I was watching a few youtube videos highlighting new and fun farming-sim games and Wylde Flowers was on a lot of people's radar, so I decided to try it out myself.

I didn't fall in love with the game immediately. In fact, I stopped playing for a few months after the first few hours. Even now I don't really remember what turned me off initially. My sister was looking for a cosy game after a while and I recommended this game to her. She got absolutely addicted and told me to pick it back up and that I won't regret it. Turns out... she was right. What a truly magical experience this was.

The voice acting is so good and it really makes the characters come alive, you actually want to listen to what they have to say. Plus, I think it is just the right amount of characters, cause the social aspect can be a little bit exhausting in games like this one. Wylde Flowers also has a really good and surprisingly emotional story I got really invested in. Gameplay wise it's simple but a lot of fun. Altough I found it a bit frustrating to be stuck in the story because of some items I just couldn't find for ages. Also the beginning of the game is very slow because your stamina goes down very fast and money making is so hard (there are some tricks to solve those issues though, if you want to make it a really chill experience without any form of stress or frustration).

Overall I actually felt sad when the credits rolled. And even though there is more to do after finishing the story I am at the point where I am okay with putting the game down and I will look back at it with great memories.

I have a complicated relationship with Jedi: Fallen Order and I mostly finished it because I love Star Wars and really wanted to play a new game set in that world. I didn't hate the game by any means, but it had a lot of problems. First, I don't get why they decided to make it a soft "Soulslike". It makes combat so much more frustrating and less fluid which doesn't make any sense for a Star Wars game. Sadly the same can be said for Jedi: Survivor, but they did tweak the combat a bit to make it way more forgivable for casual players like me. I don't WANT to play on Story Mode but honestly I did towards the end cause I just didn't have fun with the combat anymore. This obviously is a me problem, but I can only speak of my own experience anyway.

Now, how is the rest of the game? The story is much better this time around and the characters, especially Cal, do get a lot more development. There are a few too many twists in the story, but most character interactions are well done and some moments are quite emotional. I felt an actual connection to these characters.

The gameplay, as I said, is a bit annoying and that is true for non-combat stuff as well. They tried to add a lot of abilities for moving around, jumping, etc. and it is fun most of the time but sometimes the timing is off and the hitboxes. It's just super annoying. I died maybe 3-4 times to actual enemies in the later game and 100 times because I fell down a cliff.

Overall I guess this kind of gameplay is just not for me and that doesn't mean it is objectively bad. Still I think a regular more fluid combat system would work better. This review does sound pretty negative but I actually really really enjoyed most of this game and it was a step up from the first one. I would definitely play another sequel to see where the story goes.

Where to start with this one... I remember loving the first trailer and I could not wait for it to release, especially after the delay. As many other people who love the farming/life-sim genre, it rarely finds new ways of reinventing itself. Fae Farm tries it but ultimately failed for me.

The positives:
+ beautiful world to explore
+ some great QOL feautures that make farming fun
+ use of magic in combat and farming
+ moving around with the wings is very satisfying
+ cute animal designs
+ a lot of collectibles
+ you can decorate multiple houses and outside
+ great customization options, buy or craft yourself
+ cooking and making potions
+ good OST

The negatives:
- pretty bland narrative
- the NPCs are extremely boring
- romantic relationships feel like an add-on without any real thought behind them
- making money is a slow process because of the restricting way you have to sell things
- animals are only needed for crafting resources, forget making money with milk, eggs, etc. even after making them into butter or other things
- combat is very limited. It is not hard, bur very annoying.
- the mines are repetitive and feel like a chore without much excitement
- there really isn't a lot to motivate you after finishing the main story
- "multiplayer" is not fun at all
- still too many bugs for such an expensive game, I even ran into a gamebreaking bug after first starting the game and had to wait a week for it to be patched.

Overall this game is for you if you had a bit of a break from farming games and want to try a new one. Also, if the artstyle and overall gameplay features speak to you, go for it. Oh yeah, wait for a sale. Even the 40 bucks for the PC version are too much.

They said there will be some sort of DLC next year, maybe I will pick it up again then, but for now... bye bye Azoria!

The main draw of this game was the visual style for me. It just looks so pretty and the OST is perfect as well. I rarely play these kind of RPGs and yet I was really looking forward to this as soon as I saw the first trailer.

I have played it on the PC for about 90% of my time played and I would 100% recommend playing it with a controller. This game is also very grindy, at least it was for me, so if you do not have a second monitor, just grind for hours can become a little bland and you can lose motivation to go on. I later finished it on the Steam Deck and that was just so much better, because you could do other stuff on the side. I got the second game for the Switch.

The game consists of 8 unique storylines, one for each of the characters. Each storyline consists of 4 chapters with increasingly harder bosses to fight. The main game is finished after completing all 8 storylines and this is where I stopped. However, without spoiling anything, there is a sort of "true ending" you can achieve if you want to be extra hardcore, which I am certainly not. I had a great time with this game and I will probably love the sequel just as much, but as soon as these kind of games get very hard/strategic for RPG noobs like me I'd rather move on. But hey, for everyone who likes a good challenge, go for it.

My main problem with the game is the repetitive nature in which each chapter progresses. While the storylines and characters are definitely unique, the way you reach the end of each chapter just feels like to rinse and repeat the same gameplay patterns. I also felt some storylines were more enteraining and worth following than others, but overall none of them were bad or boring.

As someone who has never played a Rune Factory game before, this was quite the challenge for me. This game is filled with so many things to do and not everything is explained to you.

In the last few years I really grew tired of farming sims. Not because I do not like the genre anymore, but because most of them are bland, boring and without innovation. Often I find myself not even using the full in-game day, cause I am done with every task I wanted to get done by noon. In this game I found myself not sleeping at all multiple times. There. is. so. much. to. do.

The characters are cute, the dialogue is well written and everyone has so much to say. The story is nothing special, but it has heart and you care for the characters involved. The gameplay is insanely addicting, with a great mix of farming, crafting, fighting and exploring. I finished the main story, which consists of 3 acts. While I don't have the time or energy to explore all the end game content, there is a really high level jump later on, which keeps you wanting to craft the best gear and beat the hell out of some powerful monsters. You can easily spend 200+ hours with this.

After ~60 hours I can say this game is absolutely worth it if you like farming sims but you want a good balance between cozy and challenging. I am ready to move on to other games as soon as I've married whoever I want to marry, but I will certainly come back to this game in the future.

I have always been a massive Spider-Man fan, at least of the character. The newer films didn't really have that "Spider-Man" magic since I feel like he works best when he is just in his own world against his own villains and also dealing with every day struggles. He has always been the most relatable superhero and the one who still hides who he is in order to protect who he loves. I think that (and because of his very cool set of skills) people are drawn to him as a character and videogames are the perfect medium for him to shine... if done corectly.

Well, just as much as the first game, if not even slightly more, this game doesn't only manage to showcase the potential of one but two Spider-Men perfectly. Each of them gets enough time to shine, as the masked hero and as Peter/Miles. Their unique skills, characteristics and real life issues are balanced extremely well. The game also did what Spider-Man 3 failed at as a film and that is to include a lot of villains without it feeling too suffocating.

The story is not the greatest Spider-Man story ever told and at points predictable but it also has some interesting new ways of using certain characters. I liked it a lot and I think it felt big and it connected the world of both Spider-Men in a realitstic way, it made them grow closer and make sense as a pair. The combat is even more fun than in the first game and the swinging has been improved as well. Fast travel is in the game but I really only used it towards the end of the game when I was collecting all the collectables for the trophies.

The non-story-related content is plentiful but often a little annoying and tedious. However it is not mandatory stuff so it didn't take away from my overall enjoyment of this amazing game. I was pretty sad when the credits rolled and I couldn't see more of where these characters are heading, but I am sure there will be more games in the future.

I got the Plat trophy for this game and my motiviation usually just disappears after finishing the story unless I really really like the game, so... I guess I really really liked this one. This is a must-play for every Spider-Man fan and at some point... for every PS5 owner!

I started this right when it came out but then had to put it down for a few weeks because of life stuff. When I picked it back up I noticed the performance at least seemed a lot better. I don't know if this was luck or if the recent patches actually helped. Anyway, I didn't have a lot of issues performance wise while playing this DLC and that was exciting. Obviously, it was still far from where it should be.

The Teal Mask is probably my favorite of all DLC Pokemon has done so far (better than both Sword/Shield DLC). The new mons are mostly well designed or at least their design makes sense within the story. The new "main" legendary is actually already one of my favorite Pokémon ever, the whole concept around it is super fun and it just works so well. There are some cool added things for customization like outfits and new hair styles.

The story is predictable but good and the new characters have cool designs and are likeable. It seems like some of them will carry over to the Indigo Disk DLC as well and I am actually happy about that, so I guess I really liked the characters. Also I just really love the settings of this DLC, the whole japanese festival thing just adds to the mystery of the story and I am here for it.

The "new" Pokédex is rather small and it is a quick completion, but sadly they put a lot of trade only evolutions in this dex which is a little annoying when you want to trade and nobody is around. There's always Pokemon Home though I really tried to catch all mons within the game itself. You also get a pretty nice reward for finishing it, so it doesn't feel like it's all for nothing. I have to say, it was a lot of fun to just run/fly/climb/swim around and collect "new" mons again and isn't that what really matters when it comes to Pokémon?

Overall I don't have anything bad to say about the DLC except it's a little too short for the price, although I don't know how much content the second part will have. I'll take off a star for the short length but other than that it's a must play if you like the base game. Is it a 4/5 compared to all games ever made? Surely not. Is it a 4/5 for what it needs to be? I'd say so, yes. Hey, maybe you'll notice the difference in performance too. Fingers crossed.

My journey with Xenoblade started all the way back when the game was released on the Wii. I got it with the red controller and remember really loving it. However, as a dumb kid, I didn't fully understand what was going on especially during combat. One boss during the start of the game (after around 10-15 hours) just didn't want to die and at some point I just gave up and never returned... until now.

XC: Definitive Edition is the perfect way to experience this game and now that I finally beat it I am so happy to say I love it. The story is very emotional and somewhat complex, which I really enjoyed and the music and worldbuilding are outstanding. If I'd have to pick a weak link it'd be the characters, because there are too many of them and not all of them are fleshed out enough. I liked them all though.

The voice acting is really good, at some points even outstanding. It can be a bit weird to hear a fully british cast, but that is mostly because you just don't expect it. I liked it and I thought the actors did a fine job.

The difficulty is just right as well. I am not the best gamer out there and I do get frustrated really easily when I can't beat something a few times. However, as long as you just kill anything that crosses your path and do some sidequests with EXP rewards you will be fine. There is a "chill" mode, but it makes the game extremely easy. I did use it for a bit to grind against strong enemies during the later game, but I didn't struggle with any boss enough to consider turning it on for that.

Overall this game is worth the hype and holds up extremely well. Obviously this is a remaster and a Switch game, so there are limits you have to expect. I played it mostly on my 4K OLED TV and I have to say it looks beautiful. The short time I played in Handheld mode was great, too. I'd recommend it either way.

As long as you enjoy JRPGs, grand worlds and Sci-Fi/Fantasy-Storylines this is a must play.

I remember being really hyped for this and then it came out and I had to so much other stuff to play I didn't pick it up on release. Then I saw all of the negative feedback and backlash and thought, wow it can't possibly be this bad. I watched a lot of reviews and gameplay videos to see why it is so bad and while most complaints seemed reasonable, I didn't think it deserved to be called one of the worst games ever or even from this year. The negative reviews also didn't really affect me wanting to play it, so I eventually did pick it up.

What can I say, I really really like this game. I do agree with a lot of the criticism, but most of it was just way too exaggerated. Clear review bombing by people who maybe played 2 minutes of the game or just watched all the clickbait reviews on youtube makes this game look way worse than it is. The dialogue is fine, it has a few cringe moments here and there, but not in a way that makes you want to cry. I even laughed at some of it and found joy in the character interactions.

The gameplay is what makes this game though. Beautiful to look at and insanely fluid magic, I have not experienced a game with better magic. The story has the right length and is good, but not amazing. I like some of the characters a lot and didn't care for others at all. The world is a little bland but you need the wide open fields to really make use of that amazing movement. Just as with the magic, I do not know a game with better traversal abilities. So smooth, so fast, so much fun.

Overall this game is much better than I expected and I really enjoyed it a lot. People should give it a chance, especially when you have the chance to get it on sale.

Stellar blade is a ... stellar game! For the first time in a long time I actually had fun running around collecting things and doing side stuff. I wanted to spend as much time as possible with the game. Also, I am not gonna say why, but doing the collecting actually is important in a way I've never seen a game like this do. Below I will list my negative and positive thoughts about the game, starting with the negative.


- The story twists are rather predictable, I can't really remember any big surprises. The same goes for the characters, they don't really develop in unexpected or interesting ways.
- The second big area to explore, "The Great Desert" is one of the most exhausting and frustrating areas I've ever had to play through. I guess if you just go for story and ignore the side content, it's not as bad, but I am convinced this whole area was designed to annoy the fu- out of you.
- I don't understand why not all areas have a map, it makes backtracking so insanely time consuming. Without online guides getting to 100% is almost impossible.
- A lot of times you need to jump to ropes, ladders or edges and let me tell you: the physics in this game are either extremely bad or I am bad (which could very well be true), because EVE decided to jump through ladders all the time.


+ So many people, also in reviews on here, say EVE is a bland, uninspired character with no personality. That could not be further from the truth! If you spend a lot of time with her and see how she is around NPCs and even in the main story, it shows she is so much more than just a hot fighter. EVE is kind-hearted, determined and strong-willed badass! She can show emotions but also knows how to get sh*t done!
+ Just like with Star Wars: Fallen Order and Star Wars: Jedi Survivor, I am not a big fan of the soulslike combat, because it is extremely frustrating for noobs like me. I wouldn't say this is a soulslike, but the combat does have a lot of similarities. The good thing is, you don't lose everything when dying and the game is giving you a lot of tools to succeed. HOWEVER, I loved the combat in this. It's flashy, it's hot, it's fluid and most importanly fun!!! There are a lot of skills to learn, the visual and audio design in combat is 10/10 as well.
+ The OST is exactly what you expect and still delivers! So good. I always appreciate a good OST with actual singing.
+ Absolutely beautiful visuals, the cutscenes look especially crisp.
+ While the story is predictable, the execution is great. I was happy with how it all concluded and where the characters ended up.
+ Great side content and great customization. Even if you are not a fan of all the skin, there are enough options for you like full body suits that still look badass. Plus, there is a good reason for EVE to have a body like this which really shouldn't come as a big surprise to anyone.
+ Yes, I played in Story Mode. However, I love how this Story Mode is NOT an easy mode (at least for me it wasn't). Yes, it was easier for sure, but I was never bored and it did feel like an actuall game and not a movie with gameplay like most other Story Modes make games feel.
+ I can't speak for or against the VA in English, because I played in German and the German Dub is really good. Most German dubs are fine, but this one stood out to me, the voices fit the characters very well and you can tell they actually cared about what they are doing.

Overall I sooooo want a sequel to this game! A truly magical experience from start to finish. Will I dare to go for NG+? It will be in my nightmares, but yeah, I gotta go for the NG+ trophies... wish me luck!

Playing Super Mario Bros. Wonder I realised how bad I am at this genre of games. Don't get me wrong, this game is really good, it's just not something I can enjoy the way it should be enjoyed. I can admire the beautiful visuals, the fun factor and the creativity. However, I just suck so bad I never really LOVED any of it.

This game kind of has a weird difficulity curve, where most of it is extremely easy and then the last level is way harder for no reason but to tell you: Oh, hey, you made it to the end. Difficulty isn't something I am looking for here, but I do know some other people who do and might get bored?

The length of the game is fine. I did take ages to finish, because I played it with my sister whenever she came over to my place. I think the game is way more fun with others, I guess it does take away a lot of the difficulty too since you are allowed to make more mistakes without instantly dying.

Overall this is a very very charming game with so much love around every corner. Just because it might not be what I usually play and enjoy doesn't mean I can't recognize how objecively good it is. Play it and see for yourself, but Nintendo never (or very rarely) misses with Mario.

I had just finished BOTW for the first time before playing this and even with the map and the gameplay fresh in my mind this game did not feel like the same thing. As a sequel to one of the most popular and let's be fair best games of all time, TOTK delivers in many many ways. The map is much bigger, the story way more emotional and intriguing. Even the stuff that DOES feel very similar to BOTW is boosted in fun by a lot of new and creative ways of finding your way.

If I had to pinpoint the things I didn't like or that you could name as a negative it would be the performance, which is lacking sometimes. You can tell this game takes the Switch tho its limit. Most of the time the game runs smooth and the cutscenes are insanely beautiful. I took way too many screenshots of this game with no regrets. One new, very big part of the map, that was not in BOTW is a little bit of chore, at leats it feels like it for ME. I am sure the challenge is a big plus for a lot of other players, I personally just did not care for it and didn't even bother exploring more of it than I needed to. Since I had the choice to that, it didn't take away any of my enjoyment of this title and I can not wait to see other people react to the best moments of this story.

A lot of us probably thought they can't possibly make a game better than BOTW but hey, they frickin' did it. A masterpiece.

Pokémon Unbound is widely regarded as one of the best rom hacks you can play and I can (mostly) see why.

First, for a game that is a rom hack and not a fan game made completely from scatch this game is insanely edited to be something unique. The advantage rom hacks have over fan games is the lack of performance issues which is very noticeable here. Such a smooth experience start to finish! Also, it just looks so good.

Important: I chose to play on the "vanilla" difficulty, because I don't really play Pokémon for a challenge, but it was nice to still be able to have more of a challenge than with modern games in the main series. Now, let's see the positives and negatives of this game:

+ Character customization. While you can't change much except your outfit (rarely) after starting your adventure, the character selection screen allows you to choose between multiple looks and not just skin color.
+ Good characters with unique designs for a Pokémong game
+ A lot of Pokémon from almost all generations available
+ Interesting story with some pacing issues, but overall fun
+ New way to evolve Pokémon who usually need to be traded
+ diverse region to explore
+ Gyms actually have interesting puzzles and each gym has its own extra challenge to overcome within battles
+ difficulty settings including "NG+" after beating the E4
+ a lot of quality of life changes from older gens (using repels again without going into the bag, multiple usage of TMs, HMs don't need to be learned by a mon, you just need a mon that can learn it in your party)
+ Mega evolution and raids are in this. While they mostly seem like an afterthought, the way these very implemented and handled visually is honestly astounding
+ Perfect length for a playthrough
+ good post-game content (new quests, new mons to catch, Battle frontier on the latest version and more)

- The route design in this game is horrible. Some seem to like it, but all the backtracking and fifty different turns you can take... just no. I am a big defender of linear Pokémon games and this was not for me.
- while diverse and well designed visually, the Gym leaders and E4 lack personality and are not integrated into the story at all or very rarely
- the questing system is just not working for me. I barely did any of them. The only good thing about it was, obviously, the rewards you got for them and actually checking the main objective sometimes if you're lost

Overall this game is much better than even a lot of the RPG Maker Fan Games that came out in recent years. I just feel like a Rom hack gives more stability and seeing how this is a completely new game from start to finish and really has nothing left from the rom it's based on, the only reason to use RPG Maker over rom hackin is probably because it's easier to use. I would highly recommend this to casual and hardcore fans.

Played on Steam Deck via Emulation.

When I first started this game I was in awe, it is just such a beautiful world to be in and explore. However, the main plot is the worst thing about this game and story is often the most important aspect of games for me. Most sidequests are forgettable too unless they are involving the other students of Hogwarts. I really loved the important side-plotlines you can follow for a long time though.

The combat is fun, but the closer you get to the later stages of the game the lazier you get and honestly it loses a lot its charm very quick. Not enough spells and combos to use, which is why so many people use the "easy" way out by just using overpowered stuff. And I don't blame them.

I originally planned to Platinum this game, but the repetitive dungeons and the massive amount of collectibles, that sometimes just take too much time to get, made me decide against it. Also the gameplay with the fantastic beasts is bland, too time consuming and not worth the effort.

Hogwarts Legacy is a great game for people who want to explore the Wizarding World and I would recommend it to anyone who is a fan of Harry Potter. People who really don't care about that world and its characters should probably not play this since the plot is not good enough to compensate for a lack of love and nostalgia for a world they don't really know.