The game is fixed - Idris Elba

If this is just a taste of what's to come in the sequel, it might just live up to the promises of the original game. Songbird's character and her dynamic with V were a special highlight for me. The performances from the voice actresses behind those roles are just on another level. The pain in their voices when they talk about their conditions. It's just so good.

Overall even, the DLC has some of the best missions in the entire game. The spy charades Phantom Liberty focuses on are such an enjoyable riff on spy movies of yesteryear, with all of the familiar tropes being repeated, but with a few twists and turns that spice things up quite a bit. Most importantly however, V's character is a lot better here, and that is saying something considering femV might be one of my favourite video game protagonists. The stakes have never been higher for her, and so the tone of this dying merc becomes more sombre than anything in the main game.

To close off my thoughts - the side content here gets really good, with some of the side gigs shining more than some side missions in the main game. My favourite was the sports academy mission in this regard. Just 10/10 gig no notes. However, the dlc also adds the worst new mission type to the game that HONESTLY doesn't make ANY sense for this DLC. I'm talking about the cars you have to hijack for Reyes. Why is this here? Dogtown is small enough to walk through it, especially with all the cyberware you get throughout the game. Why they thought adding more cars through this system was a good idea is beyond me honestly.

So yeah. CDPR this is good more of this please I need this franchise in my life k bye

Holy fuck

Hoooooly fuck

This might just be one of the best games of all time. Such beautiful writing.

Chaos took me like a hundred attempts to beat but this was still such a nice simple rpg experience. So many things that we love about Final Fantasy began here, including the whole ordeal with the crystals.

Sometimes a bit clunky and the flying objects are a pain in the ass but all the bad things go away when I see a Taken get pulverised by a bit of light.

Have you ever played something that you can critique for days, see faults in at nearly every turn, but still end up loving through and through? That's me with Cyberpunk.

I love so many things about this game. The writing, the way scenes are composed within the limitations of the first person perspective (it gets SO good!!!), the gameplay is so much fun, and oh my god don't get me started on how much I enjoyed the romance.

But but but, that's a word that comes up again and again when I think about each of those aspects that I so thoroughly enjoy. The writing can sometimes be messy, the story doesn't really do that much in regards to being a "cyberpunk" story, there are characters that just disappear when you want to see more of them and more.

Whenever I think of the open world activities that I so enjoyed, there is always the reminder of all the bad ones. The cyberpsychos are boring, there are way too many gigs for Regina, some of the side jobs are just a short scene that doesn't result in anything except for a useless discount for some beer.

The romance, as much as I love it and the characters you can interact with in that, just left me wanting so much more out of it. Let me tell you the disappointment I felt when there were maybe like 2 dialogues with Judy after I had romanced her (the texts do help tho). Why can't I hang out with these people V supposedly calls friends and loved ones?

That yearning for more, that is what ultimately made me both love and despise moments of this game. Who knows, had CDPR released this 3 years later this could have been one of the best pieces of media in at the very least the mainstream space. Alas, we don't live in that reality, and 3 years after the game has shipped, I can finally bid adieu to characters that I will hold dear to my heart, but will ultimately be reminiscing of what could have been, rather than what is here.

Do better CDPR. I love you CDPR. See you in a couple years to talk about the sequel...

Kinda miss the janky bullet time in the first game and Sam Lake as Max but maaaaam this was still so much fun. Oddly enough I did quite enjoy the idea of revisiting the same places in different scenarios over and over again, especially the area that was also in the first game.

That being said, some of the other reviews here are right, and the game does feel like it’s missing something compared to the first game. This magic that makes it stand out. Very weird

God this was exhausting. They somehow managed to distill everything bad about the main game into a small bowl of poison. Only improvement is that there’s no forced stealth sections but then after 30+ hours in the main game I’m so tired of the combat too. Literally rolled my eyes at the ending. For a game that touts itself as having a Kurosawa mode the camera work is some of the worst ive ever seen! There’s literally better composition in TikToks!!! I’m so glad to be done with this game.

Me when I started the game: omg this is so much fun!

Me when I ended the game: omg this is so bad!

Great ideas are constantly thrown together and mixed in terrible ways and also why the FUCK do you have underwater levels in a game about speed.

Omg this was SO much better than the first game. There's actual speed!

An incredible jouful ride through a perfect amount of levels. Usually in Mario games I feel like there's just too much cramped in there, but here there's so many unique levels and ideas that don't overstay their welcome that it's just too much fun not to finish - unlike some 2D Marios for me.


This game made me cry from my eyes and salivate from my mouth I'm now both sad AND hungry. Great game

I turned this on thinking that I'm gonna get a neat pokemon-like and here I am 20 hours later kicking and screaming that I haven't played this earlier.

The only game that captures the feeling of hype anime moments (whenever you fuse i go HEADS OR TAILS TADARADAAAAAAAA)

Very fun game. The story isn't as good as the first one nor is it as focused as Miles Morales but it still has quite a few great emotional beats, especially closer to the end. Always love it how Peter's life sucks because he's spiderman.

Very fun!!! The timer made me think it's more punishing but the game is actually incredibly accessible and the art reminded me of the wonderful Crosscode. The story was pretty good too with a cool robot-lesbian romance at the centre of it.

Forgot to log this when I finished it a couple weeks ago. A very good visual novel-esque game that really captures the gen Z post-covid anxieties. The struggle of normalcy, rebuilding relationships, and just living as a very gay italian trio. Enjoyed it thoroughly but the true ending was a bit underwhelming and sometimes it meanders a bit.