I enjoy when a game lives up to it's hype. God of war does so many things the right way that some of the flaws (which it has not many) have little to none weight.
I enjoyed the story, the gameplay and most of the world.
I'm glad that it is not filled with stupid fetch quests. Almost every quest feels rich and adds at least to the worldbuiling or father/son relationship.

But to be a 5* game it should have been more impactful to me. It is great but it is not perfect. I'm looking forward to Ragnarök!

It's kinda special.
Some of the murders were unnecessary gruesome.. but on the other hand you fight with water and an heavenly bow made of light.. wtf man.

Aside from this awkwardness I liked the levels.

It's party game like overcooked or gang beasts but not quite as funny as gang beasts which is a PARTY game.
In Lumberhill you will have to work together to get your tasks done but in our group nobody really laughed out loud.
Don't get me wrong: There is nothing wrong with getting stuff done but this one is a game for when the party is already over and you try to get sober again while playing something easy to pick up.

With this game I got my wife to play a videogame (and she did well). That alone should be reason enough to give 5*. But a couple of levels where not enjoyable and stressed us in a bad way. And the fact that (in multiplayer) attacking with your costumepower and picking/throwing your partner are mapped to the same button feels unexpected weak/lazy/bad for a First party Mario game.

Overall we had about 12-15 funny hours.

This is where it all started.. Dark Souls killed single handedly almost all the other games. One of my magic moments was when I died and died again trying to defeat Gwyn. It was a hard lesson in parrying. But Gwyn's Theme was magical.

Even a "bad Souls game" is a good game in my opinion. But the second Had too many levels I just HATE from the bottom of my heart.

Yep.. 5*.
I've put hundreds and hundreds of hours in this game and I'm coming back time and time again.
I LOVE fighting the Abyss Watchers, Lothric, Ariandel & Friede.
I get goosebumps as soon as I hear the Soundtrack. My heart pumps like crazy, my mind is focused and my hand/eye coordination works Like an oiled machine.
What more could I ever want from a Game!?

This "Game" is a better Demo.
Aside from the lacking content it looks OK and plays arcady I guess.. but it's not even close to the state the Strikers for Wii was when it has been released many years ago.

And what is it about those ugly new clothes? Why? If I want a strong guy I will choose Bowser. Not Toad with ugly Armor.. f*#€ that.

This is the size of a "Open world" I Like.
Honestly I usually hate Open world games but when they are as compact as arkham asylum I can Not stop playing.
Loved the ambience and all those riddler tasks.
Finished this game about 5 Times I think. As soon as Halloween is around the corner I will pay arkham asylum my next visit.

Nice game but I had to focus on the main story. City is just too large for my taste.

My least favourite of all the arkham Games. Even more Open world with almost nothing but little wastes of time. They even included the batmobile so you can hurry through Arkham City. If there is one thing I never wanted to do as Batman is to hurry and shoot Tanks..
Why 3*? Because it is Batman.

Just not what I like it seems. Had no fun with it and got frustrated because I was staring at the picture for 10-15 min and did not find the last two missing items. I'm sorry but my spare time is limited. I like waldos books but the key to his success is: His pictures don't move. And they don't change the rules by adding stuff that was not there before just because you picked Up a previous Item.
I'll stick to the waldo books I guess.

Wow I hate this Game.
To be honest I don't really think that Nioh is a Bad Game, but it is frustrating as hell.
Nioh does what DS don't. It is unfair at times - a thing DS never was.
You get pushed into death by an enemy that was not visible (happened maybe twice in DS but it is standard in Nioh), there are small bridges where you can fall to death easily and Nioh put's large enemies (3x your size) in front of you. They have to hit you once and you're dead but you have to hit them 6-8 Times. All while being Shot by enemies from distance.
Then there are the side Missions which are basically 80% the same levels you already finished but in reverse. I think that's lazy.
Then there is the fact that you can only learn certain skills If you visit the dojo and complete the tutorials... I think that's kinda annoying, too.
Than there is the fact that I'm not into the monster design...

Nioh has it's good ideas, sure.
But after 20 hours I decided that I will not waste my time any longer in a game that TO ME had more negative aspects than positive ones.

If I had to rank the Soulsborne titles this game has to be in the lower half of them.
Sure Bluepoint wanted to stay true to the original PS3 game and in this regard they did not fail. It looks and sounds amazing!

BUT the core material was far from perfect. Maneater Bossfight is buggy, King Allant is waaay to easy to be the final boss, Item management is aweful and the level structure has been done better by any other Soulsborne Game.

Can you have fun with this Game?
- Sure. Hours and hours.
Would I prefer DS, DS3 or Bloodborne?
- Yes!

It's OK. Actually it could be a nice soulslike but it is too short. You'll have max. upgraded flasks in under 6 hours and you saw almost the complete game in under 10 hours.
For every other genre that's fine... But soulslikes should at least have the 2-3x lengh.
Thymesia always feels like it COULD be great but it does not try to be great. Therefor it is only OK.