A very solid rhythm action platformer with nice combat and an art style that transitions into cutscenes well. I enjoyed how EVERYTHING moved to the best of the music, the Xenogears reference, and the brief section where you play as a certain other character. My only big complaint is I wish the writing was more interesting because there wasn't really anything that stuck out to me. I don't feel attached to the characters and the story was mostly a straightforward adventure. I think a sequel has a lot of potential to add even more mechanics and hopefully have a more enticing storyline.

I prefered LAD's plot, larger cast, and combat but 0 still has a nice story and offers a plethora of mini games. I will have to play more mainline titles to better judge how good it is as a prequel.

This rating is specifically for the "Last Mission" game that is included in the package since Backloggd doesn't have a separate category for it.

Adventure 1 is still my favorite Sonic game but this is a well crafted follow up. Shadow is one of the coolest addition to the series main cast.


The Nintendo Switch ONLINE version doesn't even let you play online. 💀

This game had a lot of potential as an anniversary game but failed to give returning characters good interactions and the story was extremely lackluster. The gameplay however was exactly what I wanted. Rosado carried.

They someone took a really bad game and made it worse by making it a 2D handheld game. You need to kill every enemy to beat levels but it's impossible to scroll the screen backwards to beat enemies if you walked past them.

I don't think people who are rating this realize that this is the GameCom version of the game which is a completely different game that lacks 90% of the story, removes every human character that isn't Leon, Leon can only move in four directions, etc. This is far from the same game that was released on PlayStation and other systems.

Walking mobile games are one of the few types of mobile games I actually enjoy. As someone who loves turn based RPGs it's incredibly interesting to see how these two kinds of genres blend together. I'm having a lot of fun despite there not being an English version.

I think the way Pokémon Go is set up is a little more rewarding than this game but I do like the customization this offers and it's unique twist in the formula.

A very Solid sequel. There are notable gameplay improvements over the previous game and the story is still really nice but I do think I like it's predecessor more. Something about 1's story just hit me harder.


This is one of those games that I think is designed with very casual gamers in mind or people just in for a calm experience. It's a short and simple game that is easy to get into.

That being said I don't think this game is for me. I love cats and sci fi but the gameplay is a bit too uninteresting for my taste. I would've preferred either a little more action or if there was just simply more to do. The gameplay loop is essentially just walking from point A to B while avoiding very few enemies. It wasn't really satisfying.


I loved this game from the moment I started playing. The combat, Greek mythological aesthetic, and story are all very neat for a dungeon crawler. I did get mildly annoyed at needing to fight through 30 minutes of enemies repeatedly to get back to the final boss but besides that it's an amazing experience. I'm excited for the sequel.

Short game that is great for speedrunning. There are 20 levels that are all 1 minute long and 4 characters that play slightly differently.