The greatest hero/dark route split in any game, as you can choose to be the Cuban government or the CIA, respectively

I applaud Mr. Orange's team, but they all better rush out
'Cause since 2010, Daneboe has never scored touchdowns

Game’s probably okay idfk but it gets 5 stars for its legacy: an extremely funny wave of Starship Troopers discourse

Pokémon Diamond and Pearl are some of the most important releases for the franchise as they were the games able to reverse the trend of declining sales since Gen 1 and prove the series as more than just a passing fad. A remake of a pair of games with so much importance to so many people and I’m happy to say that this one delivered on every front: awesome new content through the revamped underground feature and Ramanas Park, various quality of life improvements that the originals desperately needed, a charming new artstyle that gives the game a distinct feel, and a much welcome return to Diamond and Pearl’s unique localization that was sanded down in the transition to Platinum. The definitive version, hands down.

An utterly amazing enhancement of a cult classic, due in no small part to amazing renditions of those iconic songs as well as one of the best scripts in any game. The latter in particular enhances the original game’s musings on identity (i.e. the job system’s commentary on the roles we play in society) by adding the idea of consumer identity through many new pop culture references.

Best feeling fighter I’ve ever played

Shovel Knight fans disappointed to get yuri (actually good) instead of a fourth shitty platformer

Erases representation for the most oppressed minority: left handed people

Proof that indie gamers would take “so retro” wankfests over anything of actual quality

I respect women like Halimede. Women with courage.

Commentary on how capitalism forces us to fight each other when we can team up to accomplish great things portrayed through the lens of two groups of people violently competing for resources on an island for no reason

Is to skating games what Hunter x Hunter is to battle shonens

In which a bunch of loser karate larpers do lame ass combos while elevator music plays

Minecraft beats Fortnite? You got to be kidding! Why don’t you crank the battle bus and get goated on the sticks and turtling!