I thought everyone was lying about this game "aging like fine wine" bruh this plays like a modern 3D platformer if you can withstand mild amounts of bullshit. A magical game.

My perception of difficulty must be different from others. I had 306 deaths yet I didn't think of this as especially hard. I guess I'm just more resistant to deaths / don't see them as such a big deal. Anyway, the game is pretty great. This is also one of the best and most impressive soundtracks I have ever had the pleasure of listening to.

This was fine. I think it's the weakest of the "big four" mega man fangames, those being Rock n Roll, Unlimited, Rock force and this. The graphics and soundtrack do their job, even though it looks a bit ass at times. The level design is never bad, but sometimes it's boring and uninspired- like in the case of Coal Man's stage. But this is definitely worth the shot for any fan of the series. A lot of people love this one, so maybe you will too.

A good remake of the first three Mega Man titles. The updated graphics look amazing and make the stages look more colourful and vibrant than ever.

They didn't need to add extra content, but the extra Wily tower campaign is great considering it mostly uses old level objects. The original music for this mode was incredible too. One of the more underrated MM soundtracks.

I tried really hard to think about anything that was wrong about this game. The only criticism I could think of was the fact that the charm balance is way off, with the smoke bomb being the only one worth using. But that's not a massive issue, so five stars it is. Well done.

A masterpiece in every way. Video game perfection. The best game of 2011. The greatest character in all of fiction. The funniest dialogue. This game should be required by law to be played by everyone.

A pleasant, contained experience that afterwards really only functions as the gateway to the greatest puzzle game ever made, Portal 2.

It's amazing, but I'll have to take off one star because you have to attend the dwarf university for 3 years to even understand the basics of this game.


In all seriousness, this is kind of a bad game. Everything works just fine but there are just far too many annoying little quirks in this one.

Eh. I didn't like the "optional" worlds they should have just been included within a linear structure. The wall jump mechanics always felt off to me. And Bowser Junior shows up far too often.

One of the best switch ports. Bowser's fury is very fun even though it runs at 30fps in handheld mode

Vulturon is literally the perfect Mega Man character and he needs his own series.

No one told me the soundtrack went this hard

Shoutout to Mega Man Zero for being the one series in the franchise to have an actual conclusion.

The game takes a few steps back in terms of gameplay. I liked the concept of the Zero knuckle, and stealing the weapons of your enemies is actually pretty fun. However, the crafting system tied into this sucks. I had no interest in searching for recipes so I looked up everything online. Also, can I just point out how fucked up it is to remove chips from the game?

Let's talk about weather. This is basically just a glorified difficulty selector, but there really is no point in choosing the easier weather. I liked this system because it allowed bad players like me to finally access the powerful EX skills, but I understand the criticism from hardcore Zero fans who liked being rewarded for their S-ranks.

Level design is jank in some spots but that's to be expected at this point. What I did not expect was Craft, who turned out to be the hardest boss in the entire Zero series for me. You try fighting him without any subtanks, chips, or elves.

All and all, Zero 4 is not as good as Zero 3, but it's still a fitting end to Zero's character.

The peak of the Zero series. This game is a solid action platformer in almost every way.

Everything is refined to the point of perfection. No more weapon grinding, better cyber-elves, better structure, better parts. The new weapon recoil rod is a fun weapon to master and a definite improvement over the grappling hook in Zero 2.

The story (especially the climax) is the really good for the series standards. Despite Omega being kinda easy, he is still the most cinematic and memorable final boss in any Mega Man game.

The level design remains uninspired at some points. This game also likes to throw lots of spikes that you will dash into, a lot. This is especially clear in the water level, which was an absolute nightmare to get through.

Even with it's flaws, I think this is one of the best games in the series.