Is to Alien what Palworld is to Pokemon

This game is named that way because it’s so braindead easy

Reference an actually good writer like Norman Boutin

Such a shame that I have to give this half a star. The launch version was one of the best gaming experiences I’ve ever had but every passing update ruins the game more and more.

The global release of this is my most anticipated game of all time because I have a new job with a long train commute starting on exactly June 1st, 2024 so it’s going to be awesome having something to play on those commutes

Arzest greatest dev of all time, never catching an L anytime soon

Used the pussy ass version of Raiden from the new game Konami put out last year instead of the iconic and badass MGR Rising version, Epic Games are a bunch of sellouts

Amazing story but terrible gameplay

This is what the Grinch was trying to prevent

What am I doing with my life? All this time spent ironically praising shitty games including this one and now people are unironically gassing up generic survival crafting game number 74,963. That settles it, from now on the words “peak fiction” will never leave my mouth ever again!

Saddened to see an artistic achievement like the original sell out like this

A masterpiece on the level of Dark Souls, no matter what the haters might say