The Outer Worlds has many things to offer I really like: A team that follows you on your journey with own opinions and quests, diversive worlds and a nice soundtrack.
Many of the quests will add to the finale, too.

BUT everything feels like the game is totally okay with the fact that every Main Fallout was bigger, had better loot and felt more polished.
In Outer Worlds everything is smaller: Towns, Secrets, Loot,...

Overall I had a good time. But to say it is a perfect game would be a lie.

One of the better soulslikes in my opinion. Started with a heavy weapon and absolutely hated it.
But when I got some faster weapons it almost felt a bit bloodborney.
Don't get me wrong: This is nowhere near bloodborne or any dark souls but it was kinda nice as long as it lasted.
One of the negative points would be that the story was not really interesting. This and that almost every npc looked the same made me quit every dialog in the last third of the game.

I don't like the setting, I don't like the sounddesign and I don't really like gameplay (not nearly as good as DS).
I'd rather play DS1-3 for the 50th time than waste my time and nerves on any of these mediocre soulslikes.

Nice beginning and mid section, horrible finale. The money you get has no value... I finished the game without having spend money twice. So take this advice: If you want to buy something, do so. There ist no reason to keep it for later.

To me this game is nearly perfect.
The feeling you get when doing the perfect drift while "magical sound shower" is smashing loudly... man it does not get any better than this!

I enjoy when a game lives up to it's hype. God of war does so many things the right way that some of the flaws (which it has not many) have little to none weight.
I enjoyed the story, the gameplay and most of the world.
I'm glad that it is not filled with stupid fetch quests. Almost every quest feels rich and adds at least to the worldbuiling or father/son relationship.

But to be a 5* game it should have been more impactful to me. It is great but it is not perfect. I'm looking forward to Ragnarök!

This is the Final Fantasy that brought back the epicness, happiness, sadness I have been looking for since FFX on PS2.

Is it perfect? No. It has some parts I would like to skip If I will ever replay this game (the last 2-3 chapters).
Especially the "Highway Part"(to avoid spoilers) was pretty meh.
It also has some backtracking and sidequests that are there to strech the overall lengh. I skipped 50% of them.

BUT what the Game does really well is "the people" Aerith, Jessie, Cloud,... I care for them.
A feeling that I felt rarely when playing a Videogame.
Also the new Combat works totally fine for me. Sure.. heavy Boss Battles can become kinda trigger-heavy when you smash the same 2-3 buttons for 15 mins. But you can save almost every time you want as long as you are not in a battle or a cutscene.
And while we already mentioned the Cutscenes: Wow they are good. The Game Changes from cutscene, to ingame-cutscene to gameplay smoothly. If you know the Advent Children movie you get a good idea of the overall look of the Game.
Midgar and it's industrial look sure is no eyecandy but the Game somehow makes it enjoyable to watch.

I enjoyed 95% of my ~ 30 hours and I'm happily looking forward to Part 2.

It's party game like overcooked or gang beasts but not quite as funny as gang beasts which is a PARTY game.
In Lumberhill you will have to work together to get your tasks done but in our group nobody really laughed out loud.
Don't get me wrong: There is nothing wrong with getting stuff done but this one is a game for when the party is already over and you try to get sober again while playing something easy to pick up.

It's kinda special.
Some of the murders were unnecessary gruesome.. but on the other hand you fight with water and an heavenly bow made of light.. wtf man.

Aside from this awkwardness I liked the levels.

Pac-Man as a modern (kinda) jump n run? Is it fun? - Yes.
But It is hard. It least to me it was.

Things I liked:
- pac-man labyriths included
- graphics are ok
- diversified stages

What I did not like:
- too hard (got frustrated often)
- not really A-league overall

Yeah it's bad. At least on Switch.
15/20 fps all through the game, weird camera, not so nice graphics and wet tshirt contest without any reason.
I must admit that I did not finish this game because I had no fun at all.

Soulslike with hard hitting Anime Impact. Not as good as the soulsbornes but perfectly fine If you are hungry for more souls and maybe can get this in a Sale.

There is so much packed in:
Disney-like Credits, a 30 min. final bossfight, surprises and a nice fluid gameplay.

My favourite moment has to be the end of chapter 12 (opera guitar Hero). Amazing moment!

But why only 3.5*?
- Because Bayonetta has always been too crazy for me. Escalation to the maximum and beyond is just not mine. But I'm happy Switch owners finally got a exclusive which has no mario or link in it.
And Viola did not fit in. Gameplaywise and bit storywise, too. At least in my opinion.

Not as great as the first. But when compared to other games the ambience is still amazing.

Yep.. don't like it. Chaos everywhere and I'm the worst smash Player ever because I can't see anything.
This is not for me. I have more fun getting my butt kicked on street Fighter online by 10 year olds than playing smash.
I like the amount of content you get for your hard earned money, tho.
So here you have 2,5*.