It's really nothing special. I hate to call it my least favourite 3D mario but that honor has to go to SOMETHING, and this is that something.

There's nothing inherently wrong with it but it's just depressing to go back to after 3D world. Everything is so much slower and the mechanics are underdeveloped. I only needed one look at the special world to know that I would not be playing it. Nothing about it seemed interesting.

Why is this worse than Sunshine in my opinion? This might be more balanced and better designed than Sunshine, but 3D land doesn't have any of the soul or identity necessary for me to love it.

But still, I'm sure it's the best Mario game on 3DS :)

I actually forgot that the game was called franken until the end so that was a very effective reveal

I think there should be more gag encounters in the late game. Every enemy before the tower has some kind of joke associated with them but the later encounters don't have that for some reason. Missed opportunity in my opinion.

Good, funny, short game. If you have an hour to spare and own a computer, you should give it a go.

It's Galaxy minus the novelty of playing something like Galaxy for the first time. Some unseen force drove me to get 242 stars in this game, and I do not 100% games often so you should see this as an enormous compliment. I took away half a star because having to grind star bits for bank toad is boring and should not be required for 100%.

I had a magical time with both this and the first game. No other 3D platformer hits the feels quite like Galaxy.

Very hard at times, but way more fun than Super Mario Kart

Feels like this was made in response to people saying that Mario Maker was replacing 2D Mario.

"Oh yeah? Well can you do THIS in Mario Maker?" mario starts running on the background assets from a top-down perspective

Those silly bastards have done it again. Mario Wonder is a masterful game that rivals the 3D games, jam packed with creative concepts and visually distinct worlds. Everything that the past Marios lacked is here, and it's wonderful.

Me when one of the highest rated games of all time is actually good (how could this happen)

I played this. A very small and simple fangame, reminds me of Ring Man in the Castle.

There's a few reused assets but the music is all original, which was really nice. Weapons, stages and bosses are all well designed, even if the stages themselves don't have a lot of character.

A decent, linear Mega Man experience. It's a shame that you can't replay levels. I missed 1 weapon and I can't return to pick it up

This game made me hate Yoshi, fruit, building blocks, ventilation systems in hotels, shade, and blue-coloured currency.

Still, definitely worth playing. Sunshine is a fucking E X P E R I E N C E, don't you ever forget that. It just suffers from being the jankiest 3D mario

I don't think this did as much story-wise for me as Wind Waker. There are some emotional beats here and there, but the overall plot is not as strong as I had hoped? I wish the adventurers who hang out at the bar were more relevant. All of them were criminally underutilized in the mirror questline.

Dungeon design is very tight. I was actually surprised with how little there was to do in the actual overworld. You mostly go from point A to point B in order to slaughter the villain of the week. The actual puzzles and structuring for dungeons are very good, but that's just how Zelda games usually go. Nothing to complain about here.

Capitalizing on the 2000s era of edgy gaming was a decision that hasn't aged the best in my opinion. The lighting, especially in the forced twilight areas look horrendous at times. They really went all out with the "piss filter" as I like to call it. If you like washed out colours and several shades of yellow, this game is for you.

It's a fairly large game so I won't comment on every aspect of it. Wolf link was fine. Most of this was extremely well designed and worthwhile but this is far from my favourite 3D Zelda. It's all a bit bland for me when you compare it to everything else Nintendo has put out.

Most underrated fangame?

This game is very weird but it's filled to the brim with original ideas and genuinely good puzzle levels. Bosses are insane too. Pretty much every fight and scenario features outrageous concepts that I have never seen in a platformer before.

Play if you want a short, silly adventure starring a walking bucket

Not much to say about this one. Played it for the exclusive tracks, enjoyed the exclusive tracks. 2 wuhu island maps is a bit of a waste on the Nitro cups. The retro track choices are great

Controls pretty much the same as 8 but without all the little refinements and antigravity. Battle mode is really dumbed down but it has a few neat maps.

This review contains spoilers

why the fuck does tetra change her skin colour halfway through the game


Fun time. Gorgeous pixel art. Amazing boss designs (and names, I will name my children Capital Punishment and Lethal Tempo).

Most underrated OST of the year right here. These tracks are so good that I've been listening to them actively since last year without even playing the game itself. Doomsday and Fires of Industry are my favourites.

I actually can't tell which ones are my bullets half the time. This becomes a real issue in bossfights. Playing as Ace is agonizingly hard and getting the true ending is not really worth it. Also no level editor for switch lowkey stinks. I hope they add it in the future.

it's more dadish. now with dolphins. dialogue isn't as good as it used to be. music isn't as good as it used to be.

I've met with a terrible fate, haven't I?

After the tutorial, this game felt really hostile. I was so unbelievably frustrated with this game at times. Playing these older Zelda games leave me in a cycle of banging my head against the wall, then giving in and googling it, then being unreasonably upset at myself for not realizing it and having to rely on google. Whatever. I beat most of it myself. Didn't have to look up anything for the temples except the 4th one. My main issues were advancing the questlines because some steps are incredibly specific.

2 bosses gave me an extremely hard time. Twinmold on a 1dmg sword changes a man. I still think that that boss is terribly designed and wonky to fight properly.

I am really disappointed in myself for not figuring out the Kafei quest, but at the same time it does seem extremely convoluted. Every time I tried to advance it I hit a roadblock, despite the fact that my actions seemed logical. I tried everything. I cannot for the life of me figure out what I need to do to get this purple haired son of a bitch to talk to me. I gave up. No fierce deity mask for me.

But still, even after all that, it's magical. The atmosphere of this game is unmatched. I found clock town to be a really effective way to get me attached to the world and characters because you spend so much time in there. The way the game utilizes the timeloop mechanic is unique, I have never played anything quite like this.

I think the pros outweigh the cons. At it's core, this game is an experience like no other. The concept is amazing and for a game released in the year 2000 I think they pulled most of it off.

I forgive my friend. I like this game now.