アナザーワールド | Another World

Another World - Games where one of the enemies is in fact you, but from what appears to be a different dimension. This is most popularly shown in Japanese media with shadows, and in Western media with mirrors, just as some examples - but that does not mean one can not do the other, or that one is limited to just that! Important distinction here is that this use of story-telling is used specifically to show a character fighting a part of themselves and eventually overcoming/embracing these parts of them, so no doubles in the non-confrontational sense such as Link and Ravio, for example, nor Sora and Roxas as both characters have to have the ability to be present together (unless they changed this in KH3, which I wouldn't know oops lol). Chrono Cross works as the worlds are separated, but people are able to travel and interact with their other self (and which you do fight yourself! Just... not with the mentality you may have wanted hehe).

If confused, the biggest indicator is if you're able to fight yourself in the game as one of the story points.


Persona 4
Persona 4
Brings back the direct fights with other selves from Persona 2, but this time in order to unlock new party members.
Persona 2: Innocent Sin
Persona 2: Innocent Sin
Fights between shadow selves and our real selves per the English translation. Japanese translation refers to "shadow" versions of characters with もうひとり which directly translated just means "another (person)", differentiating the other with yellow eyes. Differentiates itself from Persona 1 as the cast in the first Persona game never interacts with their other self, nor directly fights between the two, rather just switching one character for another (e.g. Real Maki is left stuck in the real Mikage, while Ideal Maki is the one you solely fight with/against.)
A similar case of mirror connection as Prince of Persia, where Madeline is chased and battles against her mirror self; Badeline.
Final Fantasy II
Final Fantasy II
Firion's doppelganger in the Mysidia cave - you have to kill him by using the black mask, or else he follows you throughout the cave (not letting you continue).
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
You fight Dark Link, a shadow of Link's, as a mini-boss in the Water Temple.
Chrono Cross
Chrono Cross
What the list itself is named after! A split between the Keystone Dimension and Another World.
Persona 2: Eternal Punishment
Persona 2: Eternal Punishment
Same as Innocent Sin, with the playable cast fighting against their other selves for plot purposes.
Prince of Persia
Prince of Persia
The man in the mirror. In chapter 4, you're forced to jump through a mirror to escape a room. This separates you from your mirror self, which you later "fight" and rejoin.
The Longest Journey
The Longest Journey
April is constantly fighting against an illusion of her worst self. She often pops out when April is around (evil) mirrors in Arcadia.


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