Even though the boss fights SUCK in this, it’s still Yakuza so it’s obviously amazing.

Loses a lot of the charm of the remedy games instead replacing it with Rockstar’s style that is so commonly found in their games. Level design also sucks for the most part, making the shoot dodge a useless risk for most of the game unfortunately, since it’s really awesome.

This was SO cool even if I didnt get a single thing about the story

Kinda miss the janky bullet time in the first game and Sam Lake as Max but maaaaam this was still so much fun. Oddly enough I did quite enjoy the idea of revisiting the same places in different scenarios over and over again, especially the area that was also in the first game.

That being said, some of the other reviews here are right, and the game does feel like it’s missing something compared to the first game. This magic that makes it stand out. Very weird

This was so much fun I know understand why everyone loves this. The camp, the writing, the slomo leap while shooting. This game is rad.

Sometimes a bit clunky and the flying objects are a pain in the ass but all the bad things go away when I see a Taken get pulverised by a bit of light.


This game made me cry from my eyes and salivate from my mouth I'm now both sad AND hungry. Great game

Roll roll roll!

One of the best games of all times peak soundtrack peak fun peak everything else. The whole game being limited to 3 maps that change and expand throughout the game was so good. It was such a satisfying experience to roll the stuff that was annoying me when the katamari was small.

The pacing was quite off and the game is too long for my liking but god damn once you understand the job system it's so much fun, especially near the end when you have mastered a couple of them and can use freelancers to their fullest ability.

This one also has my favourite final dungeon in the series thus far (1 thru 5)

Adding this now cause I forgot and loved it

Man that one mission in the snow field is just too hard

I now get why everyone loves pikmin this is extraordinary. Seemingly very simple but in reality one of the best puzzles games of all time.

An incredible jouful ride through a perfect amount of levels. Usually in Mario games I feel like there's just too much cramped in there, but here there's so many unique levels and ideas that don't overstay their welcome that it's just too much fun not to finish - unlike some 2D Marios for me.

Short God of War rocks so much dude. Loved a lot about this one and it's simplicity. It really does feel like a prequel to the first game, with a lot of mechanics feeling quite similar. Unfortunately the game gets a bit lost near the end and just loses a lot of impact.