53 reviews liked by DavidosB

so so close to my hatred for valorant but they won a lawsuit against riot for how many times now, that it's laughable.

a company that made billions ripping-off other games while simultaneously losing to a company that ripped off their most famous game is such a fucking loser energy, further proving that riot is mayhaps been skullfucked by tencent's gigantic dick turning into dumbfuckery.

I played this game from 2014 (before Naxx) until 2019. During those years of on-again-off-again play I crafted hundreds of cards and watched just as many hours of yt videos on the game. This was the game I played and the game I watched.

I can't bring myself to regret the time I spent with this game but I can be glad I don't have the same relationship with it now.

I wouldn't recommend getting into the game now. It seems clear it's peak has long passed.

why the fuck is there a separate entry for every expansion

The opening hours of Animal Well dish up “best game moments of 2024” at an astonishing rate, though towards the end I still grew a little exasperated with the puzzle-platformy-ness of it all.

Just not my favorite genre, only because “am I bad at jumping or do I not have the tool to get there yet” is not a thought I enjoy mulling over 100x per hour, no matter how great the game is otherwise. Yet, the undeniably bonkers-level quality of the puzzle design here kept those dark thoughts at bay way longer than usual.

That’s all to say that, after the credits, I was happy to put it down instead of going into secret bunny sicko mode, but I immensely enjoyed my time with it. Can’t go the full 5-stars, but it is the most easily recommendable game I’ve played in years. Please check it the eff out before all your obnoxious friends spoil it to hell and breakfast for you. It’s truly a delight.

“yeah you might say I’m a bit of a gamer…” (points at 7 different solitaire apps on his phone)

Apple Arcade ranked

What Doom Eternal wishes it was.

Very freakin awesome fast paced combat a classic among us