Vermintide is the kind of game I would not pay attention to if it was Singleplayer only.. but playing this thing with 4 people online is fun!

After every mission you can roll the dice to see what your reward is (aside from exp). The "higher" the dice - the better the loot. You can add more dice if you find books (up to 3) that are hidden in every mission.

You can craft new weapons which is good but it will take some time.
So in 80-90% you have already finished the game once before the crafting really becomes important.

We started on easy, changed to normal and it took us ~ 10-12 hours to see and beat every mission.
But since there is harder difficulty and with that better loot, we will come back at some point.

Overall this is a nice L4D alternative. We got it for 3€ on Steam sale and it was totally worth it.

Imagine what kind of game you would do as a 14 year old. And Bright Memory Infinite is exactly that kind of game.
Shoot, shoot, shoot. And you can change the skin of Shelia.. into tight jeans, a bunny outfit and of course swimwear.

The graphics are amazing but everything else is "forgettable".
And it took me only 2 hours to beat.

It is hard for me to find the right words for Dead Space.
Back then I think I liked it more than the Remake.
Why is that so? I don't really know to be honest. I think it's fair to say that the World of Videogames has evolved since then and I have, too.
Dead Space has not. At least not much. Which may be a good thing if you a are fan of the original.
But to me it was a lot of backtracking. Over and over again. It took me ~ 15 hours to beat. After 8 hours I had the feeling I have seen almost everything.. some things repeat over and over. And by then you already know exactly when the enemy will spawn from behind and when they throw 6-7 enemies at you.
And at this point I was quite fed up with Ishimuras design (steel, darkness and flickering lights for almost 15 hours).
Sure: If you love SciFi-Horror this may be perfect for you.
But to me it was more of the same, over and over again.

Don't get me wrong: The graphics are absolutely up to date and the sound is amazing.
They did a good job bringing an PS3/360 Game into 2023.
But I think I had a wrong idea of what to expect here. In the end I think I have changed my taste of games over the last couple of years so that Dead Space is not my IP anymore.
I have high hopes for RE4 and SH2. They will be more up my alley.

First of all I want to say that I finished DS1-3, Bloodborne, Steel Rising, and some other soulslikes.
So I think I spent enough time with this genre to know that these games can be hard but rewarding.
But with every hour I put into the Nioh Franchise I simply can not understand why so many people seem to love it. It has so many flaws.

Almost everything is designed to p** you off. In difference to the first Nioh I spent almost every lvl into health - now I die after two hits from the bigger yokai/bosses. AFTER TWO HITS (!). Do I really have to grind for several hours to put up a fair fight?
And as if that is not enough I have to farm healing items?
I have to grind before every new Bosstry because my "god" is not ready?
Why do I even have to grind this much BEFORE getting my a*
whopped again? It's just frustrating! Nioh can be unfair/unbalanced at times. And this is reason why it is so frustrating when you have to grind.
Sure there are some people beating this game using a vegetables-controller... but I have a job and I don't have time to grind for hours and hours.

Then there is still the thing with those amrita-memories being japanese with subtitles. Why? In a soulslike you don't have the time to stop walking and READ the subtitles. Why are those oneliners even there? Do they add to the story? Not really. Do they provide interesting lore? No. So why even include them?
And if you include them why keep them japanese with subtitles? It just makes no sense.

The game has so few different enemies that it feels lazy. Why do they recycle so many enemies from Nioh 1?

Nioh has also the bad taste of DS2.. either it throws 5-6 enemies at you or 1-2 of the bigger yokai (yeah the same enemies in every level..).
And the game is not ashamed to put you in arena-like side missions where you have to survive multiple waves (is this supposed to be fun?).

Then there are the Yokai...I just don't think they're cool. Not a bit. I don't want to be disrespectful for japanese culture but I wish Nioh had cooler enemies..
I have not found any cool/likeable/frightening NPC/Enemy in over 35 hours I put into the Nioh-Franchise. DS or Bloodborne had such cool enemies/bosses.

And Nioh is right there with Borderlands or Diablo lootwise.
You get a.lot.of.stuff. sometimes over 100 weapons/armorsets per level. Yes this is a soulslike, but you can pause the game every 2 mins to check the new stuff if you want. Thats just not what I want from a soulslike.

Why 3*? Because it is not a bad game after all.
But it is nothing I would recommend to anybody. There are enough positive reviews regarding Nioh 2 that will give you a better insight on the good sides of the game.

PS: After all this negative energy I must admit that I will give it another try soon... I just want to see what's all the buzz around Nioh. But at the moment I don't think it's my kind of game.

The RE4 Remake shows again that Capcom is capable of bringing their classics to a new generation of players.
RE2 Remake was great, RE3 Remake was short but also good and RE4 Remake is a great game as well.
I don't think it is perfect. It lacks a bit of charme when compared to the original.
Is it as impactful as the original? - No. Sure not. How could it? But it is right there with some of the best 3rd person games available AND it is for sure one of the best remakes ever made.

RE4 revolutionized the genre.
Without it we would have never got Gears or any other good third person Actiongame.
It still holds up today!

Yes there is hype about BD3. And usually I hate overhyped games. But BD3 is a really really good game.. maybe one of the best ever made.
I love the characters, the freedom you have (exploring your surroundings is actually fun) and the intense battles.
It easily could be a 5-star game.. but at the moment it has some flaws. Act 3 did not run very well on my PC (had to turn on DLSS performance mode), some (not many) quests where buggy and I put myself into a dead end somehow by complete a row of quests in a certain way that led to the point on which I had to load a save game many hours ago.
Not really a gamebreaker but this should simply not be possible. Therefor "only" 4.5 Stars.
If you ask yourself if it is really as good as everyone is saying.. then just give it a chance. I was surprised in a positive way.

What a weak Remedy game.
Considering I loved Alan Wake (1) and I liked Alan Wake 2, Quantum Break and the Max Payne Series I am shocked how bad Control is compared to all of them.
Everything lookes the same, the gameplay is mediocre at best and the overall Story was disappointing to me. It had such build up but totally failed at the end. Wow am I glad I can finally delete it from my drive. :-p
Why 3*? Because it is not the worst game I have ever played. But it is the worst Remedy game I have ever played.

Mario Wonder was a positive surprise to me. The talking flowers are nice, the levels are outstanding creative and fun.
And that I can play as Luigi is a big plus for me, too.

If there is only one switch game I can buy in 2023 it would be Mario Wonder. Well done Nintendo!

I have mixed feelings for Heavy Rain.
The gameplay is aweful. The only thing you do is walk in slow motion and compete in quick time events. And some of these quicktime events use sometimes 3-4 buttons at the same time. That's not really good. So the gameplay is clearly the downside of Heavy Rain. Thankfully it is not very long so you don't have to break your controller too often.

On the positive side: The story is fine. This is mainly a story game (a walking simulator if you want), that tells a "ok" story.
It sure has some plotholes and if you replay the game some aspects of the story don't make sense (which is wild for a game that is almost about the story). But it has some memorable moments in it and therefor slips just about average.

Well... i think Beyond is just an average game. The story was weak, the gameplay even worse. I guess if you are a fan of Quantic Dream you will find some enjoyment here.. but to me it was kind of a waste of time.

Keep in mind that this is a PSP game deep within. Therefor the game almost feels like it is an "early access Final Fantasy".. the character movements are dated, the gameplay is pretty ruff. This is not in any means comparable to the FF7 Remake. It is weaker.. by a lot. But if you are into the characters (or Zack... who to me was a bit too premature) you can give this a try. 3* is not a bad game.. but it is nothing I would come back for.

After replaying this my thoughts were "if this came out today on a mobile phone -just like it is- nobody would play this. Maybe for free.. but not if it costs any money". And I still think this is true. The idea is "ok".. you move on a fixed track and take pictures of pokemon. That's all. So if we really be honest to ourselfes.. this is even less gameplay than Pokemon Go.
BUT for 1999 is was fine to the kids we were. But today kids expect more. My Nephew played it and thought it is boring. He wanted to play zelda instead. And I really understood him.

Pokemon is one the most valuable names in the world. And Pokemon games are published by Nintendo eversince.
My question is: Why is this such an disastrous technical failure?

With a little more polish this could have been one of my favourite Indies.
It's all there: Nice music, Nice graphics, addicting gameplay.
The game wants to be challenging but this is also one of the downpoints I have with it. It tries to be challenging by putting you into arenalike fights with spawning enemies. This is lazy to me. And in this moment it needs more polish. Why can enemies hit through obstacles and I don't? Why does every enemy hit stagger me but I can't stagger them?
To put this into perspective: In these arena fights it is usually 1 vs 5/1 vs 4/1 vs 3/1 vs 1 (bigger enemy).
You can not heal. So you better play your A-game perfectly!

This is not the kind of game I want to play anymore. I'm to old for this stuff..