Persona 5 Royal
Developed by: P-Studio
Published by: Atlus USA (@Atlus_West)

For years I’ve heard about how great the Persona games are and despite owning multiple consoles and handhelds I never dove in and played one until now. Persona 5 Royal on the Xbox Series X is an incredibly well put together game.

In Persona 5 the player controls a troubled teenager “Joker” shortly after being falsely accused and found guilty for a crime he didn’t commit.

The premise of the game is that via a “supernatural” ability Joker and his friends have the ability to enter the psyche of individuals and change their warped personalities.

Persona 5 explores a lot. Grief, stress, emotional and physical abuse, and more. Heavy issues are tackled but the game always remains fun to play and engaging. There are plenty of light hearted moments mixed in to give the player a break from the heaviness.

Persona 5 is a jrpg. My first run to get the “true ending” took me roughly 140 hours and I enjoyed every minute of it.

The soundtrack, visuals, and art design are brilliantly executed and the game runs smooth at 4k/60FPS.

If you have Xbox Gamepass and are a fan of jrpgs this is a must play game.

Played on: Xbox Series X via Xbox Game Pass
Review score: 5/5

A Memoir Blue
Developed by: Cloisters Interactive ( @cloisters_i )
Published by: Annapurna Interactive ( @A_i )

A Memoir Blue is an interactive “point and click” adventure game. The game centres around a woman Miriam, her childhood and relationship with her mother. The story isn’t complex but it’s done well. It’s an emotional story that examines that trauma that can be done to a child when their parent isn’t necessarily “there” for them in moments where they expect them to be there. It’s a game that examines the way we perceive events of our past as kids in the moment and reconcile those moments with information we learn as we grow up and become adults ourself. This game won’t be for everyone but it was a worthwhile experience for me. The gameplay consists of the player clicking around the screen and interacting with objects in order to progress to the next scene. Playtime for completionist will be roughly an hour. I’d recommend picking this game up on a sale to fans of the “point and click” genre.

Played on: Xbox Series X
Review score: 3/5

Zero Escape: Virtue’s Last Reward
Developed by: Chunsoft (@SpikeChunsoft_e)
Published by: Spike Chunsoft (@SpikeChunsoft_e)

Virtue’s Last Reward has the player once again taking part in a Nonary game. Zero Escape: VLR (as it’s fondly known) is a visual novel/puzzle game that is the sequel to Zero Escape: 999: 9 hours, 9 Persons, 9 doors. VLR is a game that’s heavily texted based and has some great and innovative escape room puzzles. The storyline is confusing, and complex but enjoyable. While I preferred the cast of characters in 999, the characters in VLR still managed to be interesting, and engaging. This game hurt my brain and it left me wanting more. If you’re a fan of 999 I highly recommend this game.

The escape room puzzles
The complex and engaging storyline

Outdated graphics

Played on: Xbox Series X via Xbox Gamepass
Review score: 8/10

Developed & Published by: Jumpship ( @jumpshipstudio )

Somerville is a fantastic immersive adventure game that’s brought down by its clunky controls and for completionist multiple endings. The art design, sound design and music in the game are top notch and the puzzles while somewhat challenging aren’t frustrating and they don’t contain “moon logic” to figure out. The environmental story telling is top notch. Somerville is a game that takes place during an alien invasion. It has the vibes of “War of the Worlds” and leans on sci-fi tropes but overall it executes well on what it's trying to accomplish. Personally speaking, I enjoyed the vibe and atmosphere of Somerville. I enjoyed my time with Somerville overall but I’m not sure if I’d recommend this game to anyone that doesn’t have Xbox Game Pass. The game took me roughly 2-2.5 hours to complete. As a completionist playing portions of games over and over again to experience different endings has become tired. It’s a lazy way of prolonging someones time playing a game. I understand it’s completely optional but as a completionist it’s not something I can avoid.

The art design
The sound design
Environmental sound design
The atmosphere and narrative experience

Multiple endings

Played on: Xbox Series X via Xbox Game Pass
Review score: 3.5/5

Escape Academy
Developed by: Coin Crew Games (@CoinCrewGames)
Published by: iam8bit and Skybound Games (@iam8bit, @skyboundgames)

In Escape Academy the player has just arrived at Escape Academy, a school that specializes in training students to become Escape Room Masters.

The game consists of a simple narrative designed to push the player forward from escape room to escape room. Each room is unique and presents the player with its own unique puzzles and challenges. There is a sense of urgency as rooms will sometimes have an overarching threat that will “kill” the player if they take too long such as the room flooding, burning down or filling up with poisonous gas. The controls at times can be “clunky” and laggy but they didn’t take away from my overall experience.

I enjoyed my time with Escape Academy but the game overall wasn’t anything special. If you’re a fan of Escape Rooms and puzzles and have GamePass this game is hard to not recommend.

The escape rooms - their design, the puzzles and overall presentation

The controls
The narrative

Played on: Xbox Series X via Xbox Game Pass
Review score: 3/5

The Witness is a puzzle game that was inspired by Myst (imo.) The premise of the game is simple. You, the player start on an island and you don't know why you're there or who you are. The island is "open world" in nature and it is up to the player to decide where he or she wants to go. The player progresses through the game by solving puzzles that are based on the player interacting with grids of various sizes found throughout different areas of the island. Once the player solves all of the puzzles in a particular area of the island they will be able to active a "laser" that will let them know that area is complete. It is up to the player to figure out the mechanics of each puzzle.

The Witness is game that's tutorial free. I'm sure for some players the lack of tutorials will be a problem but for me it was refreshing. Too many games in modern times don't respect the players time or intelligence and force upon them tutorials and this game is definitely not one of them.

The game depending on the players patience will be frustrating at times but I feel like if you're a fan of puzzle games you'll already know that and appreciate the risk/reward in playing a game of this nature. The player while exploring the island will also discover audio logs. The audio logs aren't highlighted, and they don't stick out. It'll be up to the player to find them by thoroughly exploring the island and being aware of their surroundings.

The Witness definitely challenged me, it tested my patience, but at the end of the day it left me feeling extremely satisfied. I played The Witness on Xbox Series X. If you're a fan of puzzle games I would definitely recommend this game to you if you haven't played it by now. I let this game pass me by for years and I regret it. If you've like me and have wanted to play this game for years and still haven't stop putting it off and do it. It's a game you can play at our own pace. It's the perfect type of game to play in spurts. You won't regret it.

High on Life
Developed & Published by: Squanch Games

High on Life is great! A comedic fps created by Justin Roiland, who many will know as the co-creator of Rick and Morty.

High on Life has engaging combat and an engaging traversal system that becomes much more fluid through new abilities and mechanics that are introduced throughout the game. The player is able to slide, dash, jump, and use a jet pack to hover and fly across canyons and large distances. The player will “unlock” new weapons as they progress through the story that will allow them to fight enemies and various ways, keeping the combat feeling fresh and exciting.

Visually High on Life is gorgeous. The art design is incredibly well done. Each world the player will explore as they progress through the story is well detailed, unique and a breath of fresh air.

The story isn’t complex and can feel repetitive at times but it’s good enough. The game shines through its dialogue. It is absolutely hysterical. Personally I burst out laughing multiple times.

While most of this review has been positive it’s time for the negative. This game has buggy achievements that for completionist will be an issue. This game definitely required more play testing. If you search message boards and reddit you’ll find multiple posts describing various bugs and glitches.

This game is a must play for fans of Rick and Morty. While it’s its own thing the humour and world created by Justin Roiland is definitely Rick and Morty-esque. If you have Xbox Game Pass play it!

Played on: Xbox Series X
Review score: 4/5

Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age - Definitive Edition
Developed/Published by: @SquareEnix

Clocking in at over 160 hours played I thoroughly enjoyed my time playing Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age- Definitive Edition. DQXI has a fantastic cast of characters, and unlike a lot of games DQ takes the time to develop them without taking away from the overall story. JRPG fans for years have been singing this games praises and I can see why now. It’s a game that encourages the player to explore with an interesting but traditional open world design and has a simple but effective JRPG combat system. While not revolutionary in any way, DQXI nails what it’s trying to accomplish. The player during DQXi will travel between towns and dungeons via country sides, snowy mountains, a vast ocean and more. They will encounter a wide range of monsters, allies and enemies on their journey and unless the player is a completionist the game will never feel repetitive or stale through its different biomes and dungeon design. Dragon Quest XI is a game that fans of RPGs should play. Containing over a hundred hours of content to get lost in, an incredible world that’s well fleshed out, and written DQXI is a joy to play. I played DQXI on Xbox Series X via Xbox GamePass.

Characters (companions etc)
Battle system and combat

Grinding for completionist requirements. The RNG.

Played on: Xbox Series X via Xbox Game Pass
Review score: 4.5/5

Final Fantasy 8 Remastered
Developed by: Square Enix
Published by: Square Enix

Man, what’s there to say about this game? I just finished my first play-through since the 90s when I was a kid and it still holds up.

The remastered version contains enhanced character models and some QOL gameplay modifiers that can also be found in the FF7 remaster. The modifiers are 3x speed, no encounters, and max health in battles.

The gameplay is the biggest source of controversy when it comes to Final Fantasy 8. People seem to either love it or hate it. While you're able to level up your characters in Final Fantasy 8 like other Final Fantasy games or RPGs this game is designed to encourage the player to NOT level up. The game wants the player to strengthen their party members by mastering the junction and Guardian Forces (GF) ability system.

In Final Fantasy 8, GFs can learn abilities, such as no random enemy encounters, HP+20%, Speed+20% and so on. These abilities alongside junctioning magic make the players party stronger. Let me explain "junctioning." GFs give the player the ability to “junction” or “add” magic that is extracted from enemies (primarily) onto your party members to raise their stats, their HP, speed, etc. The lower level you are, and the better magic you have junctioned the stronger your party will be. Furthermore, to explain why this game encourages the player to not level up is the fact that enemies level up with your character and party member. They gain more health, more powerful attacks and can be extremely frustrating. Grinding is definitely not encouraged in the traditional sense in Final Fantasy 8. It can take multiple play throughs to fully understand the junction system if you’re playing the game blind and without a guide. It is NOT for everyone.

With that being said Final Fantasy 8 has a fantastic cast of characters, a sometimes crazy, and absurd plot that is filled with great moments of character development and sentimentality. The soundtrack is incredible and I’d say under-rated and under appreciated, and the cut scenes are still impressive to this day when you consider the fact that the original Final Fantasy 8 was a PS1 game.

My biggest frustration while playing Final Fantasy 8 was the controls. Multiple times I found myself traveling in a direction I wasn’t pressing, and in moments where I had to search an environment for an item the sensitivity to where I had to stand to find the item was incredibly annoying. It felt like I had to be pixel perfect and multiple times I just ended up spamming the x button over and over again until I located the item I was looking for.

Overall, this is a quality remaster. Completionist will have an easier time playing Final Fantasy 8 Remastered than they did playing the original back on the PS1. Hours normally spent grinding GF abilities or Triple triad cards will be greatly reduced if the player use the 3x speed feature. Players will also find the no random encounters and max health features useful if they're not playing the game for the challenge and just want to experience the story.

To wrap things up I beg people to give this game a chance. It is a severely under-rated game.

The Triple triad card mini game still holds up
QOL improves such as 3x speed
Soundtrack and story
The characters

The controls,
The junction system isn’t for everyone
Story (it’s divisive, people either love it or hate it)

Played on: Xbox Series X, purchased digitally via the Xbox store on sale.

Review score: 4/5

The Last of Us Part 1, developed by Naughty Dog and released in 2022, is a post-apocalyptic action-adventure game that has become a classic in the gaming industry. The game tells the story of Joel and Ellie, two survivors in a world ravaged by a fungal infection that has turned most of humanity into savage, zombie-like creatures. The Last of Us offers an immersive experience that blends gripping storytelling, stunning visuals, and heart-pounding gameplay.

The game starts with a heart-wrenching prologue that sets the tone for the entire game. It's the opening scene that shows the outbreak of the infection and how it affects Joel, the main protagonist of the game. The game then jumps ahead twenty years, where Joel is now a smuggler, tasked with transporting Ellie, a teenage girl, across the country in search of a group of resistance fighters known as the Fireflies. As they travel across the country, they face various obstacles and challenges, including not just infected humans but also hostile human factions.

The game's narrative is one of its strongest points. It's a gripping story of survival, loss, and hope that pulls you in right from the beginning. The characters are well-written and complex, and their development throughout the game is exceptional. The relationship between Joel and Ellie is at the heart of the story, and the chemistry between the two is incredible. The game does an excellent job of showing how their relationship evolves from mistrust and suspicion to a deep bond of love and loyalty.

The game's graphics and sound design are equally impressive. The post-apocalyptic world is beautifully rendered, and the details in the environment add to the game's immersive experience. The sound design is excellent, and the game's soundtrack is haunting and adds to the game's emotional depth.

Gameplay in The Last of Us is a mix of stealth, action, and survival elements. The game has a crafting system that allows players to create weapons and items to aid in their survival. The game also has an excellent AI system that makes the infected enemies challenging to deal with. The gameplay is challenging but not frustrating, and players can approach situations in various ways, giving the game a high level of replayability.

Overall, The Last of Us is an exceptional game that deserves all the praise it has received. The game's narrative is one of the best in the industry, and the characters are well-developed and memorable. The game's graphics and sound design are stunning, and the gameplay is challenging and rewarding. The Last of Us is a must-play for anyone who enjoys story-driven games, and it's an experience that will stay with you long after you've finished playing.

However, it's worth noting that the game deals with mature themes and contains violent and intense scenes that may not be suitable for all players. The Last of Us is a masterpiece, but it's not a game for everyone. If you can handle the game's themes and content, though, it's a game that you should not miss.

The Last of Us Part 2 is an epic adventure game that exceeded my expectations. The graphics are breathtakingly beautiful and the gameplay is smooth and immersive. The story is an emotional rollercoaster that left me on the edge of my seat throughout the entire game.

The game mechanics are top-notch, with a wide variety of weapons and abilities to choose from. The level design is fantastic, with each area feeling unique and challenging in its own way. The game also offers a great balance of combat, exploration, and puzzle-solving, making it a well-rounded experience.

The story is the real standout, however. It's a dark and emotionally charged tale of revenge that takes the player on a journey through the post-apocalyptic world of the game's setting. The characters are fleshed out and feel real, with their own motivations, flaws, and personalities. I found myself rooting for them, feeling their pain and experiencing their triumphs.

The only downside to the game is that it can be quite heavy and emotionally draining at times. It's definitely not a game for everyone, but for those who can handle the intensity, it's an unforgettable experience.

Overall, The Last of Us Part 2 is an excellent game that deserves the high praise it has received. The graphics, gameplay, and story are all top-notch, and it's a must-play for fans of the genre. I would give it 4 and a half stars out of 5.

God of War (2018) is a stunning game that combines epic storytelling, immersive gameplay, and technical excellence. Developed by Santa Monica Studio and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment, it is the eighth installment in the God of War series and a complete reimagining of the franchise.

The game features Kratos, a former Greek god of war who now lives in a Norse-inspired world with his young son Atreus. Together, they embark on a perilous journey to scatter the ashes of Kratos's wife, Faye, atop the highest peak in all the realms. Along the way, they face many challenges, including fierce monsters, treacherous gods, and their own troubled past.

One of the standout features of God of War (2018) is its gameplay. The combat system has been completely overhauled from the previous games, with a more deliberate and strategic approach to fighting. Kratos now wields the Leviathan Axe, a powerful weapon that can be thrown and recalled at will, as well as a shield for blocking and parrying attacks. Atreus provides ranged support with his bow and arrow, and can also be commanded to attack enemies or perform various actions in puzzles and exploration.

The combat feels weighty and satisfying, with a wide range of moves and upgrades to unlock. Enemies are varied and challenging, with unique attack patterns and weaknesses that require careful observation and adaptation. Boss battles are particularly impressive, with epic set pieces and intense action that test your skills to the limit.

Outside of combat, the game features a vast and beautiful open world to explore. From the snow-capped mountains of Midgard to the fiery depths of Muspelheim, each realm is full of secrets, treasures, and lore to discover. The game also incorporates RPG elements, with a crafting system, skill trees, and upgrades for both Kratos and Atreus. This adds depth and replayability to the game, as you can customize your playstyle and tailor your character to your preferences.

The technical performance of God of War (2018) is exceptional. The game runs smoothly and looks stunning, with breathtaking visuals and attention to detail that immerse you in the world. The game's use of a single camera shot throughout the entire game is a technical marvel, seamlessly transitioning between gameplay and cutscenes without any loading screens. The soundtrack is also outstanding, featuring a powerful and haunting score by composer Bear McCreary that perfectly captures the epic and emotional tone of the game.

In conclusion, God of War (2018) is a masterpiece of game design, storytelling, and technical excellence. It is a must-play for fans of the series and newcomers alike, offering a fresh take on the franchise with deep and satisfying gameplay, stunning visuals, and a gripping narrative. Whether you're a fan of action games, RPGs, or epic adventures, God of War (2018) has something for everyone.

God of War Ragnarok is the highly anticipated sequel to the critically acclaimed God of War (2018). Developed by Santa Monica Studio and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment, it continues the story of Kratos and his son Atreus in a world inspired by Norse mythology.

One of the biggest draws of God of War Ragnarok is its narrative. The first game ended on a cliffhanger, with Kratos and Atreus discovering that Fimbulwinter, the three-year winter that precedes Ragnarok, has begun. In the sequel, they are confronting the impending apocalypse and the gods who seek to use it for their own purposes.

The story of God of War Ragnarok is epic in scope, featuring a wide range of characters from Norse mythology and beyond. Kratos and Atreus encounter Thor, Odin, Freya, and other gods and monsters, each with their own motives and secrets throughout the game. The game's writers have done a masterful job in creating a story that is emotional and impactful, with character development and relationships at the forefront.

Gameplay is also a major focus of God of War Ragnarok. The combat system from the first game return, with improvements and additions that allow the player to play the game in a wide variety of ways. Kratos once again wields his Leviathan Axe and shield, as well as other weapons and abilities. Atreus continues to provide support with his bow and arrow, and has new abilities of his own.

God of War Ragnarok features more RPG elements than the first game, with a deeper skill tree and upgrade system. Players are able to customize their play style and tailor their characters to their preferences. Exploration and puzzle-solving are back in God of War Ragnarok with new areas to discover and secrets to uncover.

Finally, the technical performance of God of War Ragnarok is exceptional. The first game was widely praised for its visuals and attention to detail, and the sequel is builds on that foundation. The game was released on the PlayStation 5, which allows for more advanced graphics and faster loading times. The game's developers take full advantage of the PS5's haptic feedback and 3D audio capabilities, immersing players in the world like never before.

In conclusion, God of War Ragnarok is one of the best sequels ever created. Its narrative, gameplay, and technical performance are all outstanding, building on the strengths of the first game and pushing the series to new heights.

Dragon Age 2
Developed by: Bioware
Published by: Electronic Arts

Dragon Age 2. What’s there to say about this game? It definitely doesn’t live up to Dragon Age: Origins at all. While Dragon Age 2 had a cool idea for a story, and while I think I enjoyed it overall I can’t help but feel like Dragon Age 2 was poorly executed. It feels like a rushed product. Dragon Age 2 shines in its gameplay and story. The story takes place during 10 years of the main characters life and it picks up around the time Origins is ending. The stakes don’t feel as big as they did in Origins but because of the way the story is told, it allows the player to get immersed and build relationships, friendships and enemies, and witness the outcome of their decisions. Dragon Age 2s weak point is that it reuses assets, maps, locations way too much. It’s a shame. It’s blatantly obvious this game was rushed to market. If you have GamePass and have never played the Dragon Age games this game is worth playing at least once but it’s the weakest game in the trilogy by far.

Dragon Age: Origins > Dragon Age: Inquisition > Dragon Age 2

Characters (companions etc)
Graphics (for its time)

The games reuse of locations

Played on: Xbox Series X via Xbox Game Pass + purchased the DLC
Review score: 2.5/5

Resident Evil 2 is a survival horror game developed by Capcom and is a remake of the original Resident Evil 2 released in 1998. The remake brings the game to life with stunning graphics, an updated gameplay experience, a revamped storyline, and excellent technical performance.

One of the most notable features of Resident Evil 2 is the graphics. The game looks incredible, with highly detailed character models and environments that are both terrifying and beautiful at the same time. The lighting effects are especially impressive, creating a moody atmosphere that adds to the overall horror experience. The updated graphics really bring the game to life, making it a truly immersive experience.

The gameplay in Resident Evil 2 is both challenging and satisfying. The game strikes a perfect balance between action and horror, with intense combat encounters interspersed with moments of tense exploration and puzzle-solving. The controls are intuitive and responsive, making it easy to take down zombies and other enemies. The game also offers a choice between two playable characters, each with their own unique campaign and storyline, providing players with a reason to play through the game more than once.

The story of Resident Evil 2 has been revamped, and it's a significant improvement over the original game. The narrative is engaging and well-paced, with plenty of twists and turns to keep players on the edge of their seats. The game also features a large cast of memorable characters, each with their own motivations and backstory. The story is full of tense moments that will have players on the edge of their seats.

In terms of technical performance, Resident Evil 2 is excellent. The game runs smoothly, with no noticeable framerate drops or other technical issues. The sound design is also top-notch, with chilling sound effects that add to the overall atmosphere of the game.

Overall, Resident Evil 2 is an excellent remake that successfully updates the original game for modern audiences. The game's stunning graphics, engaging gameplay, and revamped story make it a must-play for fans of the horror genre. The technical performance is also excellent, making the game a joy to play from start to finish. If you're a fan of survival horror games, Resident Evil 2 is definitely worth checking out.