169 Reviews liked by DestroyerM24

Was looking forward to playing this one the most out of the series, and I gotta say, I wish I played this game sooner

- smooth gameplay
- wide variety of customizable guns
- decent story
- some dang good performances

- being a Ubisoft game, there are LOTS of collectibles and side crap

- although story is decent, not enough time is spent on focusing on characters that are fan-favourites
- some annoying minor things like super compressed audio for side characters
- ran pretty poorly on my rig at the time I played it, which was an Acer Nitro 5 with the GTX 1060, and I've heard the optimization is bad all over the board

After playing this game, I can't help but feel that it pales in comparison to its predecessor. This game has less content, a very weak story, and no meaningful changes to the gameplay formula, yet it still isn't a bad game.

This game consists of contracts, both new and remade from the first game, Codename 47. This makes sense because the first game was not released on consoles, so it would seem the devs wanted to retell some of the story in this game as an introductory point for new players. Except that point would be refuted by the presence of time-jumps and a lack of narrative for the contracts. The actual overlying narrative consists of 47 remembering past contracts while unconscious or something, so I was a bit disappointed.

Aside from two missions which have identical maps, the missions and maps were very well designed. Locations were varied, and the ways you could kill your targets would be unique for each level. Jesper Kyd's turn to a more gloomy and atmospheric soundtrack, as opposed to the grand orchestral soundtrack of Hitman 2, gives this game a more dark vibe, never glorifying what it is that Agent 47 is doing. Like always, completing a Hitman level with a decent rating and without any help seems like one of the most satisfying things you could do. In terms of what new stuff was added, syringes which allowed faster knockout times were added, dead npcs would show up on the map, you could conceal weapons in certain things, and probably some more insignificant things.

The absolute worst part of this game is the almost two hours I spent figuring out how to run it. Hitman Contracts is a technical disaster. Just look up this game's issues and you'll see that the devs didn't make sure that this game was as stable as Hitman 2 or even Codename 47 for that matter.

I wish I could give this game a 'meh' rating, as the technical issues alone detracted from my experience severely. I am happy that it wasn't officially called Hitman 3, because this game just doesn't have the scope to back that up. This game's 9 month production time is evident in its shorter length, somewhat absent story, and unchanged gameplay, yet Hitman: Contracts remains a solid gameplay experience that provides fun and satisfaction. Treat this game more like a slight detour from the main Hitman series, as it provides more of the gameplay and almost none of the story.



A neat, short experience. Feels more like an interactive film than a game and it may be too steep of an asking price, but the impactful writing and exemplary voice acting are really something.

A pretty short but cute and funny game.

40.4 hrs on record (33.8 hrs at review time)

Watch Dogs is a game that was bashed and overlooked partly because of an admittedly misleading gameplay presentation during E3 before the game's release that made the actual game look like a significant downgrade. Furthermore, it was equated with games like GTA V in terms of what it set out to achieve, of course meaning that Watch Dogs was seen as an inferior GTA clone once it came out. However, approaching Watch Dogs from a different angle and tempering your expectations yields a game that I think is worth playing.

The principal game mechanic of Watch_Dogs is the ability to hack things. Whether it be the functionality of traffic lights or blockers which can aid you in a police chase, messing with enemy communications and explosives to gain an upper hand in a combat situation, using cameras to orient yourself with an environment without having to physically move much, or simply viewing the personal details of random NPCs you come across on the street, hacking in this game is extremely fun and is more than just a gimmick.

Combat and gunplay is fine but surprisingly difficult in terms of how quickly you can die. Unfortunately this game does have a 'focus' mechanic (basically bullet time) that can make things a bit too easy. The weakest thing in terms of gameplay would have to be the driving, which isn't absolutely terrible but definitely doesn't compare to other open world games set in cities. Vehicle handling can be quite bad and collisions with other vehicles and objects are laughably bad.

The story was ok and unambitious, with it pretty much being a revenge story with a couple twists and turns. One thing that I do enjoy is the game's tone. Looking back, a lot of people miss the serious tone that Watch Dogs has, especially after the ultra colourful and mischevious tone of Watch Dogs 2. I was surprised with some of the dark themes and subject matter tackled in this game, like human trafficking and other despicable stuff I won't name here (something that would totally fit in Cyberpunk 2077). A huge contributor to the great tone is the soundtrack, but it's a shame that most of the good stuff is unreleased.

In terms of side content, this is your typical Ubisoft open world game where there's a ton of collectibles and side missions. Most of this stuff is tedious though, so I wouldn't recommend doing it all. Watch Dogs also has a variety of "Digital Trips" and smartphone games. For example, Cash Run is a game where you do parkour in a timed race to collect coins; and Madness is a wave-based game where you drive an upgradeable car in a post-apocalyptic Chicago infested with zombies. These can be quite fun but I didn't spend much time with them.

Unfortunately throughout my playthrough I was unable to access the online component of the game. This is a shame as I remember a lot of the exciting moments I had with this game back when I played at launch were the random player invasions where you would have to hunt down an enemy player in a sea of NPCs. I couldn't find much info on whether this is a long-term problem with Ubisoft servers or just me, but just keep in mind that the online component may not work for you. Outside of this online issue, I also had some gamebreaking bugs that I luckily fixed pretty quickly.

With all this being said, Watch Dogs is a solid game with an innovative hacking system coupled with a typical Ubisoft open world. I recommend this game with the suggestion that you focus on the main story but do a bit of the side content like the privacy invasions.

The Nemesis system makes this game a fun time in the face of repetition, offering a near infinite amount of unique encounters. However, everything else ranges from mediocre to simply falling flat, such as the simple Arkham-style combat, the underwhelming story, and boring characters.

I was addicted to this game at one point, and it's easy to see why. Bright and vivid colours and very simple gameplay, with lots of content to get through and give you that dopamine boost when you get that first place. fun time.

I had the pleasure of playing through the Mass Effect trilogy for the first time. My verdict is: I am an idiot for not playing it earlier.

Fantastic story, deep and complex characters, awesome worldbuilding. The more I think back on it the more I appreciate it and wish to return to it.

this was the first Battlefield that I ever got into, and it's still the only one I would ever bother coming back to. I'm not even much of a multiplayer game enjoyer myself, but this game makes me forget that for a moment. The campaign is also quite good, with these short contained stories that are pretty impactful and fun to play.

Uncharted 4: A Thief's End puts a fitting end to Nathan Drake's story, and it felt like a true next-gen experience when it was released. The game holds up amazingly well even today. It was one of the first games I played on PS4, and I was so engrossed that I finished it in a day or so.

The story is very good, introducing new characters while also bringing back the classic ones. Nathan’s brother, Sam Drake, is a significant addition, adding layers to Nate’s backstory and motivations. The dynamic between the brothers is well-developed and emotional. The scenery is breathtaking, taking you to incredible places like Scotland, where the atmospheric and moody landscapes enhance the sense of adventure, and Madagascar, with its vibrant and expansive environments. The semi-open world approach, especially in Madagascar, made me feel like I was in a safari simulator, exploring vast areas with a sense of freedom. The inclusion of a jeep for exploration in open areas was a fun addition, allowing for more varied gameplay. The scripted events were seamlessly integrated, adding to the flow of the gameplay. However, I wasn't a huge fan of Libertalia. While it wasn't bad, it dragged on for too long, and at some point, I lost some of the initial excitement, I wasn't feeling it anymore.

The graphics are stunning and are a joy to look at. The detailed environments, character models, and realistic lighting make the game visually spectacular. It's rarely that I care much about graphics, but I was genuinely amazed by this game. The gameplay didn't reinvent the wheel, but the new additions were very well integrated. The shooting felt solid, the climbing was improved with new mechanics like the grappling hook, which made the traversal more complex, and the overall mechanics were smooth and engaging. This game had lots of memorable moments that stick with you long after you’ve finished playing.
One of the highlights of the game is its detailed and expansive environments. Whether you’re scaling cliffs, exploring old ruins, or driving through muddy trails, each location feels meticulously crafted. The game’s attention to detail, from the lush vegetation to the intricate architecture of the ruins, enhances the experience.
The puzzles in Uncharted 4 are also worth mentioning. They are well-designed and integrate seamlessly into the environment, offering a good balance of challenge and enjoyment without breaking the flow of the game. The use of Nathan’s journal and Sam’s input adds a collaborative element to solving these puzzles, making them feel more organic to the story.

I won't discuss much about the story, but I will say this: finally, an ending that doesn't involve destroying an ancient city! It was a refreshing change and a satisfying conclusion to Nathan Drake's adventures. The final scenes are poignant, wrapping up the character arcs in a heartfelt way that pretty much every fan of the series appreciated, it was a satisfying ending.

Uncharted 4: A Thief's End is on par with Uncharted 3 as my favorite from the Nathan Drake quadrilogy. I'm not sure which one I like more, but both hold a special place for their memorable moments, engaging gameplay, and stunning visuals. This game is a testament to how far the series has come and how well it has evolved over the years. Uncharted 4 stands as a crowning achievement in the action-adventure genre, combining cinematic storytelling with exhilarating gameplay to deliver an unforgettable experience.

Fast paced almost Souls-like gameplay, great graphics, and Amazing Music, Stellar Blade almost has the full package, though its story leaves a little to be desired, and a few of the quests don't go anywhere. Also should be mentioned that the game has a very depressing tone overall, so definitely not for everybody. All that said, if you're looking for a fun Hack and Slash, with a dash of Souls combat, and don't care about the story too much, this is definitely for you.

One of the best battlefield single player campaigns with an endearing squad and fun story and gameplay

So there is a ton to like about this game.
The characters are charismatic , the story is narcos in game form , the checklist style missions are unexpectedly fun and the guns and vehicles respond very very well to stimulus. The game is also quite challenging if you want to avoid going all guns blazing (even then it is not COD level easy shooting).

Unfortunately it misses its potential due to some glaring flaws. Firstly the game is too long for its own good , and some missions are just padding. The side missions and collectibles are accessible but painfully boring in the traditional ubisoft mold. All the DLC time missions are just plain atrocious and full of jank, speaking of which the game can be very buggy and janky , your guy can get stuck in random debris or opponents just detect you for no reason. As an example, The operation silent spade dlc mission involves defending an npc but the opponents just speed off in his direction from all sides and just crush him under their wheels , driving so fast that if you kill the vehicle also it reaches the npc and blows up on him.

Yeah the gameplay and story are pretty good, but it misses the mark in its execution and shows a lack of playtesting more some missions.

Eitherway , i had a lot of fun over a long time except towards the end, and i still recommend this game, just play only the main story and none of the jank dlc missions or boring side missions!

You know what , this is the kind of game for adults with a schedule. A game that is a ton of fun, is fast as hell , great story telling (literally) and style and most importantly doesnt overstay its welcome. Its oozing charm and has ageless graphics.
The game can be difficult if you want it to be and the duels are really well done. How can you not have fun dual weilding six shooters !!
In a five hour package, this game absolutely takes you on a journey, has a setting , has a story, an interesting twist and a wraps up nicely at the end leaving you really satisfied.
Additionally, it is on sale on steam very very often and is literally the price of a coffee at 3 euros. Definitely one of the best games to steal on a sale !!!

This is the solid foundational base for one of the better superhero game series. Unfortunately it does not stand the test of time too well. The set pieces are brilliant if dated, and the story does carry the game a bit, especially the charisma of the joker.
You can really run through the game in 10 hours so it doesnt really overstay its welcome. The combat was revolutionary back in the day but right now it can get a bit simplistic and monotonous by the end.
The stealth can be fun but the AI is also a bit mediocre , you can whoosh past a guy in slow motion in a rather obvious batsuit, but since your feet are off the ground, the guy isnt going to detect you.
Nevertheless I focused more on the negatives because they needed to be talked about. But the game itself, the experience of being the batman , his gadgets, the iconic villians is still immaculate. Playing Arkham Asylum, you can see why this series took off and I absolutely recommend it . Just not over its future counterparts.