I was really surprised of how good this game is, I´ve never seen anyone talk about it but is a really really good roguelike. The health based gameplay is nice and unique, the items are really fun and they actually alter the gameplay quite a lot and the amount of content the game has it´s unbelieveable.

It saddens me a lot seeing people that only played 1-2 runs and left it there, the game has so much content to offer than even after 20 runs you keep seeing new stuff never seen before.

And the creator seems really nice and keeps updating the game and listening to their community.

If you want to play a roguelike similar to Gungeon, this one will greatly surprise you, it´s really good looking with awesome music and a really good overall gameplay filled with a looooooott of content. Even if I have already seen the credits there is a lot of stuff still to do so I will keep playing and enjoying it, go play it yourself.

Man i don´t know, there is nothing going for this game, like, nothing.

At least is not analog horror.

I have a soft spot for clowns, the game is really charming and funny for the price it has (3 dolars) if you are curious, is a short little funtime, don´t overthink about it and give it a try.

I´m giving this high score so the review under me can honk themself

Ok this review is kinda nostalgia based. The game it's great, i really like the boost mechanic, blaze is an amazing character, the music as with every sonic is SOO GOOD and the levels, ignoring some annoying instakill pits are really fun levels.

The ds artstyle is great, the chaos emerald minigame is allright and the story development is fine, really liked the ending!

Then what happens with this game? Was my child self right all along?
tedious, really long, almost impossible to evade attacks and instakill moves, complete package.

I though the final boss of sonic 2 was bad and unfair, wait until you meet the giant eggman mech, twice. From now on, my nightmares wont be about the demon that watches me while I sleep, they will be only a gameplay of that boss on loop.

Great game with tons of love and care with tiny but really deep holes that drags it down a little, awesome ds game anyways.

I'll revisit al the games after completing 3, but for now, pretty bland. Good levels, AWFUL BOSSES and tails is fully braindead. Good game, but not really remarkable, CD was bad, but had it's cool moments.

2nd playtrough:
God this game is asscheeks, I'm sorry
Levels, mixture between bad and boring, nothing special except metropolis zone, which is by FAR the worst zone in any sonic.
Tails brain is in a coma, and that's kinda funny not gonna lie.
And god the emerald minigame is the worst thing ever, you spend more time there than actually playing the game.
And the final boss is one of the biggest janks i have seen in a boss in quite some time.
Super sonic is really cool.

Cute, but the original wasn´t that old to justify this remake. The added Magolor stuff is the best but kinda short and easy. A nightmare for completionists but a really fun time with friends (Omg cool minigames!)

Falling from a skyscraper into a bunch of broken glass while burning would be a less painful fall than the one this game had in it´s third act.

I don´t know the excitement about this "Squid Game" its allright

Quick, charming and Ds screen destroyer, good!

I have never cried in any game, movie or media in general

I had

Really good looking, astonoshingly good music and quite a lot of charm.

But most important of all, this game is really really fun, I can move better and more freely in this game than in real life. If you are looking for a fast-paced plataformer, go for this one, you won't regret it. Awesome game.

Im not a fan of the stealth sections, they weren´t what I was looking playing this game. Some pants changes later, and expectacular addition to the best game I have ever experienced, love the ending.

Really short and with a fascinating new idea, using maps as a medium to scare people. That´s why I love to investigate the horror medium, is so incredibles how many ways and complex mechanism it has. The game its free, if you are curious, play it, its good so you won´t lose anything.

I don´t care it was made in a day, the fart that came from my ass earlier had more comedic value.

I was going to play more games, but, god, i think im going to sleep, I´m really questioning my reality.

Actually liked it, one thing i don´t quite like about sonic is that it has tons of content and secrets, but because you go so fast, you dont see or understand anything and just play until it´s over and it leaves and empty sensation on you.

Maybe I´m dumb

In this one I got to understand what was going on the screen, that´s not usual! Very charming game with lot´s of content.

Really looking to getting more into this blue hedgehog´s world.

2nd playtrough:
After beating all sonics, yeah, not having spindash is really horrible, this game feels really sluggish at time, but i still like it. Starlight is a wonderful zone, but, im sorry i have to remove 5 million points because of the stupid emeralds minigame