My Favorite Videogame Characters!

Inspired by @AlphaOne2 's original list and @moschidae 's and @curses 's versions, time to gush about some of my favorite characters ever. Similarly to my videogame boss themes list, the entries here aren't in a particular order, I just couldn't pick my clear prefered ones, I love all of these fellas equally.

Hope you enjoy!

Hollow Knight
Hollow Knight

The world of Hallownest and its surroundings has an amazing cast of characters; in your adventure, you meet mysterious, chipper and even terriyfiying beings, some with their aspirations, others acceptiong of the deplorable state of the world. And all of them are incredibly interesing in their own merits, Cloth and Grimm are two strong contenders, and I love Zote for the bumbling idiot he is, but no character in any game has made me feel the same as Quirrl has, adn how everytime I encountered him I just had a big ol' smile on my face. He's just such a nice bud, a fellow adventurer not so different to you, after all you both are finding your purpose in this abandonned kingdom, but Quirrel has such a incredibly happy presence that none of the other characters have. He invites you to relax and take in the beauty of this world, whereas so many other characters just accept the horrendous nature of Hallownest, Quirrel is, alongside maybe Cornifer, the only other character that wonders and admires the world around him, couple that with his charming dialogue and the fact he seems incredibly happy each time he sees you, you have a character that just manages to make you feel even more entrwaled for this secret lost world, and that it makes you happy to see him too!

And his story, discovering his past alongside him, battlong a creature together and that final moment you both share in the blue lake, once again admiring the lost beauty of Hallownest and seing the place he wanted to visit so much... god this game is so fucking good, and Quirrel is such an amazing character.

Dedede's Drum Dash Deluxe
Dedede's Drum Dash Deluxe
King DeDeDe

I do not exaggerate when I think there isn't a funniest character in the realm of gaming than DeDeDe. Granted, being a bit of a meme in my group of friends may help it being a bit funnier than it already is, but I don't care, this penguin is absolute PEAK character design.

His characterization and animations in EVERY single game (and even the anime for that matter) work so well and go hand in and to create a truly memorable bastard. Seeing him get character development over the years is just so nice and I've loved every single iteration of the one true King.

Also, he's a penguin, WITH A HAMMER. Peak, I tell you, PEAK
Dark Souls II
Dark Souls II
Aldia, Scholar of the First Sin

''Life is brilliant, beautiful, it enchants us, to the point of obsession. Some are true to their purpose yet they are but shells, in flesh and mind. One man lost his own body, but lingered on as a head. Others, chase the charms of love, however elusive. What is it that drives you? Once, the lord of light banished the dark and all that stemmed from humanity. And men assumed a fleeting form. This are the roots of the world. Men are props on the stage of life, and no matter how tender how exquisite...


Do you wanna know the best part about this? I wrote this whole speech without looking it up. This guy's lines have been engraved in my mind and it still gave me chills to simply write them, it’s insane the sheer impact this dude left on me and so many others. I already talked about him in my boss tracks list's comments and in @curses's fantastic list, as well as he did in his entry, so I'll simply rehash what I said there:

Aldia is so fucking good of character it's not even fair. Granted, it's not like the Souls series has that many characters that actively interact with the player, and those that do are minor NPC's that, with some exceptions (Patches my beloved), are mostly not that memorable in the grand scheme of things, but man does Aldia go far and beyond. His speeches, his mannerisms, his philosophy, the way he actively makes DS2 an better game narratively wise is unparalleled, the man carries the game on his head alone. I'm exaggerating of course, but I really adore that character. The way A lie will remain a lie is delivered gives me chills, it's outstanding.

Lil Gator Game
Lil Gator Game

I have no idea if the main character has an official name, but I don't care, in my and my girlfriend's hearts, he will always be Gazpacho. Such a fantastic protagonist and such a silly little guy that always puts a smile on my face, he's so chipper and active and I just wanted to see him succeed in his little quest, it was an amazing protagonist.

Avery comes on a close second, 'cause ITS MOTHERFUCKING AVERY SHE'S THE BEST CHARACTER IN ALL OG GAMI- ok sorry, got carried there, she is also pretty cool but not as much as mu silly precious alligator.

Gazpacho is a legend, now and forever.
Elden Ring
Elden Ring

If this was a list of villains, his brother would have taken the cake EASILY, but we are talking in general terms, and as such, Morgott not only takes the cake, but he takes the whole goddamn bakery. Elden Ring is full of great characters and bosses, but Morgott... I just can't describe it. His sheer presence is so menacing, his dialogue impeccable, his lore and story so tragic and emotional, his battles just so. Fucking. GOOD. He was probably the first character to make me feel so emotional fighting a boss in a FromSoft game, even more than Aldia. I could write a whole thesis about his final fight, but this is about the character and I don't want to be here all day. For now, just know I adore him, he's my favorite boss in any of the ''SoulsBorne'' series, and a character that touched my heart deeply. The rest of the ones on the list of course did that too, but Morgott just had something that made him fascinating, and I wished there was more of him.
Deltarune: Chapter 2
Deltarune: Chapter 2

Do I even need to say more?

This will probably change as more episodes get released and characters get even more development, but for now, Spamton is the [BIG SHOT], he is just so funny, intriguing and his dialogue is GOLD. His fight is probably the best so far that Toby Fox has ever made alongside the final Queen fight and my god does this weirdo deserves it.

Just don't lend him any modern computer, he may invest in crypto and that would make him 99% less cool (the 1% percent left is because of the glasses, those are always cool)

I think there's a ton of value in a series that makes me adore and admire its main character that barely says anything across the series. Samus is such a fantastic protagonist and she has so much potential to grow even more as character, especially with the lore and story at play and the mangas establishing far better her character.

There's a ton of reading you can do about Metroid's story and Samus part in it, but even at the base, I find her the most complex out of all Nintendo characters, and I'll forever cherish her as my personal favorite.

Just, for the love of God, don't play Other M.

It's bad.

It's WORSE than bad.
Team Fortress 2
Team Fortress 2

Out of all the mercs, my favorite personality wise is not even one of my mains... truly a sad turn of events.

Yeah, the Medic is fantastic, 'nough said. I already love the mad scientist trope and this guy is the perfect example of it, all his dialogue is incredibly entertaining and I absolutely adore him in the comics.

Scout, Miss Pauling, Demoman and Soldier and all pretty close runner ups, but ther german doctor prevails. He also has birds as mascots and ups him in the list A LOT.
Portal 2
Portal 2

If GLaDOS in the original game was already an incredibly interesting and funny character and final boss, in the sequel it takes all these things to a whole other fucking level.

Her sarcastic demeanor and humor manage to be both funny and menacing, and I can't think of any character that manages to pull something like that, or at least not as well GLaDOS does. She is one of my favorite antagonists ever and I adore her, and I know well that I'm not alone in that thought.
Dark Souls III
Dark Souls III
Prince Lothric and Prince Lorian

Once again, I went into detail in why I adore these two so much, and @moschidae did the same in her own list, so once again I'll simply state what I've already said in my boss theme list here:
The prince brothers are not only my favorite characters in the game, but they are also basically a parallel to the player. They refuse to keep the fire going, they know this cycle of pain and chaos must end, even if it cost them withering away, and they will not stop at nothing, and their music lets you know this, and they make you never forget it.


1 year ago

Love this list, really great picks. I really like the subtle character development DeDeDe has gone through over the years, from being greedy and seeing Kirby as an enemy to being a good king who goes out of his way to protect his waddle Dee's, he's so loveable and it's been cool watching his personality develop along with the rest of the crew
@moschidae Thank you so much! And yeah, I would have honestly never expected to see it, but I'm so glad he and other characters in the series got a redemption, like Meta Knight or even more recently Marx and Maglor! But DeDeDe's was the best by far, he is still his old mean yet lovable self in some ways, but it has clearly changed in a way it’s just so satisfying to see.

1 year ago

Aldia is Goated, great list
@LordDarias Thank you :DDD! And yeah, you have no idea how happy it makes me to see so many people here appreciating the guy, he's by far one of the best parts in the whole game and the fact they ignore his existence in DS3 makes a bit sad... tho at the same time, I guess it kinda makes sense for the character.

1 year ago

Its funny how Dread my first ever Metroid game, but that moment at the mid-point of the game where Samus SPOILERS to SPOILERS while doing it in SPOILERS genuinely gave me chills. Her characterization was so strong in Dread.

Also happy I was able to inspire many people, including yourself, into doing this. It really is a fun time altogether.
@AlphaOne2 Dread had some of the most spectacular moments in the series, that ending where she SPOILERS was truly something else, what a especial game.

And yeah, your idea was so great I just had to... Borrow it xD. It was really fun seeing your entries as well as everyone elses, and writting for each of my entries was really fun and interesting, so thank you so much for the idea!

1 year ago

I just picked up Lil Gator Game on sale, looks like I'm calling the main character Gazpacho forever now!
@thealexmott YES!


@curse Glad you liked it! Morgott seems one of those characters that everyone likes that does not immediately come to most people’s minds, but I just found him too interesting and tragic, and I really wish we could see more of him in the future since apparently Bandai Namco wants to do more stuff with the IP (hopefully good stuff). And yeah, Quirrel is by far my favorite in Hollow Knight, but as I said there are many other fantastic characters that would be fantastic picks...

...LIKE ZOTE THE ALMIGHTY!!! I loved that little idiot and I'm glad to see that you like him too! And hey, it's never late to spread the world of the greatest hero in the land and his weapon 'Life Ender'!... God he's just too funny.

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