Overall the game could have been so much more but the table tennis mode was so much fun!

Quite possibly one of my favourite sequels in all of video games. Somehow the developers were able to expand on everything that made God of War 2018 great. A fascinating story mixed with incredible combat makes for perfection. An experience that I am sure I will return to play all over again.

My first God of War game and certainly not the last. The relationship between father and son was fascinating to watch unfold as I progressed throughout the game and the supporting characters were all a joy to interact with. Combat flows so well and recalling the axe as it spins through the air remains as one of the most satisfying things in gaming!

A game I very much enjoyed, although unfortunately the web slinging mechanic being my most memorable part of the game says a lot as to why I'm only scoring it a 4 star. A great Spider-Man game that unfortunately falls victim to lots of repetitive gameplay.

Nintendo never fails to amaze me with their ingenious game design and Mario Odyssey is no exception. The ability to transform into creatures with a throw of Mario's hat never stopped being fun, and it was an awesome shake up to the already tried and tested Mario formula. The game had a perfect difficulty curve and some of the end game content was still a good challenge for any Mario veteran. I squeezed every last bit out of this game all the way up until 100% completion. A great introduction for Mario onto the Nintendo Switch and a game that brought me so much joy. It was also just as fun sitting down and watching my partner play once I had convinced her to give it a try. Nintendo and Mario very rarely disappoint!

What more is there to say about this game that hasn't already been said? I was introduced to the game by a friend not long after it first came out. I remember at the time scoffing at the graphics, not yet being old enough to appreciate that a video game can be so much more than that. Little did I know at the time that this game would go on to become an obsession that would keep me playing for hours upon hours, both playing with friends and surviving alone in my own unique world. I fondly remember gaming sessions with friends where we would all struggle to play on our cheap, ancient laptops. However it is a testament to the game that this never spoilt our enjoyment. The game grew with me over the years as I began to upgrade my gaming setups, until the very proud day when I was finally able to switch my render distance to 'far'! Unfortunately as the years have gone on I have found myself returning to Minecraft less and less, and the slightly repetitive nature of the game keeps me from giving a 5 star rating. Nonetheless, Minecraft will always give me very fond memories of my childhood and I'll be forever grateful for the countless hours I spent playing this game with friends.

This was a great successor to the first game and still, in my opinion, one of the smartest ideas ever for a puzzle game! Whilst the story was mostly forgettable, the puzzles are great and the co-op mode was a ton of fun with friends.

I've been playing since day one and I still find myself coming back... Even on the days when I lose game after game, you just know I'll be jumping on the very next day to suffer some more. Never would have thought hitting a ball with a car could be so much fun but the games are intense, extremely competitive and abundantly fun. Hundreds and hundreds of hours played and I already know I'll be playing a hundred more.

I wasn't really sure what to expect going in to this game but I was pleasantly surprised and really enjoyed every hour until the end... Or multiple ends?

After hearing so many great things about this game I was more than excited to pick it up and get stuck in... Unfortunately I don't think I have ever been so disappointed! I really struggled to enjoy any of my time playing and after around 6 hours decided I would have more fun playing something else.

One of my favourite games of all time. Breath of the Wild was a 10/10 and somehow Tears of the Kingdom improved on every last bit. It took me over 100 hours to finish the story and I still wanted more. There were so many special moments and as a Zelda fan the game gave me everything I could have hoped for.

One of my games of the year, Pikmin is such a unique game and I love the strategy involved! Pikmin 4 is undoubtedly the best release in the franchise and I couldn't stop playing it.