You can tell this game takes place in Florida because it fucking sucks

Among the most powerful and influential tragedies in the English language, with a story capable of seemingly endless retelling and adaptation by others.

Definitive proof that gamers lack media literacy

Super Mario RPG
It is a game that is not for me
When I play this game, it shows its age
Then I find out I’m filled with rage

Highly recommend it if you’ve never watched a shonen anime before so you’ll think it’s doing something new

Highly recommend it if you don’t know what being sad is so you’ll think it’s doing something new

Staying up tonight to get Paper Mario Sticker Star from the eShop at midnight! So should you!

A love letter to the Castlevania franchise that still manages to excel at creating a distinct visual style

A brilliant deconstruction of individualist power fantasies, showcasing how strength alone isn’t enough to achieve happiness through the lens of Superman losing his powers

I would rather play Tetris than Metal Gear Solid 3

I would rather play Tetris than Skyrim

I would rather play Tetris than TF2

Fans of absolute trite like The State and Revolution and Blackshirts and Reds only hate this because it’s an actually revolutionary text unlike those two

They call it Lester the Unlikely because it’s unlikely that there will ever be a game as peak as it

Funny that this game can be abbreviated as “Tits” cause I like it as much as tits (I am asexual)