Back in the 2000's (The games of my childhood)

Inspired by conman's list and others that followed, it's my turn to showcase some of the games that defined my childhood in one way or another! While I've played many more than these ones, these are by far the ones I remember more vividly and they are the first I remember when I think of those times.

Special mention to some educational games that aren't on IGDB:


-Mi increíble cuerpo humano

-A bunch of games for the V.Smile... I had a weird childhood gaming wise...

I don't know why the hell does it show the reboot design but oh well. The original was what dreams were made off as a Ben 10 fan, such good memories...
While this one could also count, I'm mainly talking about the prototype that sadly doesn't seem to be on IGDB. I remember playing that on the family computer for hours doing basically nothing.
The DS version to be precise, and this could be pure nostalgia, but I remember it being great and really fun.
Similar to RE5, this is moreso the memories of watching my cousins play it, and it probably was the most fun I ever had with this.
The best soccer/football game ever and it's not even close.
I of course never really played this, but I remember watching my father playing it, and I have extremely fond memories of it as a result. It may have been terrifying to little old me, but it was a blast seeing my dad shoot zombies.
The absolute hero of spanish kids.


1 year ago

Ben 10 Battle Ready, holy shit does that bring back memories. Mystery Dungeon was the first game I ever rented and later bought. Pictochat went crazy in planes and other places with other people with DSs just a localized chatroom its sad it doesnt exist anymore
@LordDarias Ben 10 Battle Ready was what basically introduced me in the world of flash games, and man, they really didn't have to go so hard, but they really did, that game SLAPPED. I also rented Mystery Dungeon, and when I was finally able to buy it not so long ago was amazing. I didn't get to experience Pictochat (or any game with online or local component for that matter) as much as other people did, but the few times I could it was an absolute blast. Doing small animations with my friends was the precursor of what we do now in Gartic Phone.

1 year ago

Feeling my age when the games I list will be a lot in the 80s and early 90s only lol.
@FallenGrace In part, I lament the fact I wasn't able to grow up playing some fantastic classics from back then, but at the same time I was able to experience the Minecraft boom in all its glory, are those memories alone are worth millions...
And those*

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