What a great game with just a brilliant story and some amazing writing. Though I wouldn't 100% recommend it. Play it for sure but be ready for the extremely outdated gameplay. It worth going through just for the story alone but you just have to be ready for it.

It a shame it launched how it did because it was actually a really great game. Better than the original in every way, with my only complaint besides performance of course, being that I wish the story had more. Its the kind of story that ends but you know these a sequel coming.

Though an extremely rough start with a bad campaign and loot boxes. The game has improved a lot, adding much more content. Its a shame they stopped working on it but at least it had one last leap at the end.

It's decent at best. But it didn't really have much to it, even less when you compare it to the og battlefronts.

Yeah it's old and I guess I wouldn't really recommend. But these something about it. It's just so simple that it makes fun to just boot up and chill.

Very much a kids brawler game. Very simple and that's about it.

A childhood favourite of mine. Got me to read the comic as well. Would still recommend.

I loved it but it has it major flaws. For I wish we had more time with both the symbiote and Venom, for being its big focus, they sure weren't around for long huh.

Gameplay is really excellent though and was actually surprised how good the wingsuit came out to be.

For sure a classic and honestly still quite decent. It's not amazing and it has aged but the heavy physics swinging is still incredibly satisfying, more so when you get good at it.

I am just not a fan of this game and don't think I ever will be.

The story, for me at least, was a mess. It was trying something but failed spectacularly. And that's the thing, I don't want to hate on this game and it's story. I can see the vision but it's not a vision I agree with. My main issue is that the game forgets, that it is in fact a game. Imagine how much more interesting the story would be if, oh I don't know, I can alter the course of the story. It's not even asking for much, Metro is good example. You kill a lot of people, you get bad ending. You don't, good ending. It doesn't need to be a complex rpg dialogue system or something like that.

Even MGS3 did something like that, IN 2004. What I'm saying is, is that this game is outdated. And that it could have been so much more. Could have been what Last of Us 1 was back on the ps3. But no, Neil wants to make shows and movies more than an actual game for some reason.

The gameplay is at least very good, and as much as people make fun of the fact they only added a prone button, it does add a lot more to the gameplay. Even more so with the better animations.

Prime 3 is definitely interesting but honestly? preferred it over 2 by far.

Yes its a lot more linear and goes for much smaller levels, which is already a negative in my book as the openness of the first 2 was my favourite part but everything else is actually quite good.

The level design alone is already more interesting and I think by far, it has the best story in all of Metroid for me (besides probably Dread). The lore elements, actual characters and some awesome scenes really make the game that much better for me.

But yeah better than 2 but not even close to 1. Can't beat the original

Basically more of Prime 1 but slightly worse. I do love this game but god it had issues.

It had a great atmosphere and a really nice story. However the level design and weapons are the biggest issues for me.

Main issue, a lot of backtracking. Of course its Metroid, so its normal. Issue with this game though is that the levels are look the same. Prime 1 had distinct and interesting levels from ice to fire but Prime 2 just kind of blends together so backtracking just feels awful. And then you have the dark dimension which only makes the repetition worse.

And finally dark and light weapons mid. Fire, ice and electricity cool.

Anyway good game still but not as good as Prime 1

I've tried to get into the original but I just couldn't. So its really good to know these an amazing remake that you can play.

These not much I can really say. Just a great overall remake.

In my opinion, the best Metroid game. Of course it has flaws but it has by far become my favourite in the entire series. And this is coming from someone that played all of them in the same week.

From the excellent smooth gameplay, more focus on a story (with some sick cinematics) and fun level design. Just great overall. It does to an extent, share the same issues as Fusion but unlike Fusion, Dread does actually open up eventually giving you that classic Metroid feel.

Highly recommend it.