it's an pretty good effort for an God of War title for the PSP, the visuals are impressive for the system and the gameplay is downright solid with some of the most enjoyable and smooth combat and magic in the series, the pacing and level-design is great too.

the game is short, you can finish it in one sitting if you keep it up and there is only 3 bosses to fight similar to the first GOW on the PS2, the story is meh...? there are some decent emotional moments between Kratos and his daughter that are genuinely powerful towards the end but there is some missed oportunities regarding Morpheus which was perfectly placed as the main villain but after that it turned to be Persephone in the end and quickly his presence was forgone by the storyline, still an worthwile addition for the lore in the series though.

an refined revision of the first GOW that manages to surprassed it in every way possible.

the gameplay is immensly improved, combat is more meatier and satisfying, traversal and platforming is much better and upgrading stuff is no longer an shore like in the prequel.

the scale is impressive considering the system it was developed, it's visuals are still pretty good even today and the presentation and world-designs are downright phenomenal.

the narrative is pretty good too though I miss the style of storytelling featured in the first game, it is still one of my favorite stories in the series though.

the pacing and level-design is also pretty amazing, it is an lesson on how you can pace your game well overall.

perhaps the only gripe I have with the game is some of the magic spells featured in the game, having another Medusa head power felt uninspiring especially considering the removed spells that was cut from the game before release, some of the weapons are also not that exciting to play such as the Spear Of Destiny or even the Blade of Olympus.

overall GOWII is still the best entry in the series, it does so many things so well that is hard to surprass it overall for me.

good gunplay and overall great level-design that was largely made by Arkane Studios (Prey 2017/Dishonored), some of the co-op elements are interesting for those looking for an co-op shooter and have some fun with an friend.

the writing and characters are god-awful coming from the previous games and the RPG elements are just there to drag the game since most of the enemies/boss fights are damage sponges that take forever to be killed.

overall Youngblood can be fun from an casual playing with an friend but I mostly recommend skipping that one if you are looking to play all the modern Wolfenstein games, just stick with the previous games instead.

pretty good shooting mechanics with lots of punchy weapons to play with and this is huge considering that this is CDPR's first shooter and they nailed everything in regards to gunplay for me, good story and well-written/memorable cast of characters, the rest is quite bland, the open-world setting is average and doens't offer as much that I could expect coming from CDPR especially after Witcher 3.

the game is more enjoyable to play now and the experience was more smoother than in 2020 by a larger mile but I don't think substantial updates will fix the "mediocre" feel this game has.

it's an surprisingly decent God of War inspired hack'n slash, combat feels powerful and really smooth, steady 60 FPS perfomance, sound-design is terrific, visuals are great for an 2010 game, nearly every circle of Hell is amazingly well-designed in both levels and art-direction, you can see they put a lot of love and care on the setting.

the story gets the job done, the voice-acting and cinematics are amazing and the whole Christian dark tone fits the game amazingly.

the final few sections in the game namely the Malebolge section is an bit tiresome, it was mostly an effort to increase the game's playtime before the finale and it felt more cheap than anything.

overall it's an great game and hack'n slash/action games fans should give it an try, I might replay to get the platinum trophy/1000 gamerscore later because the game is really enjoyable to play.

it's an decent game, playing as a Shark is fun and some of the RPG elements are interesting such as the shark evolutions you can get but most of the actual gameplay-design is okay, the game essentially makes use of the already tiring Ubisoft open-world formula with lots of repetitive landmarks and collectibles to get and that was enough to make the game boring in an few hours not to mention the shallow combat-system.

if one likes this type of open-world checklist games Maneater can be an fun time especially for an quick platinum trophy/1000 gamerscore stuff since it's rather easy to get, just get some good music or an podcast and start slaying everyone on your way.

the best COD campaign now fully remastered, the amount of care and attention to detail is stunning for any fan of this game. they added new animations for the cutscenes and subtle details that are impressive.

the new visuals look great and it definitely felt like an Remake in some areas.

the gameplay still works well, the gunplay is good and the newly added hit-feedback are good for COD campaigns and playing the original without it must be really awful after the Remaster.

overall pretty fantastic Remaster, it really feels like an passion project and the price tag is mostly great for an Remastered version considering the polish and care put into it.


one of the forgotten console exclusives games back on the PS3/360, this game gets a lot of shit because of it's ugliness and for being apparently generic but I really loved it back then and I was very surprised to see that this is available to play with the Backwards Compability integration in Xbox consoles.

the game plays very well, combat is your standard 7th gen hack and slashing game with quick attacks, heavy attacks and grabs but Conan introduces 4 different combat styles that have their own cast of different skills and gameplay, the skill system is very good it really rewards using different abilities/combat-styles and unlocking new skills feels very addictive, sword attacks feel heavy/meaty and the animations effectively make you feel like Conan not to mention the loads of blood flying over the place and heads being ripped out.

the rest of the game is meh really, the story is just there and the game doens't really have some form of connection in the narrative nor it's characters, the voice-acting is kinda bad while the cutscenes look quite good in terms of facial animations.

overall it's an really fun game, it really nails it's combat with lots of different combat styles and skills to use, definitely an game that really makes you want to play again after finishing it just to have fun with the combat-system they created.

one of the good tie-in games based on movies, the combat is brutal and satisfying with lots of blood/gore effectively making you feel like Wolverine, good variety between abilities and interesting progression.

some of the mechanics are a bit iffy like dodging attacks and lack of general polished enemy designs but I could live with that.

the visuals are okay it gets the job done but even by 2009 standards it was certainly kinda shoody-looking compared to other games at the time like Uncharted 2.

overall it's an great game based on a movie which is very rare especially around that time, definitely recommend if you like Wolverine or great hack 'n slash titles.

this tie-in game had no right to go this hard, smooth platforming, great level-designs and the Toy Box mode is just an incredible value for the game especially on the Xbox 360/PS3 versions.

notable step down coming from the previous games, horror/atmosphere is pratically non-existent, human enemies with cover shooting are introduced something the series never needed, much worse monster and sound-designs, odd storyline decisions notably the forced love triangle that don't fit the series's themes and storyline and most of all generic antagonists.

this game still have it's good points though, the gameplay is still mostly intact coming from Dead Space 2 and Isaac has an combat roll which is an nice inclusion considering that this game is way more action focused, shooting feels punchy and the mechanics very intuitive.

the new crafting system is a good adition though I missed the old Power Node economy in previous games since it effectively created an interesting risk/reward as you could upgrade your weapon or keep your Nodes to open special doors for example not to mention that they were very rare to find which complimented the survival horror gameplay.

side-quests is an interesting new feature as well, it opens up the game a bit and most of the locations are good.

overall Dead Space 3 is an good entry, it was defnitely affected by an rushed development and corporate meddling and it was bad enough to kill off the series for at least an decade.

it's an okay game, the level-design/level length leaves a lot to be desired and the Classic Sonic inclusion definitely feels half-baked and simply doens't make any sense but the rest is allright, character customization is interesting and both the Avatar and Modern Sonic levels are fun enough.

the presentation is great though, the soundtrack is an fucking banger (with the sole exception being Classic Sonic's tracks) and most of the visuals are crisp and gorgeous.

even if it is not the worst Sonic game it definitely feels a bit weaker compared to other installements, I hope Sonic Team can deliver everything with Sonic Frontiers next month.

underrated DK platfomer, the gameplay here is really solid and unique since this is the only plaformer I know where you can use an set of bongos for control and feel good at the same time, chaining wall jumps, swings, grabs and ground pounds to create combo chains never gets old and mastering each level is satisfying.

the presentation is also pretty good, this game has the good old Nintendo polish in terms of UI and audio design everything just looks and sounds good, the music is also pretty catchy.

level-design is genuinely great, every level is fun to play and each own with their unique gimmicks to spice them up.

boss battles are very fun although they start to get repetitive later on.

overall Jungle Beat is great, it is weirder than the Country games since this was made by Nintendo themselves after Rareware's buyout but it's still an good time and every Donkey Kong fan should try it.

basically the peak of video game combat for me, every damn character has so much to offer and Nero might be my favorite hack'n slash character ever now, the Devil Breaker in combination of the Exceed mechanic is just genius and addicting.

presentation-wise is also fantastic, it's honestly amazing how this game not only looks fucking gorgeous but also runs in 60 FPS all the time without an single hitch even on low-end PCs and standard consoles such as the Xbox One. facial animations and models (with the sole expection being Trish, what the hell happened to her Capcom?) are great too not to mention the incredible music.

it's story is solid, some great story beats there and the voice-acting/motion capture also supports the story as a whole, they had no right to be that good.

the level-design and some of the art direction could have used some work though, enviroments and level layout gets repetitive in later missions.

overall DMC5 ruined other action games for me, the fluid combat and deep characters are easily the best in the genre not to mention it's overall presentation.

Village is an solid entry, the RE4 inspired gameplay loop with some really good gunplay and tight progression, immaculate variety through the many areas in the game each one offering something new and rewarding exploration makes this an must-play in the series.

presentation is also flawless, amazing visuals and attention to detail across all the game.

some specific things notably the game's lore and boss-fights can leave some RE enthusiasts with an bad taste though, I hope Capcom can reduce the over-exaggeration on some action elements and respond well to these narrative decisions in the eventual next main game.