God this was exhausting. They somehow managed to distill everything bad about the main game into a small bowl of poison. Only improvement is that there’s no forced stealth sections but then after 30+ hours in the main game I’m so tired of the combat too. Literally rolled my eyes at the ending. For a game that touts itself as having a Kurosawa mode the camera work is some of the worst ive ever seen! There’s literally better composition in TikToks!!! I’m so glad to be done with this game.

This took me AGES to finish but what a ride this has been. I completely understand why people say Final Fantasy VI is among the best games ever. It just has so many cool ideas that it introduced and sure the story is pretty simplistic but the way it’s told is so beautiful at times. My only gripe with the game is that without a guide you can miss out on a LOT of stuff so I’d definitely recommend using one at least before going to the final boss.

Literally finished it in one sitting it was so good

Holy fuck

Hoooooly fuck

This might just be one of the best games of all time. Such beautiful writing.

Very good port on iOS.

The game itself is fun and novel (pun intended) but as others say, there’s too little here and the concept for this puzzle game still holds so much unrealised potential for the studio to explore.

Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I still want more control tho

Very good DLC! This is how you connect two franchises together! It was cool!

Fantastic at times but something constantly felt off and the ending was way too fast. Loved Ahti though and hope we get to see more of Control in the future.

It’s beautiful and made me actually enjoy mobile gaming for once but at one point the progression really slows down and so I haven’t picked it up again in months now. Maybe I’ll come back to it at some point.

FINALLY finished this! Emulated it on my steam deck and it was very fun. The fire mechanic is awesome but unfortunately the magic is quite boring compared to the other games.

I am surprised this game has so many people loving the story tbh, it’s not a focus here and what is there isn’t all that great. Wouldn’t call this a must play but it js a neat spinoff.

Cool idea but very buggy on iOS and it is very short. Would only recommend as part of a subscription service (like Netflix or maybe game pass) and if you want a quick neat puzzle game.

I respect that they tried something different with this one but man it drags so much I hated my time with this one for the most part.

Chaos took me like a hundred attempts to beat but this was still such a nice simple rpg experience. So many things that we love about Final Fantasy began here, including the whole ordeal with the crystals.

Finally finished this one after starting it last year. It’s good! But also very janky, especially for a AAA game. If you’re a Star Wars fan this is a must but it’s also a decent buy if you want to play a more mainstream version of a souls-like (even if the best parts were the linear spectacle moments)

Playing this on my phone was such a joy. Loved nearly every moment of it.