Undoubtedly the best of the modern Paper Mario trilogy. While the battle system isn't perfect, it's still leagues above the SS/CS system, and it retains Color Splash's improvements to the world/writing compared to Sticker Star. Also beating up living office supplies is hilarious.

I was addicted to this back in 2012. It doesn't have as much content as the other MvDK games, but it's one of the more unique ones cuz it's mechanics are more of a mix between March of the Minis and Mini Land Mayhem.

This game came out 6 years after MKDS on a stronger system how is the content less enticing to me than MKDS?

The gold standard for Animal Crossing even in 2022. Practically everything hit the mark here, I don't even have really much bad to say about it.

Maybe if the NSMB games were more like this, 70% of the 2010s Mario games wouldn't be soulless.

Either a sidegrade or upgrade to Adventure depending on if you look at it as the original or 3D classics version. The game's art style is actual sex, and the remixed music is nice too (though I slightly prefer the 8 bit versions). The gameplay's not changed too much from the original so you could go either way here.

It's a time killer alright. Would have a lower rating but Vyland's in it so it gets a bonus.

It's pretty simple due to being the original Kirby, but it's fun for what it is.

The odd duck of the Mario vs. DK sequels.

The animal friends are a fun addition to spice things up, and it can get deceptively tough at times.

It was fun, though it felt like more like a Mini Land Mayhem expansion a lot of the time.

Admittedly I haven't played since June 2020 but why would I when the masterpiece that is New Leaf is available for me instead. And with knowledge about the content updates, it still has annoying mechanics like tool durability.

It's pretty much an updated Wild World on console, so your enjoyment kinda depends on how you felt about Wild World.

While I think it definitely doesn't stand out as much as Robobot, Triple Deluxe is still a Kirby game so it's still really damn good.

A lot of fun despite its age. I'd argue it's too good for the NES considering the performance can be jank at times but it's hardly game-ruining. Also the music slaps.