Nice looking. Vibrant colours. Really fun gameplay. Excellent voice acting. Solid soundtrack, especially during Solm chapters. Decent challenge.

Not a good story. Cutscenes and support dialogues in this style do not work, in my opinion. Clipping is an issue and does not look good.

I had fun. There is defintely room for improvement in the storytelling department. Three Houses is still the best Fire Embelm to date

True adventure experience. A great work by Level 5.
Fun gameplay, great immersion, endearing soundtrack, great graphics for 2000s standards.
Tight controls.
Highly recommended. I still play it time and time again. In fact it is my 5-ish sessions. The first was in 2003.

Intelligent Systems best work so far. Top quality voice acting. Strongest soundtrack since Radiant Dawn and Echoes. Fun gameplay. Good challenge. Immersion was handled well.
Although designed to be re-play, too much content is shared between the different routes. Story is not bad, however it does not affect negatively the whole experience.
This game was released during a very important part of my life. It came out when I needed it the most, gave me the emotional support I needed. Highly recommended

A game by Konami published in the 2000s that needs to be talked about more. Fun gameplay and exciting soundtrack. Storytelling is definitely the core of this game. It deals with concepts such as loss and empathy, both injected in the interactions between humans and AI.
Very short.
It's the kind of game I like very much. Spread the word.
edit: the MGS2 demo was a treat

F2T worth the space in your mobile device. Very welcoming: no matter the kind of player, Wild Rift introduces itself and its mechanics with guided tutorials. Addicting multiplayer gameplay that allows interactions between players during online matches. Good looking animations.
You need good internet connection and a good device. and you may encounter rude players.
It was recommended by a friend, who helped me getting started. Then I learned how complex and social this game can be, which is its most prominent strenght. We should play together!

I have completed this game at least 5 times. I recently replayed it in order to give a more accurate opinion about it.
It never disappoints.
A real classic. Graphics, soundtrack, gameplay, challenge, they never get old. Although it is dated, every now and then it is fun to go a few generations back and enjoy this title.
I highly suggest to play it while commuting!

Another classic by Intelligent Systems. Simple gameplay, replayability, friendly challenge, good soundtrack.
Although the introduction of new mechanics, it is clear this game shares much of its content with previous Fire Emblem GBA titles. Sacred Stones did not improve the state of art of portable Fire Emblem titles but it definitely preserved the good quality that defined the series so far.
I personally liked the introduction of the map, the colours and the animations. Good title, you can't go wrong

I can only say this was a safe choice for a videogame. Sadly, I was not impressed with graphics, story or soundtrack. The main focus should be gameplay. Although the game follows different rules and display different cards, I felt it was too easy and not engaging.
I could not get myself to complete this game.

The very first Fire Emblem title.
Solid gameplay and engaging story. I may be biased, but the soundtrack really hooked me. It is impressive how composers draw excelent music tracks from a NES.
However, I completely understand people Who don not intend to look back to Fire Emblem origins. The series definitely evolvere and re defined itself for the better.

This has been one of the most mysterious title I have ever played.
The presentation is excellent. The soundtrack stands out solely for its variety and sass. I particularly loved the normal battle theme. Storytelling and themes are the foundation of this title.
However, I did not have fun. Gameplay relies on repetition. Dungeons on top of Dungeons, and occasionally some dialogues that move the story forward, pointing to the next location to visit. On the other hand, this may be an aspect that reflects the desolation felt by the characters.
I enjoyed this game for the most part, since it was new and felt fresh. But once I learned how to build the party and how to manage resources it started to feel a little too easy. Maybe I'll try SMT5. I would like to see how Atlus improved over the years.

One of the best titles on the 3DS. Intelligent Systems managed to adapt Fire Emblem Gaiden with both respect and mastery. Every aspect that could be improved has been improved. Fun gameplay, exciting voice acting, impeccable soundtrack.
This is a title that needs to be recommended. It is sad dlc is now locked indefinitely. However, base game is already a complete experience.

A classic adventure game from the 90s, the third of its series. It feels dated. Gameplay, soundtrack and storytelling don not stand the test of time. I appreciate the environments and the level design.
However, I'm not going to suggest anyone playing it for fun. I used to love this game when I was 8, though.

A nice way to spend some quality time. It is a fairly simple Sonic-themed visual novel.
It is short so I highly suggest it to newcomers of the genre.
I had my share of fun. This project was successful

You can't go wrong with this. Final Fantasy 4 defines what a solid RPG is. Action-packed, mysterious and scary at times. I praise soundtrack, gameplay and environments. The score blends very well with the colours, especially during battles.
It may be too hard in some sections to the point of actually giving up. However, this is solved by paying attention to resource management and monster properties. For example, I found out that Toad and Confuse (which I rarely use) are extremely useful in the Underworld.
Check it out!

I can't believe this came out in 1999.
Ragnar Tørnquist directed a marvellous game. The world of The Longest Journey is one the most detailed and rich I have ever experienced. It definitely stands out.
I first played and completed this game when I was around 9 years old. I was stunned by how well this game aged. Check it out, please