Story is an 11/10 cinematic masterpiece. Gameplay is less than good. I honestly wonder if they play tested this game before releasing it or if they just shit random enemies everywhere and called it a day. Most of your the time spent playing this travesty will be trial and erroring your way through the broken enemy spawning and bullshit enemy placements. The main redeeming factor besides the story is how moving around your character is fun and surprisingly not jank for a NES game.

Game would be completely fine if dying to the final boss didn't send you back so far, hope you enjoy playing the same levels over and over again. The final bosses don't even take that much attempts to beat, it's just replaying the last two acts (out of six) is more tedious than anything.

This one was weird because instead of playing the hero, saving the galaxy, you play as a lackey for a bunch of criminals and do their chores for them.

The story sucks, the levels are all the same forgettable barracade spam, the enemies are obscenely easy and boring, they also removed the option to make your character bald for some reason. Trash.

Somehow they couldn't even properly program a rock paper scissors game.

One of the worst sorry excuses of a game I had the displeasure of playing. Irredeemable garbage.

I hope Mamma Hawk rots in the deepest darkest pits of hell.

The most ear wrenching video game music I ever heard, I think Satan himself recorded it.

In the instruction manual they had a tip about how after building bridges on lava they burn after a while, there was zero levels that this was a mechanic in, just thought I'd point that out.

Only one room actually puzzled me for a while and after taking a break I beat it first try. The majority of your time will be spent resetting after accidentally pushing something one nanometre too far.

Even though I got this for one cent, I still want my money back. One of the worst, and most jank platformer games I've ever played. I regret playing this.

The people who play this game are sweatier than Smash Bros players.