Do NOT let Ethan babysit your kid.

If there's anything I learned from my female Shepard it's that I'm a terrible lesbian.

Why did everybody in this game keep 4 journals apiece and leave them and the keys to their locked drawers scattered around town?

In 15 years those little sisters will be all grown up but they'll still be calling me big daddy.

As Arnold said to the predator, you are one ugly motherfucker.

Tiny Timmy cracked me the "bleep" up.

Max is totes adorbs, I want one!

A little too short and not enough substance to satisfy. Hehe, that's what she said.

Unfortunately Kratos failed to pass his court mandated anger management class...again.

Never laughed so much during a game in my almost 50 years of playing games. I'm going to change my wotk Slack profile to "you got fucked by the long dong of Justice."

I'm gonna have a 3 way with Elaine and Morgan.

George and Nico are even worse than Ross and Rachel, just fuck already!

Shitty graphics, controls, puzzles and dialog.