Streets of rage 1, an absolutely decent beat um up for its time. I think this first outting did what it had to do to establish the brand but it comes with a lot of flaws.

There is a lot I love and enjoy about thsi game but the controls are a bit stiff and I think some of the levels go on just a bit too long. Is it a bad game? Not especially but id be hard pressed to call it great either. I love this series a fair hit but they didnt shine bright till the sequel.

Ah Super Mario Land 1, what a strange little title you are.

Is it as good as super mario land 2? Not at all, but it is still a fun game in the long run. It has a lot of interesting aspects and powers up in it that are completely exclusive to this game.

Say what you will about the Original Final Fantasy game, it has such an Iconic musical score and an adventure that sey the foundation for greater adventures yet to come.

For an NES RPG, it was incredibly inuitive for its time and the Pixel Remaster only served to create anceven grander experience. Its not a perfect game, some bugs and glitches and down right broken systems do bog it down a little, but overall its a great time.

From the creator of cave story comes a smaller yet no less fun adventure. Do I find this game as influential or deep as cave story? Not at all.
But is it a fun time? Absolutely, and it has a lot of replay value with the weapon upgrade system and multiple playthroughs.

The Story is simple but fun, and the music is on par with Cave Story in my personal opinion. It is hard to believe both these games were made by a single incredibly passionate man.

The game also includes a hard mode with its own story and a pretty hardcore finale on par with Running Hell from Cave Story if you were to ask me.

If you enjoy platforming action games, especially run and gun type games, this is a pretty great one.

Now, I will admit, I am not the greatest of soulsborne players. It is very often a genre I am a bit fickle with. However, something about Elden Ring Clicked with me immensely.

The Setting was beautiful however, the sense of adventure clicked with me very few games have ever resonated with me before. It was an absolute blast to playthrough, so much so I not only reached 100% achievements, I clocked in a whopping 150 hours of playtime over the course of 3-4 months. It was an epic adventure I deeply enjoyed.

Some of the boss fights are my favorite in the fromsoft library and it is probably one of the few open world games where I appreciate the freedom of the entire experience.

It was a well crafted and beautifully designed adventure that I will not be forgetting soon, Ye Tarnished.

Megaman 2, what a massove improvement to the original game and formula it created. Better abilities, better platforming and stage design and of course, better music.

I dont believe this to be the perfect legend some claim it to be, but this game is a massive improvement over the previous title in almost every way. Its just a good time, and quite enjoyable.

Ah Love-De-Lic, how short lived yet incredibly influential on a whole generation of developers you were.

This game is something truly special and a surreal experience best experienced on your own. The main concept and idea is that a young boy is playing a new RPG all day, but then gets told to get to bed by his mother.

However, when he falls asleep, he wakes up in the World of the RPG he was playing replacing one of the characters. It is an incredibly charming and wonderful little romp, taking no more then 20 hours to beat completely blind. It is well worth a playthrough especially if you have a switch, though I believe a PC port exists as well.

I wont spoil anything else beyond the premise but it is a wonderful time.

My personal favorite Top Down Zelda game. It is just an incredibly Vibrant game overall despite its short length and small scope (no puns intended)

I just genuinely love the art work, vibe and music this game has going. The Shrinking Mechanic also completely sells me on it overall. I am also one of the few people who doesn't mind the kinestones and actually enjoys the mystery they create through out the game. The Mysterious shells I can do without though.

The Dungeons are fun and don't over stay their welcome and I also like how charming the idea of reimagined regular enemies as boss fight are as well.

Probably one of my personal favorite GBA games overall out side of the Megaman Battle Network Series.

Probably one of the best story games I have ever played. It has an almost RPG maker feel to it, but the music and tone are phenominal.

I would recomend this to anyone who is okay with the idea of minimal gameplay, but high levels of story telling.

It really is an incredibly special game.

I will admit, I am a bit biased about this game. While I have Final Fantasy XIV online as a single entry here, as a full package, it is the best final fantasy game since FF10 in my eyes. It really brought the series back to what I personally loved about it. From all the references to past titles, to all the original spins and ideas it brough to the table.

It isn't just a superb Final Fantasy game but Also a fantastic MMO with an amazing class/job system and wonderful to play.

As a veteran of this game, it has my utmost recommendation if you enjoy both Final fantasy and don't mind the MMO Format. The story goes to some pretty wild places in the best possible way.

The game that started it all, Mother 1 aka Earthbound Beginnings is an interesting game with a deeply involved History.

I will admit this is my least favorite of the Mother games, a sentiment shared by many. However, I do not believe this is a dull experience or one worth skipping.

If anything this games developement, Itois life story behind this game and its content elevate it a bit for me, far above most NES offerings. Sure this game has its flaws, I will never say its perfect. Some segments are down right unfair like Mt.Itoi, but at the same time it has a lot to offer and really shows how far the series came going forward with Earthbound and Mother 3.

The music is also fairly exceptional for the NES/Famicom, and ill never take that away from it even if the narative isnt the strongest even for the era.


An absolutely beautiful mobile gaming experience. If you enjoy Rhythm games of the Mobile Variety, this one is an absolute Gem, and stands tall above the rest.

The art work is simply gorgeous, and the music is wonderful. A spectal for the eyes and ears. The main narrative is also incredibly compelling.

This one, for the mobile platform, has high marks from me.

The first entry in probably my favorite Rhythm Game Series of all time, Rhythm Heaven/Tengoku.

This first game on the GBA, while shorter than some of the other Rhythm Heaven games, introduces a lot of recurring elements and truly solidifies the series from the get go.

The remixes in this one are pretty strong too! Remix 2 Remix 3 Remix 5 and Remix 6 especially stand out. It is an absolute blast to play.

This one really has a soft spot in my heart even if it isn't completely perfect.

Rhythmn Heaven for the DS, what an absolute blast.

This waa my introduction to the Rhythm Heaven/Rhythmn Tengoku series and it was absolutely wonderful. This game was one of my childhood classics and stuck with me pretty strongly over the years. I absolutely adore this game.

I also think it has one of the best and most memorable soundtracks in the entire series by far.

A wonderful experience and worthwhile play.

Rhythm Heaven Fever is the Fantastic Follow up to Rhythm Heaven DS and the third game in the Rhythm Tengoku Series.

I was excited when this game was first announced and what a wonderful experience it was. A truly beautiful experience that is sure to bring excitement and joy to all who play it.

The music is spot on as always with these games and the new Rhythm Games are as spot on as ever. This game is probably the best known entry in the series, and while its not my favorite, still stands tall against Rhythm Heaven DS.