5 stars specifically for whichever programmer that managed to optimize this thing so well that it runs flawlessly on my ps4 slim

Love and charm wrapped up into one 70+ hour RPG

I think God sent one of his specialist angels to give this game to me. Beyond having phenomenal writing, the medievalisms are so well researched and thought out that I was stopping and taking pictures constantly for a good two hours my first playthrough... they even have Prester John in this game!

No one is doing art games like Amanita

One of the most underrated turn based dungeon crawlers ever. I wish you weren't stuck on the 3DS so my friends could play you :')

People that insist this is the best SMT to play coming from persona are out of their minds, but that doesn't change it being so solidly itself

I wish the writing team had been given more time; but the combat is excellent, the world building is really interesting, the music is next level, and the exploration is (controversially) my favorite part

Not 5 stars as in I think it's perfect (it's not) but 5 stars as in it felt like it was created in a lab just for me to become obsessed with

Mooched off of my friend's PS5 by watching them play this and offering hilarious commentary which was mostly "she's so real" at every Aigis line

Go all out little stamp, fight for us little stamp!

Why did Link just let that guy take over his house

Possibly more entertaining than the game itself is people on Twitter upset this wasn’t the survival horror story they made up in their heads