A small little story about a pig farmer. Overall pretty nice, the casual feel of it mixes pretty well with what's basically the tale of a man deciding to stop living. It felt specially nice how the game tells you just about enough about everything that's happened prior to the events.
My one criticism about the game is that the person you talk to for about 80% of it's runtime is modelled in a really goofy manner, which can take you out of the experience.

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I went into this game expecting a time loop mistery about ancient history and got that and some really problematic stuff going on.
The characters and the setting are beautiful and really come to life, which is really sad that for me they got obscured by the racist Ancient Aliens theory the game decides to use to explain...everything, basically, down to the birth of civilization. This sadly left me unable to love the game, making it feel like everything was just a joke and that humans are fundamentally evil, coupled by the end dialogues not so subtly implying that all old religions are complete lies (the only character who lives a good life and hasn't abandone religion is a christian lady back in roman times). Even if the final message of the game implies otherwise, the taste the big reveal left for me was pretty sour.
Excelent characters, with a meta narrative pretty abhorrent in my opinion. This game took too sittings for me to finish and the first one was absolute bliss for an historian, delving into some really interesting topics of history. Too bad the final stretch just decides to go full Assassin's Creed

Recomended by Cold_Comfort on this list

I'll be the first one to admit I suck at shmups, but this was a really fun experience.
The art style carried the game really hard for me. Pretty cute in some aspects but with really good readability with the enemies.
it also feels really good whenever you are the one feeling the screen with bullets, like taking the fight back to them instead of constantly dodging and barely scrapping by. The only thing I can really take against is that I can't remember a single song on the soundtrack save for the looping scream of children at the end of your run.
Overall a pretty fun experience that's really easy to emulate unless you're as dumb as me and need to get someone to help you get it running. Runs like a dream in shmupmame tho

[DMX voice]: Only reason I come around is for the hoes

You know that smurssy must be sacrosanct

I was born on the wrong generation

If I'm ever put in a situation like this I'm straight up shooting myself

If you played pirated games your whole life, it's actually not that bad. That mystique of not knowing if you downloaded malware or an actual game is pretty interesting


This game asks one of the most controvertial questions ever: What if JFK's head just did that on it's own?

Shawty served tap water flavored cunt, ruined a company's image, inspired one of the worst styles of horror games possible and retro actively rewrote an entire franchise to make a hack director look good

I lived under communism and let me tell you this game doesn't prepare you for the shock of getting arrested because your passport says you were born there while trying to enter the country.
Lucas Pope you hack