This game is super unique! I like a lot of what this game is going for. I do wish some segments were shortened or cut from the game entirely, but overall still really enjoyed this game!

Really nice art style game with a fun concept. It's pretty short, but I think it works in this game's favor. Any longer would have over stayed it's welcome I think.

I loved this game. Is it flawless? Absolutely not. But man is this game insanely fun. The 2000's Sonic writing was awesome to see return, and the open world is amazing. I have a lot to say but for now:

What an amazing game. It’s hard to say much without spoilers but man this game was just God of War 2018 on a much bigger scale. The new forms of combat are super fun. VAs were incredible here too. Plot was super good as well.

An absolute classic that everyone should play. It was super fun replaying OoT on an original N64 since I’ve never played it this way before. Had a blast revisiting it :)

I know I have the unpopular opinion, but MAN I loved this game. I absolutely loved the cast and the changed to gameplay. I had a blast from start to finish. Might be my new favorite in the series!

Played it at launch for around 10ish hours and didnt like it.

I decided to go back and I did a full 180 on it. Incredible video game.

This game shocked me with how good it was. A genuine masterpiece of a RPG. Might go into more about this in a thread but this game is absolutely coming up in my GOTY conversations.

Man, what a wonderful send off to this saga. It really feels like the final touch on connecting every part of the Xenoblade story together, and is an absolute masterpiece.

Finally wrapped this game up! While I do have a good handful of gripes with it, it is still overall a pretty fantastic game, and is currently the best showcase of the PS5's power.

This game unfortunately fully relies on you caring about the characters. I did not find a single character in this game interesting at all so this game had very little for me. Art is super pretty at least

2023 has been such a great year for DLC. This expansion is honestly better than the base game, and I loved the base game. It feels like the devs mastered Cyberpunk gameplay design here

Surprisingly high quality for free DLC. Adds an extra 1/4th to the game, and is really fun! Also it adds some fun additions to the base game so it's absolutely worth checking out

This is one of the best games I have played all year. God, it has no right to be as good as it is, but damn, it's insanely good. I could not suggest this game more.

Extra log for my NG+ Playthrough to get the social links achievement. Thoughts on the game remain unchanged from my prior log, tho I am surprised this only took me 20 hours