2022: My Year in Review

My actual WIP 2022 list is a mess, so here's a more organized breakdown of the year.

Game that I disliked or felt most lukewarm towards compared to others

It's a good thing I kept playing after the one hour mark where I was falling asleep, otherwise I would have called this the most nothing sandwich of a game I'd played in 2022. As is, it's... fine. There's just this level of detail with regards to Journey-likes that fail to get captured in its successors when compared to the original, and Stray more or less falls short in this regard. I see the appeal, I just think it could have been way more engaging.
Favorite 2000s game that I played in 2022

Finally playing through Metroid Prime with PrimeHack set the bar pretty damn high for quality in the beginning of the year. The plethora of collectibles and hidden secrets, the tightly constructed environments alongside the ambient sound design and stellar soundtrack, and the smooth aiming and movement really made me appreciate Metroid Prime. Truth be told, most modern first person action-adventure games don't even hold a candle to this.
Game that I continued to get filtered by

Every time I try to pick up Deus Ex again, I have to relearn all the controls and then figure out where I'm at to make sure I'm fulfilling the correct objectives in the correct fashion. It ultimately feels like I'm doing a job instead of having fun, and I keep falling off of it every time... One of these days, I'll actually commit to Deus Ex and see my way through. That day isn't today though : (
Most disappointing game that I played through in 2022

I really tried to like Ratchet & Clank, I swear. I wanted nothing more than to pick up the childhood favorite of so many of my friends and just blast my way through scores of aliens and robots. But my god did the aiming and save system break me the further along I went. Very cautiously looking forward to Going Commando to try and replenish my now unfortunately tainted image of the original series.
Best Game I played in 2022

I started playing a little bit of this on the side again on PS5 and it's still so fucking good. Just roll, parry, and slash your way through hordes of dinosaurs on an abandoned island against the inner workings of fate itself accompanied by a colorful cast of shipwrecked civilians. I've played through a good chunk of the Ys games now, and this is still my favorite.
Game I played in 2022 that I feel most conflicted about

I want to give Anodyne the love it so desperately deserves... but I just can't. I really didn't enjoy most of my time backtracking or mashing the attack button to power through bosses before they offed me, and the puzzles felt just okay. I could definitely do with more of this atmosphere though, so I'll give Anodyne 2 a shot sooner than later.
Favorite game I played in 2022 that no one else likes

I'm still a little surprised that this game's reception both here on BL and elsewhere on the internet was ultimately so lukewarm, but I get it... I spent a solid few years getting filtered myself. Once you learn to become the snake, it's really quite an exhilarating and fruitful experience found nowhere else.
Most game game of 2022

Yup, this sure is one of the reboots and 3D platformers of all time
Most surprisingly good soundtrack of a game I played in 2022

Ok so in retrospect, I shouldn't be that surprised that Gurumin's soundtrack is good, because Falcom Sound Team JDK is incapable of making bad music. But Jesus Christ they didn't have to go this hard on the OST in a game where you play as a lil girl bopping monsters with a drill. The first dungeon track already comes out of the gate swinging, and best of all, the soundtrack serves an important purpose because attacking to the beat scores you valuable critical hits. Give the soundtrack a listen if you're looking for something great a bit more off the beaten path. Oh, and the game is great too obviously.
Game I most dreaded playing in 2022

I'm actually still in the process of playing through this right now for a friend, but you'll be hearing back from me soon. Zack & Wiki has such beautiful ideas... and such back-breaking execution. I promised I wouldn't intentionally put myself through suffering this December, but I also did promise my friend I'd finish this game before the end of the year. Such is the life I game...
Most impactful game that I played in 2022

I was skeptical of That Dragon, Cancer due to some of the reviews surrounding it, but after playing through it myself... I can definitely say that it absolutely worthy of all the praise it gets and then some. It changed the way that I perceive artistic games (that is, you can absolutely meld minimal game mechanics and storytelling in a way that only videogames can effectively accomplish) and really forced me to reanalyze what makes video games worth playing.
Game that surprised me the most

Holy SHIT did this one catch me off guard, it's such a simple tried and true concept but Drill Dozer's implementation of rumble combined with the drill in overworld platforming puzzles hit home immediately. I'll have to go back at some point to play through more of the post-game, but as is stands, this was one of the most unexpected thrills this year. Even as a long time Pokemon fan, I might have to admit that Gamefreak peaked here...
Favorite replay of 2022

I've had a lot of great replays of old favorites this year but driving to a Barcade with my cousin and finally clearing Time Crisis 3 for the first time on my birthday has to take the cake for me. This more than held up due to the frenetic aiming/cover system and fortunately I suck a bit less at games than I did in middle school.
Best party game I played in 2022

Eat your heart out Elden Ring, Fromsoft won me over with this. Party game weekend will be back someday, just so I can finish a run of this
Most anticipated game that I keep meaning to get to in 2022 but keep running into schedule slips and inevitable delays

I played about an hour of Napple Tale earlier this year and swore I'd go back when a slot opened up/when the itch returned to give this the attention that it deserved. Due to various other IRL obligations and other gaming itches though, Napple Tale kept falling to the wayside unintentionally. I will try to make this a priority next year, because from that one hour I played, I think there's something really special to be gleaned here.
Favorite release of 2022

Someone recommended this to me a while back as a hidden gem that got covered by the Youtube channel he was editing for. Turns out, this really was that good and a bit more too. Way more interesting and far more condensed than the original Witness and an absolute steal at the base price.
Worst game that I played in 2022

Not even my Gen 3 nostalgia could save this. Why does this exist. I only spent 30 min documenting this and I still feel like I could have used those 30 min more productively to learn a new language or something

1 Comment

1 year ago

2022 has been one of the strangest, yet most exciting years of my life. I got to try out a ton of new releases (thanks to PC Game Pass), really catch up on a ton of the classics thanks to friends, and replay a ton of personal favorites that really taught me how to love video games again. It's been a wild ride on Backloggd for sure... I started this year mostly just writing up short bits for myself and friends, and then somehow went from 15 followers in January to... over 250 as I type this up right now. I'm still not entirely sure how I got here or what compelled me to start trying a bit harder when writing reviews, but either way, I'm glad so many people enjoyed reading what I had to say and leaving comments to have some great discussions. I swear this larger audience isn't going to change how I approach games nevertheless; you'll still get a mix of serious and non serious reviews from me, and I'll probably still play a fair share of shitty pinball and party games when I find the time.

Thanks everyone, for taking the time to read everything I've been putting down and interacting with me, both here and on the BL discord. It's been a ton of fun hanging out with everyone and while I can't claim that I'm the best writer, I'll keep trying to improve with each new day. Hope you guys have had as much fun as I've had, and here's to even more fun to be had in 2023. Merry Christmas, and happy holidays!

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