while it lacks some of the features the original had such as the Zapping System, some areas and enemies were removed and interactions between each campaign streamlined, Resident Evil 2 delivers an solid experience with it's impressive level of polish, gameplay and survival horror mechanics, this is basically the perfect game in the genre in terms of pure design.

it does not serve as an replacement to the original in comparison to the likes of the first Resident Evil Remake in 2002 which blows the original game in 1996 completely out of the water but RE2 is an very good effort that stands tall in what an Remake should deliver although with some caveats here and there that could have been better.

compelling atmosphere and world-building, great pacing and enjoyable gameplay makes this an good time.

the storyline is a bit barebones thanks to some awfully written dialogue, the management mechanics inside the train is a bit flat and doens't go anywhere after 2 or 3 rides, it's an cool concept but I was only invested in the exploration portions the most, it was an solid 2D shooter in those sections that I would easily recommend who likes this style of gameplay.

half-baked sequel of an timeless FPS, Monolith absolutely butchered everything that made the first game and it's expansions so good notably the gunplay effects, physics, sound-design and many other features such as leaning on corners or even dual wielding pistols.

the horror segments can be a bit terrifying sequences like in the Wade Elementary chapter but the actual atmosphere is not as good like it was before.

the AI that made the first game notable at the time was not heavily downgraded though, they still display dynamic reactions with pulling out shelves for cover or jumping into windows to ambush you and they still make gunfight sequences fun for the most part.

the shooting is also not bad but certainly did not feel as GOOD like in the predecessor.

overall it's an okay game, the combat can be fun for console centered shooters standars, the AI behaviour is mostly intact and the enviroments are varied in comparison to F.E.A.R 1 but that's about it and in the end of the day it is an forgettable sequel that essentially throws away everything that made the predecessor so great, still worth an play if you are looking for an decent enough shooter or just playing through the series but do not expect the perfection of FPS combat like in the previous game.

solid God of War inspired action game, great combat-system that feel good, fantastic visuals and genuinely great storyline/voice-acting.

the level-design often relies on automated platforming segments which can feel a bit repetitive later on thanks to Gabriel's clumsy animations and jumping controls.

the game also feels a bit dragged on early on, every single objective relies on finding 3 objects to progress which can make the game feel even more repetitive quickly.

overall Lords of Shadow is an solid action game, the combat feel good and most of the game's setting/visuals look phenomenal for 2010 standards. it can be a bit repetitive pretty quickly thanks to the padding objectives and often repetitive traversal mechanics but nonetheless an great time.

um jogo com muitas qualidades porém com varios defeitos também

a história do jogo talvez seja a melhor que a série já viu até hoje com bons personagens e enredo e o gameplay é bem intuitivo e até satisfatório quando se pega o jeito e a trilha-sonora é absolutamente fenomenal a melhor da série toda sendo sincero.

mas o resto do jogo não compensa muito com mapas lineares e cansativos, dungeons curtas apesar de serem memoráveis nesse jogo, e a quantidade de tutoriais e textos em cima do jogador também não ajudam deixando qualquer ritmo e diversão que ele poderia ter mil vezes + arrastado e pouco intuitivo.

an great time, phenomenal pixel-art graphics with some really gorgeous animation and character designs, interesting puzzles and good moment to moment gameplay during dungeons in an similar feeling to top-down Zelda games which I love.

the story and text-box dialogues does get in the way though, not that the story is not interesting it indeed is and I was hooked to see what it was happening to the world and these characters but my god does it get tiring reading and skipping all these dialogue boxes, in Chapter 3 especially get ready to nearly 2 hours of conversations and getting to point A to B.

what makes things worst is that this approach to heavy storytelling hurts the game, imagine if this was more of an top-down Zelda game taking down dungeons with the interesting gameplay this game has and some really intricate overworld, this is not the case with Eastward.

if you like character interactions similar to Undertale you will probably like this but if you expect an Zelda game like the trailers suggest to be you will most likely get bored in the first 2 hours of the game, I still like it my time with it but I was expecting something more playable than what I got.

great follow-up to World

combat mechanics and movement are better than ever thanks to the Wirebugs and weapon changes, hunts are more faster and continues to feature exciting battles. Monster variety is better than World when it was first released in 2018 with lots of different Monsters to fight through instead of Wyverns on every corner in that game.

the Hub area is better designed with the ability to teleport straight onto NPCs and locations, the presentation although notably featuring less graphical quality than World still manages to deliver good visuals and animations across the board and the PC port is well done too.

the end-game might be the worst offender on Rise, featuring less missions to take on and the forced and repetitive Rampage Mode taking the highlight here if you want better gear or just level-up faster, the Apex Monsters are the biggest dissapointment regarding the end-game since they don't offer nothing new apart from some challenging monster fights.

very solid entry in the series with great stealth mechanics, level-design and presentation.

it's an surprisingly decent God of War inspired hack n' slash, combat feels powerful and really smooth, steady 60 FPS perfomance, visuals are great for an 2010 game, nearly every circle of Hell is amazingly well-designed in both levels and art-direction, really inspired work by Visceral Games.

the story gets the job done, the voice-acting is great and the whole Christian dark tone fits the game amazingly.

overall it's an great game and hack n' slash fans should give it an try, I might replay to get the platinum trophy/1000 gamerscore later because the game is really enjoyable to play.

movimentação excelente e fluida, bom combate, e otimo humor que consegue tirar umas boas risadas

missões extremamente repetitivas deixando a história e até o gameplay cansativos lá pra metade do jogo.

while it lacks some of the features the original had such as the Zapping System, some areas and enemies were removed and interactions between each campaign streamlined, Resident Evil 2 delivers an solid experience with it's impressive level of polish, gameplay and survival horror design, this is basically the perfect game in the genre.

it does not serve as an replacement to the original in comparison to the likes of the first Resident Evil Remake in 2002 which blows the original game in 1996 completely out of the water but RE2 is an very good effort that stands tall in what an Remake should deliver although with some caveats here and there that could have been better.

pretty fun rogue-like

smooth gameplay and serviciable combat, good sense of progression throughout many deaths, fun boss and mini-boss encounters, and the general presentation are good qualities about this one.

however there are few missteps around it as well such as the overall Traits that characters usually have on each run I feel like that they don't feel balanced at all since most of them are just non-existent or just don't offer an meaningful difference on that character's run, the upgrade tree also gets old fairly quicky making the game feel a bit grindy very early in the game.

amazing combat, level-design and presentation.

god-tier platforming mechanics and excellent dialogue held back by it's combat segments, the combat's mechanics are consistent and the actual action looks good and I love how you are able to switch between enemies very smoothly but encounters are lame and overly long and I just wanted to get back to the juicy platforming quickly.

overall an classic, everyone who enjoy an great 3D platformer should play this, I hope the Remake if it does release since Ubisoft is an mess right now will make it justice especially in terms of updating the combat and keeping the platforming mechanics intact.

it's an major improvement on the gunplay side, an larger variety of weapons compared to previous entries, great animations and punchy shooting not to mention the great voice-acting but everything else falls in the Ubisoft trope, pointless level-gated stuff, bizarre loot and perk system and undertilized potential for it's story.

if 6 had the style of progression and gameplay remiscent of FC3/4 such as more complex skill trees or hunting it could have been an potentially great entry, everything here screams these games and could have worked well.