The only thing that's making me slug and drop the game is the fact that you basically repeat the storyboard process with each character. maybe once I get further in and have recruited everyone I will be able to power thru the game.

Actually, I've Been replaying the game not finished yet but I feel like the moment-to-moment battles are super good. The gameplay loop in the remake is so smooth and addictive. Not my preferred vision of a remake I still feel like it lacks a lot of the soul that made the OG so potent but id be lying if I said I'd wanna go back to that version compared to the remake.

why did DGS2 drop the ball by remaking 1-5 as the main story but DGS1 is peak soul food

omg they remade 1-5 :flushed: apparently this means its peak!!! (Barok got really good)

most disappointed I've ever been for a game. it's not horrid I just expected something more new and fleshed out.
feels like there were a lot of character plotlines that had there original ideas scrapped and taped together to the main plot cuz he had to tie up all the loose ends in this game. Somehow the main story cases also felt super bloated and this kinda killed the enjoyment for me.

I really love the first game for being peak soul and making me super invested.

This is my favorite game of all time, I played it 3 years ago.

I don't think this is the most philosophical game ever and maybe that's what holds it back from being the best ace attorney for most people but, I think the things that Ace Attorney do well peak here and I genuinely think this is game was made as a love letter to everything that came before especially the trilogy, I also feel like this is one of the only times I've seen fanservice done tastefully and exceedingly well at the same time. Everything is wrapped so neatly and nicely. It genuinely accomplishes what was so special about the original trilogy in a single game. Almost every returning character from the previous games has some of if not their best moments in this game even a few ones that I was lukewarm on. and even all the new characters are genuinely really great and add a lot (even the case-specific characters).

Case 1 is pretty good and Case 2 is okay its honestly pretty dragged out but, but As soon as Case 3 starts the game starts to quickly climb to its peak and it doesn't let go till AFTER the credits roll. I can't seriously think of another piece of fiction that was climbing such a high for most of its runtime and I think because Investigations 2 made me feel that way its stayed glued to the throne and it's stuck with me ever since the day I finished it.

This review contains spoilers

Very mixed but looking forward to Dawntrail and Lightbringers, (the alliance story was decent I thought the raid story was better)
I liked the beginning quests (the ones in the first), I also really enjoyed the trial and the dungeon. The dawntrail setup after the zero arc concludes is really interesting and funny that its just ffxiv hxh succession war.

I think this might be the worst story arc in the game post ARR and its really a shame because I really like 6.1 and 6.2 I think they were super solid catch up and setup. I really love how 6.2 introduces you properly to the voidsent and how they work learning about them was so fun and exciting. I feel like the rest of the story should have been more of a look at the void with a lot more writing and lore given to the arc-specific characters. this whole arc in its entirety feels really hollow and empty.

I feel like XIV has a lot of hokey positive characters in its cast, its made a lot of sense in the past and for some it almost felt like payoff in a way due to some growing into it. in this later half of the arc something about how they were like there powah of friendship felt really hollow and felt like a story geared towards children. I feel like Zero's character growth was especially jarring and I personally found how she was self serving when we met her was really interesting and a nice change of pace, I'm not saying I wanted her to stay that way but it would have been cool if they made more moments of her changing her old ways more subtle with a big moment to really push it at the end akin to something like Vincent FF7. I think I like golbez more but still almost all of the depth here feels like something relegated to a decent alliance/trial/raid series story (it seriously feels like this would have been better off as a side trial story) ALSO if anything the raid series story has felt like more of a proper MSQ payoff than anything in the actual p-patch MSQ

also everyone whos doomer storywise needs to chill the fuck out, this is like a single instance of the story sucking to this degree, there's legitimately a possibility for Zero, Golbez and the entire void Shadowbringers 2 setup that's been laidout these patches to be great and have really good payoff for when the time comes for the spotlight to be shining on the void again.

Anyways gaia O_O

4000 hours deep into the bottle boys.

I like the beginning a lot but after you ring the bell it kinda feels way too on rails in a way that holds it back also feels like it goes by fast and I definitely prefer the original separate ways. also thought some of the boss designs were by far the most annoying in the game

I think the tedious RNG in the earlier seasons is ass and I thought compared to c4s4 it was such a downgrade and I almost quit from bordem but Season 6 stuff rolled around and I started enjoying myself again. Season 9 - X looks to be the most promising so far. I don't really get the hate the drum shotgun or the other new guns get.

This game is literally peak if you have ADHD.

It has fluid movement mixed with really fun gun combat. this probably has my favourite fps combat in a game and genuinely in my top 5 combat experiences in a game. also the psx style graphics are amazing and the extend taken to emulate them always blows me away. I have yet to go and do the hard mode but one day i fuckin will. this game is peak and its not even done yet

free valhiem (we need more inventory space and fix the random spawning bugs)

Scarface B)

Great miami 80s vibes, great comeup story and great garbage people in the cast.

this game under the hood is very much gta 3 but with a different coat of paint however i found most of the missions to be alot more easy to plow through and i found myself really engaged in the cutscenes. the gameplay is really rough but its passable and at times difficult in tedious ways due to how archaic the gunplay is.

they locked songs behind a paywall