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What starts as a pretty promising look into the world of post capitalism Louisiana and the destruction of the oil industry alongside the story of a broken family trying to reunite quickly becomes an absolutely terrible retelling of the Come Fly With Me sidequest from New Vegas written by someone who hated the shit out of those ghouls.
Grab it on sale if you want to see the beautiful pixel art tho.

I find it so funny that the global and economical west needs constant "war is bad" messages thrown at it to feel good at the fact they're single handedly destroying the world

Playing this and listening to Rules of Nature at 17 was NOT good for my development

Still on early access as of the posting of this review.
The first horsemen of the FPS revival apocalypse, this game had a really good demo followed by an early access release with less content and more bugs, with the devs not adding anything in almost a year. It's almost impossible to actually enjoy this game with both publishers and devs giving radio silence for months and months. I'd say avoid until you see it's actually on the store as a full game because there's a big chance it just won't come out.
Indie fps are looking pretty dire currently, I can count all the fully released ones in a decade with the fingers of my hand despite there being dozens and dozens of developers out there

I loved playing this game as a kid despite how horrible the PC port was. I loved creating eco systems fro the piñatas and I'm pretty sure I gave myself a chocolate base anaphylactic shock because I loved pretending that the chocolate bars I ate came from the piñatas. I also watched the TV show waaay too much for my own good and got really angry when I learned some of the piñatas in the show were from the xbox exclusive game.
I once gifted a (pirated) copy of this game to a school friend and his parents told him to not interact with me because they tought I was gay for liking this colorful stuff instead of Diablo or racing games.
Overall, even if the gameplay is kinda shit on PC it's still a really charming experience with a lot of style and some really cool mechanics to experience and attract new piñatas, and even make them evolve or breed new kinds (the piñatas actually fuck ingame, you have cutscenes of them dancing with straight up porno music and some straight up start humping before flashing to black)

✅Open world
✅Abyssmal collect-a-thon of plants and animal stuff
✅Shitty crafting system completely tacked on
✅"Stealth" mechanics revolving around hiding in bushes and takedowns
✅Enemy campaments with useless rewards
✅ Annoying npcs

Far Cry haters are awfully quiet today

This game broke the samsara cycle for every single person who played it.
I've said enough

(Hammerheart is still on early access as of 11/1/2022)
Way too soon to really talk in detail about it. The combat and tactics are pretty well implemented, but there isn't much to do ingame, and the game doesn't really incentivizes you to continue playing. Will way for further updates and see if I can add anything to this


I want to taste human flesh so badly

I jump on my sweat-stained PC while I roll a cigarette and watch the game load. I'm inmediatly blasted into oblivion by the banger soundtrack and amazing artwork
Being a fucking soulless husk of a soulles dreg has never felt this good. It made my skin feel fresh, my lungs at full capacity and it made human meat looks kinda tasty.
I stop my car at a busy intersection, roll down the windows an I open fire into the streets. it feels great.
I find games like this genuinely amazing, letting you play the most boring shit possible in such a cool and interesting way with great aesthetics and this cool feeling of not giving a shit about depicting the world the son of Elon Musk will carry.
Heavily recommended along with everything the Body Horror Bundle brings.
I shall become the first (but hopefully not last) person to finish this with the kinect and then go on a rampage in my city.

Got softlocked 5 minutes in because the game saved when I got the fast bear pass or something and couldn't open the doors, even after restarting several times.
One extra star because the people who want to fuck those robots are more respectable than the ones who want to do the dirty with the xenomorph, a fair comparisson since this game tries to be Alien Isolation so hard

Recommended by
DrDelicious on this list

Holy shit this was great. Haven't felt this good about beating a final boss since years. Absolutely recommended, even for people who dislike shmups.
There's really nothing much to say about this one, it's an extremely good experience

Recommended by PKMudkipz on this list

First of all, what the fuck
An assault on the senses, this...thing really rocks your socks.
I played two playthroughs and getting approximately 75% of the 26 stages, and almost every single one felt like a fever dream with the music and fish motiff to the point I was barely able to pay attention to what was going on in the stage. Suffice to say my high score wasn't high at all.
If I played this in an arcade as a kid I probably would've become a serial killer, tho