FPS gameplay and the characters were great. I actually went as far to 100% the game! Really highly recommend!