I am not a huge fan of rogue-likes but this is one I came to love. The gameplay is quick and addictive and though you might always be going through the same levels over and over, it just never gets boring.

And all the weapons are so unique and fun to use that I actually find it hard to choose if not for the +20 bonus for gems that activates for random weapons.

My favourite part of the game is for sure the story however. Assisted heavily with how great and funny the writing it is, with some really good characters, Zagreus included. Its hard to say much without spoiling but I just love the whole vibe of the story and it just so good.

Overall amazing game that totally deserves it reputation. I cannot wait to try out the sequel!

I don't see why people dislike this game, I loved it throughout. Maybe the gameplay isn't the best but idk I thought it was a really fun time (besides the rigged Aman fight).

But that story is 100% the highlight, oh my god. Every substory was unique and a fun time (not the cats though) and that main story was just brilliant. Even made me tear up at the end it was that good. This would have been an amazing finale to Kiryu's story, if not for the fact they continued it but still amazing.

Technically the game shouldn't have been much, but I just loved every moment. The story was simple but the character were so likeable and engaging that I was just completely invested. The animation was so well done, a bit too much at times, but overall it made the scenes so much better and more fun to watch.

Gameplay wasn't much really, barebones at best with a turn your brain-off mentality. However the dating sim part definitely makes up for it, at least for someone like me that likes romance and also just loves these characters.

Overall it was a really nice chill experience, and it makes me wanna try out the old ones. Maybe sega will release them again one day.

I do indeed have depression how could you tell

Shit slapped hard. I don't often read yuri visual novels but maybe I should look around for some more

An overall and wholesome fun ride! Each route felt unique and different from each other, even more so because of each character's unique personalities.

But by far my favourite aspect of the game was final part of each route where we have an extended look at the couple beyond high school. I have not seen another visual novel do that yet (pls recommend) and seeing them struggle together and grow even closer was the best thing ever.

Just pure amazing wholesome sugary fluff. Actually felt like I was going to have an heart attack while playing it because of how cute and wholesome it was! Every route had its own interesting stories with each character (I say every but I avoided the sister route, no comments on that one) and I just loved them all. Though n one can beat best girl Karen, she is unbeatable.

One of the few visual novels I catch myself replaying.

No wonder it got an anime (if only it had a good one of course) because this was such a fun ride. The fictional sport in this game was so detailed and well constructed, they really put all their effort into it. Don't blame them, the concept is awesome.

Besides that being the focus of course, the routes as a whole were extremely wholesome and just really fun rides the whole way through.

Honestly brilliant. Brought this game for funny mecha and romance action and I got one hell of an amazing story, with incredibly likeable characters (and biggest asshole in the history).

I was hooked from the start and I just couldn't stop. 70 hours later and finally done. It was 100% worth my time, I do not regret a moment.

Larian at it again. I loved Divinity 2 so when I saw they were making a new game that had similar gameplay, I was interested from the start. And the fact they delivered and even more? Actually astonishing. All I need to say is, is that it's January of 2024 when I'm writing this. The game still is holding up 200,000 players on steam per day. FOR A SINGLEPLAYER TITLE.

Battle Royale L also fuck you for ruining our chances of Titanfall 3.

I did not expect a hack and slash but I loved it. American Mcgee's Alice is just such a cool world, I cannot wait for the sequ--

After all those years, Alan returns and it returns with peak. Amazing horror game, would recommend.