A frankly amazing ps4 game, sunk by critics and the at-first-glance uninspired world. What's really inside is a pretty good feeling third person shooter open world with a VERY personal story about loss, acceptance and survival in th apocalypse. Yeah, it sounds like 95% of "sony originals" but, for me, the thing that sets it appart from the rest is the dialogue. I have never played a game that had conversations as genuine as this one. Characters feel alive trough their manners of speech and ways of communicating, cutting each others mid-sentence, sputtering and having awkward moments. If you can get this game on the cheap side, I would totally recommend playing it, I got a hearty surprise

An amazing experience.
As their other game, it's much more than it implies from the get go, and so it's difficult to talk about it without spoiling. What I have to say is, don't let the few jumpscares present in it get to you, the story within it it's so much more than just scary asian ghosts.
Perhaps a little less well crafted as Detention, this is nonetheless one of the best horror experiences I have played in years

People calling this game "eurojank" is the equivalent of calling Mc Donalds "soul food" because african americans work in there.
A masterpiece this is not. I have to give it to it tough, I have never played a game that's both soulless in it's presentation and completely full of life in the overworld as this one

Imagine I posted an image of a monkey drinking its own piss

Excelent little story about a pretty forgotten moment in the history of the cold war, from the point of view of a taiwanese schoolgirl living during a period that costed the lives of close to 5000 people.
As an argentinian that lived in a dictatorship that "dissapeared" (that is, kill) a great number of people, I felt somewhat of a connection to the story, so it felt really interesting when the game started to hint at something more deep than a haunted school story.
Fair warning, there are a couple of jumpscares in it, but the game barely relies on them.
A strong recommendation to everyone interested in eastern horror

The first thing you can do in the game is decide to name your dog, or just decide it's an old traveller following you until the day you are unable to give him treats or his legs give up.
An amazing trip from start to finish, Kentucky Route Zero is the game that made me realize magical realism can be achieved by other communities of the world aside from latinamerica. The bibble belt of USA comes to life in this game, showing you stories of decadence, the hardships of debt and the dehumanization of people thanks to it.
I'm 24 years at the moment of writing this. I can remember the times I have cried since my adolescence, since I was called a crybaby while growing up.
I didn't cry trough many hardships of my life because, I recall, tought that tears are precious things that must be conserved. But this game made me cry. After an encounter with a character that brought up in me the remembrance of the beauty of non-existence and being alive in memory, I realized this game was for me. But then, while I was walking away from it's house, a mesmerizing rendition of You've got to walk (that lonesome valley) by the Bedquilt Ramblers, a band started to produce covers of gospell and bluegrss for this game, I understood that it wasn't just for me, but it would be one of the loves of my life.
This game has made me feel like home. A home that's starting to break down, full of mosquitos and filth, with no water or electricity, but the house you grew up in, with the pets buried in the yard and your gradma's pot boiling while she listens to the radio. A house that will probably cease to exist once you leave, but that during your stay in it will take roots in you

Dark Souls with an actually good story and interesting setting.
The gameplay surpaces everything the mainline of games do. Fast pace and fun all the way through, letting you play however you want (within their limits)

Excelent mechanics and a completely terrible and forgetable story.
A great example of difficulty in games, but people often ignore how almost half of the game is a mess that throws everything it builds to the floor and then has an aneurysm over the shattered glass

I played this game with a bug that fucked up the sound because I pirated it being like 12 and still had a blast. But nowadays it's just another GTA clone but you can jump really high. Still, I can't forget the good times I had with it

Pretty bad attempt at an rpg. Everything feels samey and looks like mashed potatoes. I have never seen a more binary "good-evil" alignment" like the one in this game. It's either commit genocide or hug puppies with Fable 3

Probably the only example of the saying "be gay do crimes" that's actually funny

A beast of a "city builder" game. The diveristy and color of it's world is an achievement only surpased by its sequel. It has been ported to modern PCs, so you should go and check it out while you can.
Based on arguably one of the most deep tabletop settings, KoDP aims to make you a king of a soon-to-be-colonized region. Starting from a lowly trive of Orlanthi (think of viking settlers), you rise to the throne by mixing all types of interactions with your neighbors, from submition via conquest to demonstrating your divine origins by completing trials that make echo of ages past.
Overall, an achievement in roleplay games, completely recommended