great game that suffers from lack luster gameplay.

Despite this, the story, characters, and overall feel make up for this ten fold.

(also the ability to switch between remix and orginal versions of songs is very nice thank you atlus)

A very well made squeal, to the original game in 1992. While it still suffers from age, it makes up for that in a very different feeling game from the original. Also with some improved mechanics (would still recommend using an FAQ tho).

Overall 100% worth the time if you enjoyed the original

I learned how to take apart my keyboard after playing this game

I will not lie I got into this game because of the marsh video.

A great game if you like feeling pain.

I am one of the those cringe people who liked the answer.

truely is quite the strange Journey. Also ends up being one of the best games ever (tm). The game ends up being a John Carpenter take on the smt franchise it's based on. Originally it was meant to be the fourth installment in the series, but when the gameplay and themes started to change it ended up being it's own entry. And I can say without a doubt it benefited greatly from this.

Most of the gameplay resembles Etrian Odyssey (similar the the persona q series). While the gameplay is nothint to write home about, the dungeon design and overall atmosphere of the game is unmatched. A great game worth checking out, if your willing to play something a bit older.

pretty effin awesome game. (with pretty epic music)

But in all seriousness, definitely one of the harder games out there when it comes to pure difficulty. If you are looking for a challenge, then is definitely worth a try.

Suffers from it's age and mechanics, but still manages to create a great atmosphere (and have a pretty damn good soundtrack)

Genuinely one of the best smt games out there. Has a great story, fast pace gameplay, and a killer soundtrack. Combat is flawed, but still very engaging.

Some parts of the story can seem a little too similar to the 1992 smt 1, but it still manages to put a newer spin on the decade old concept.

Even after all that, it is arguably the best smt game to get introduced to the series on. This game is the reason the smt series still exists today.

your in luck if you like persona 4, since it seems atlus does too.