@DaleBastion suggestion box

Things I streamed on my Twitch channel because someone suggested it, with notes saying whether I'm gonna commit to playing the whole thing or not

✅ Yeah! Finished on stream. What a gas
☐ Yeah, man! I love to throw bonbon
❌ Nah. Adorable/mortifying but I've seen enough
☐ Yes indeed
✅ Yeah, but that last boss was a motherfucker and I died at the last second and watched the ending on Youtube
❌ How about no you crazy Japanese bastard
☐ Yeah, not just this one but the whole series. This shit rocks, just like the United States and its many great strong peacekeepers
✅ Yep, clocked on stream, levitating loafers and all
❌ Nah. Should play the new one, Rogue City or whatever
☐ Yeah, you know what, I will. Too weird to ignore
❌ Nah, why bother when minimme has it covered
✅ You better believe I streamed this banger
☐ Yeah, should play this offstream but I haven't yet. If they add it to the Switch's Online Service thing then hot dog
❌ Nah I'm good. But if Switch Online throws it up, I could give it another spin
❌ Nah I'm good, lol
✅ Yeah! Finished on stream
❌ The true Bugdom was inside you all along
❌ Nah. Sure was funny though
☐ You bet, brother


✅ Hell yeah, blasted through it in one go onstream
❌ Haha nah come on now
❌ My sore D-pad thumb says no
✅ Yeah! Streamed the lot, all secrets
☐ Hell yeah
☐ Double hell yeah
✅ Yeah, whole thing was streamed. Needed a shower afterwards though
❌ Not on your damn life
❌ Nah I'm good. Cool game though

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